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i finally got a new guild. Gankstas. we got 140 or so active members, with 30-40 online at any given time. and everyone is level 30+ which is nice.

as a result of my new guild, i got 43 hks last night in a period of about 30 minutes. 6 of us got together in Grom'Gul (all of us at right around lvl 31-32 except for a 51 shaman) and we headed to Redridge. along the way to Redridge we ganked a few lvl 27-33 guys in Duskwood while bypassing Darkshire. So we get to Redridge and head for Lakeshire. We killed the shit out the alliance there until all the gaurds started spawning like mad and the 51 shammy started freaking out because he got a few dks. We didn't get much honor there either since almost everyone was 5-10 levels lower than us. So head back to Duskwood. We go around Darkshire again, and this time we group on the main road. Just as we get together, a band of about 9 alliance ranging from around 27-33 showed up. We killed them all in about 4 seconds flat. Then they brought more friends. And we killed all of them too. Then they brought a 56 rogue, a 49 pally, and a 51 priest. We managed to kill all 3 of them, before we finally got mobbed by the rest of the lowbies. So we skirmish with the higher level guys for a little bit before a few of their 60's show up and we decide to move out. So we head for the river, and along the way we end up in Westfall, which is Alliance territory. We just kind of wandered through Westfall for a while, splitting up to explore the area. So I head for this place called Sentinel Hill. I pass through, with all the lowbies looking at me dumbfounded (I'm a skull to them) until a level 38 night elf hunter comes from nowhere and jumps me. I tore her to pieces. She was 7 levels higher than me, and I beat her 1 on 1 and still had half my life left. So then a few of their mounts show up, and our raid party regroups, and here's where the REAL fun begins. They had a 38 hunter, a 51 priest, a 55 warlock, 50 mage, and a 41 paladin. We had a 31 hunter, 30 mage, 27 warrior, 33 warrior, 32 shaman, 51 shaman, and a 41 priest we picked up along the way. We started fighting pretty much right at the foot of a graveyard, so it never ceased. And we just pounded the hell out of each other for about 20 minutes. Every once in a while another Ally would show up, but we somehow came across a 60 undead rogue and a 55 undead mage who also happened to be in the area, so the fight would just continue. It went on like this for quite a bit. We probably killed each of them 12 times. I probably died 7 or 8 times. Eventually the respawn times were getting so long that it wasn't realistic to continue anymore. And they finally called in their reserves (about 5 more mounts) and that basically ended it. But it was super awesome freaky fun. I could tell they were having a good time too. It's not very often we have straight on fights outside of BG anymore. Usually I just get ganked by some lvl 60 asshole while mining or killing mobs or whatever.

I was getting 50+ honor per kill when fighting those guys. That seems like a lot at level 31. If I continue like that all week, I'll probably gain a rank.


ding 32.

i used to think hunters sucked for PvP... but now that i've had some more experience, i realize that a good hunter can easily sway the battle one way or the other.

hunters can control the actual FLOW of the battle through snares and traps, as well as marking prime targets and tracking the enemies. you get a hunter together with a good shaman, and you're unstoppable. the two of you alone could defend the flag in WSG against anything but a full on zerg.

I just started a rogue on Darkspear for giggles. Pickpocket is fun, can you do it to players too?


I used to play on Darkspear once in a while, and unless it's changed a great deal I'd suggest moving to a different server.

I just started a rogue on Darkspear for giggles. Pickpocket is fun, can you do it to players too?


I used to play on Darkspear once in a while, and unless it's changed a great deal I'd suggest moving to a different server.


I don't play often enough to really care which server is 1337 anyway. It takes half the time to level in this game than it does in Levelquest 2 so I only have to dedicate half the time. I'm in it to see if the high end PvP is the bag of chips everyone makes it out to be.


