Stalwart Jester Posted March 7, 2006 Posted March 7, 2006 mecca said: I'm so hopelessly addicted.Let me sum up WoW (and probably any other MMO) for you: Get weapons Get armour Go to higher level area to get better weapons and armour Get weapons Get armour Go to higher level area to get better weapons and armour Repeat. WHY DOES THIS SCOURGE ME SO?! For me, it's a little different. Get Weapons Get Armor Go to high-level area to get better weapons and armor Beat up alliance and duel friends to have fun Repeat That sums it up for me. It's so sickeningly satisfying seeing a Night Elf die. Especially the priests. F'ing priests. ((This is Shinji XJ, by the way. I changed my name after a little thought.)) Quote
OceansAndrew Posted March 7, 2006 Posted March 7, 2006 hell, i'm on the alliance and I like seeing night elves die too. >_> Quote
mecca Posted March 7, 2006 Posted March 7, 2006 OA said: hell, i'm on the alliance and I like seeing night elves die too. >_> Huuh...NRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOO Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted March 7, 2006 Posted March 7, 2006 Switched realms back to alliance.... Realm: Cho'Gall Character: Gryph Class: Hunter Quote
Stalwart Jester Posted March 7, 2006 Posted March 7, 2006 mecca said: OA said: hell, i'm on the alliance and I like seeing night elves die too. >_> Huuh...NRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOO Hee, death noises. EDIT: On a sidenote, new tier .5 rogue set looks FTW. Even though this pic doesn't have the new helmet with it. Quote
speculative Posted March 7, 2006 Posted March 7, 2006 MrBogus said: A question or two from an outsider:Do you guys consider yourself addicted to WoW? Regardless of your answer to the previous question, how many hours do you spend per day/week on WoW? Well, my account just ran out. I would say when I was playing I would spend 20-25 hours per week playing. This left no time for other games, or other pursuits really. I'm seriously thinking about not signing up again. I would say WoW is addicting because it makes you do things in a game that you would never do in a single-player game. For example, when you play Super Mario Bros., do you enjoy letting Mario stand around by the flagpole for half an hour while hoping a 2nd player joins in? What if you had to run through 30 empty, pointless screens to reach the next play level? What if you couldn't play levels 5-8 at all unless a 2nd player joined in? Quote
mecca Posted March 10, 2006 Posted March 10, 2006 That rogue set looks fucking AWESOME. Hahahaha. Shadowcraft zombies PH33R! Quote
Nat Posted March 10, 2006 Posted March 10, 2006 wow that .5 set looks horrible - basically sc with a hint of blue to it - and mecca coming from piss poor experiences with battleground pugs what makes you think a pug group would be any better raiding an instance? Logic was against you, not for you from your example. From your zg experience from now on just think to yourself; gear does NOT equal skill. Quote
mecca Posted March 10, 2006 Posted March 10, 2006 Nat said: mecca coming from piss poor experiences with battleground pugs what makes you think a pug group would be any better raiding an instance? Artificial Vs. Human intelligence I guess..always thought it would be much easier to down NPC's Quote
Nat Posted March 10, 2006 Posted March 10, 2006 You have to take in consideration that ZG is considered the stepping stone from MC to BWL, anyone who knows anything will tell you that, considering one of the bosses in ZG (Jin'do being the hardest) is easily MC status, which is probably why he is an optional boss. Quote
mecca Posted March 11, 2006 Posted March 11, 2006 I'm such a warcraft endgame life hasnt even begun yet..I'm in a bit of a rut right now between twinked lv39 WSG and grinding constantly in Tyrs Hand (if you know any other nice gold-farming spots please tell me). BWL sounds evil as fuck, and I've only just went on my first MC trash mob run like an hour ago So I've still only lightly touched on AQ and ZG, but I'm excited as to see how badass Ony, Rag, and all those evil bastids in BWL are Quote
mecca Posted March 11, 2006 Posted March 11, 2006 So..Grinding spots? Where do you farm gold when the chips are low? Quote
lazygecko Posted March 11, 2006 Posted March 11, 2006 I import alliance pets and sell them in horde AH for astronomical amounts, but you can't do that on PvP servers unless you have a friend on the opposite faction. Quote
speculative Posted March 11, 2006 Posted March 11, 2006 I wonder what would happen if people poured all the time, effort, and money into the real economy that gets dumped into the WoW economy? Quote
Nat Posted March 11, 2006 Posted March 11, 2006 hmm farming...I really don't farm for gold anymore since I got my epic mount way back, but when I did I soloed the elite dragonkin in burning steppes - they usually dropped about 15-20 silver per kill, and was a very quiet place to grind, not to mention the 1 gold vendor trash and greens they dropped on me. I gave tyr's hand a shot but its a known hotspot for both chinese farmers and regular players so the competition gets stiff, yet burning steppes yields everything from tyr's minus runecloth and other humanoid drops such as darkmoon cards, which doesn't bother me at all. But if you have a few hundred gold lying around the smartest thing to do is to play the auction house - it's the quickest and easiest way to make money fast. Professions are also a crucial part to making gold. The number one profession in making gold is enchanting; its not the actual enchanting that makes the money, but the materials that you get from disenchanting items that are used for enchanting. I would say alchemy is second behind enchanting, but you either have to couple that profession with herbalism or buy up all your materials to level it up. Quote
Rodin Posted March 12, 2006 Posted March 12, 2006 speculative said: I wonder what would happen if people poured all the time, effort, and money into the real economy that gets dumped into the WoW economy? It's called "a job". Quote
Raenok Posted March 12, 2006 Posted March 12, 2006 That was fun. Me and some other guys decided to go through Shadowfang Keep 2 times out of boredom, xp, and useful items. In these runs, our Mage recived Feline Mantle, Odo's Ley Staff, Belt of Arugal, and Robes of Arugal, all blue items. Damn right he was grinning from ear to ear. Quote
Stalwart Jester Posted March 12, 2006 Posted March 12, 2006 Farming...farming... Well, the place I farm the most is the plaguelands. Specefically Tyr's Hand in the Eatern part...surprisingly...there's usually 0 people there. The times I have went, I've always been alone. Always. The mobs are mine to pwn. Occasionally I visit the tower south of Hearthglen in the Western Plagues...the spellbinders there sometimes drop the fabled Crusader enchant recipe. Sells for hundreds of gold on the AH's. Thing is, I don't have the patience to farm. So I'm broke no matter WHAT I do. EDIT: Raenok said: That was fun.Me and some other guys decided to go through Shadowfang Keep 2 times out of boredom, xp, and useful items. In these runs, our Mage recived Feline Mantle, Odo's Ley Staff, Belt of Arugal, and Robes of Arugal, all blue items. Damn right he was grinning from ear to ear. For someone of appropriate level, he just went from casual to complete and total ownage. Serious, yo. Quote
mecca Posted March 12, 2006 Posted March 12, 2006 Apparently Silithus is good too..I'll have to check that out. Saving for my Epic mount 140g so far \o/ Care to give a few tips on 'playing the AH'? Quote
zircon Posted March 12, 2006 Posted March 12, 2006 Here's a tip. Items from Zul'Gurub