Oh man.. I just changed my opinion on rogues after watching "World of Roguecraft". It's an EXTENSIVE pvp video showing a Rogue (or at least a Rogue being played by a Warlock) using nothing but Rogue abilities/talent and bandages, and fighting other level 60s who all have max health. He starts with Shadowcraft, a Krol Blade, and a decent offhand. He then wears all Wildheart, and removes the offhand, as well as downgrades his rings/trinkets. Then, he puts some Shadowcraft on and uses 2 Worn Blades (.9dps). Next, he uses all Wildheart with the 2 Worn Blades. Afterwords, he uses ONE Worn Blade. For the grand finale? He uses NO GEAR AT ALL except ONE WORN BLADE. The whole time he is owning other 60s of different classes, even when he's being attacked by more than one person. Unbelievable. And he uses NO potions, NO engineering skills, nothing cheap - just Rogue abilities and bandages (periodically).

What, killing people? Isn't that the POINT of PVP?

Killing things is the thesis of MMORPG's as we know it. I've always loved rogues and rogue-type classes in games anyway, think I'll stick with this one.


Alright, help me decide. I want to take up a class that can perform well in battle (PVP, Instances, normal), a wide range of weapon choices, and is useful and effective in both solo and parties. And, it must be relating to the Horde, perferably with Trolls and Orcs.

Er... sorry. I meant PvE. As in, high-end instances. Rogues are usually more trouble than they're worth there, partly because their whole design just doesn't contribute to the tank/AoE/support party format (i.e. too much aggro generation and not enough vitality to back it up, which causes both tanks and healers pain) and partly because the majority of groups will never become so well-coordinated that rogues are more than barely manageable in group PvE. Although as far as Battlegrounds PvP goes, rogues can't do much but go around killing people there either (which isn't necessarily a bad thing, except perhaps in WSG).

A good rogue will hardly pull aggro of a tank in Molten Core or other high end instances unless they get a string of crits. Using feign and vanish I've pulled aggro off the tank only a couple times. As far as vitality goes, with 5/8 NS and some enchants and other goodies a rogues HP can easily hit 4200-4500+. Rogues play a pretty important part in fights like Ragnaros where they can outdamage most other classes (except some sick fury warriors)



Okay, so...what would be the best class for Troll, Orc, and Undead? Just wondering.

...To tell you the truth, I can't really decide on what to choose.


Okay, so...what would be the best class for Troll, Orc, and Undead? Just wondering.

...To tell you the truth, I can't really decide on what to choose.

Err. Really, whatever you want. Race doesn't have a HUGE impact. That said, here's my recommendations.

Orcs make good Warriors and Hunters because of their increased resistance to stun, improved Axe skill, improved pet handling, and the ability to give themselves a temporary attack boost.

Undead can do pretty much anything. Their "Cannibalize" is great for melee classes because it reduces downtime, and Will of the Forsaken makes them much harder to kill for Priests and Warlocks (dispels Charm, Fear, and Sleep and grants immunity to those temporarily). Undead Priests get one of the best offensive spells in the game, Devouring Plague,

Trolls... are one of the most gimp races in the game. They have no really useful abilities, since Berserking doesn't quite work properly. But, Berserking probably makes a lot of sense for Warriors and Rogues.


Okay, so...what would be the best class for Troll, Orc, and Undead? Just wondering.

...To tell you the truth, I can't really decide on what to choose.

Err. Really, whatever you want. Race doesn't have a HUGE impact. That said, here's my recommendations.

Orcs make good Warriors and Hunters because of their increased resistance to stun, improved Axe skill, improved pet handling, and the ability to give themselves a temporary attack boost.

Undead can do pretty much anything. Their "Cannibalize" is great for melee classes because it reduces downtime, and Will of the Forsaken makes them much harder to kill for Priests and Warlocks (dispels Charm, Fear, and Sleep and grants immunity to those temporarily). Undead Priests get one of the best offensive spells in the game, Devouring Plague,

Trolls... are one of the most gimp races in the game. They have no really useful abilities, since Berserking doesn't quite work properly. But, Berserking probably makes a lot of sense for Warriors and Rogues.

Guess your right. Looks like it's going to be either an Orc Hunter, Undead Warrior, or Undead Warlock.


Hmm.. my guild tried Ragnaros for the first time today (only been beaten once to date on Horde for our server). Our MT has 300+ fire res but no one else really has all that much. We got absolutely obliterated.. brought him to 89%, didn't even get to Phase 2. He's a beast.

Hmm.. my guild tried Ragnaros for the first time today (only been beaten once to date on Horde for our server). Our MT has 300+ fire res but no one else really has all that much. We got absolutely obliterated.. brought him to 89%, didn't even get to Phase 2. He's a beast.

My guild's trying him today (Thurs). I'm not even going, because I really don't want to pay for repairs. I realize that it's sort of lazy to wait around until the guild figures it out themselves, but I did a lot of Ragnaros strat-digging and nobody wanted to listen. I know exactly what to expect going in, but it seems the guild wants to just charge his ass with a bunch of fire resist. Not gonna work.



Cry more? Don't be as stupid as the idiots on the official WoW forums, please.

Oh man. My guild just did Onyxia for the first time today - we did it on the third try. One of the most intense and fun fights ever. We had about 8 people alive when we finally took her down.. the celebration was incredible afterwords. Damn, most fun I've had in a game for a LONG time :D

Learn your place, mortal!

Such a really nice looking dragon model. She's cocky as shit though.

Heh, just wait until you get to Blackwing Lair, since you've already been working on Molten Core. There are no trash mobs starting off, and the first boss is going to make your jaw drop open -- "ordered chaos" is the best way to describe it. We went at the event for almost a month before we beat it, and when we did finish the first half we couldn't believe it (and wiped to Razorgore from being stunned in awe, but that's beside the point). The second boss, Vaelastraza the Corrupt starts at 30% health and will kick your ass across the room and apologize while doing so, lol.

Molten Core's pretty much like a normal dungeon crawl, with Ragnaros focused on burst DPS (like Lord Kazzak) and having a decent amount of Fire resistance gear to counter balance the lava surges. Tanks should get a good amount (since Ragnaros's attacks are all fire based, not physical), but beyond that for everyone else it doesn't matter. I have... 60~ fire resistance (I think?) on my Druid and haven't bothered with more.

Hmm.. my guild tried Ragnaros for the first time today (only been beaten once to date on Horde for our server). Our MT has 300+ fire res but no one else really has all that much. We got absolutely obliterated.. brought him to 89%, didn't even get to Phase 2. He's a beast.

Greater Fire Protection pots. Use one before you have someone 'suicide' to summon Ragnaros (we have people log out onto alts, join a channel, and the dead person will say when it's OK to log back on). It'll absorb 1.5-3.5K fire damage, but usually averages 2-2.5K. You can drink a pot before summoning him (lasts 60 minutes), and use another when yours wears off. They're more important than mana/health pots for *almost* everyone. The materials are cheap (1 Elemental Fire, 1 Dreamfoil, 1 Crystal Vial), and you the best droprate for the elementals are from the Burning Exiles in Arathi Highlands.

Ragnaros is one of those bosses that go onto farm status once you kill them.

Unfortunately, that combined with their almost uselessness as a contributing portion in group PvP and/or PvE is why most non-rogues hate rogues. The simple fact that it's possible to do that as a rogue, especially versus the best of other classes decked out with top gear, is cheap enough. Not to mention that, really, that's about all rogues can or will do in PvP.

Uh, no they're not. Rogues are the main source of damage on a lot of the bosses and even trash mobs in Molten Core, and they're where a good 60% of your DPS will come from in Blackwing Lair. Rogues are far from useless; the ones that know how to back off if they get a nasty string of lucky crits (or better yet actually know how to use Feign) are golden.

There's nothing wrong with Rogue endgame; there's just too many of them, like Hunters.


As a friend of mine once said "the game designers of WoW probably play LineAge II in their free time" :) Seriously, LII is a great game, considering that the plot is a bit more interesting and the professions are great! The only problem about it is that I don't have time to play it. I used to sit in front of my computer for about 8-12 hours a day because of this game!

So vote for the right of personal life and ban MMORPGs ;)

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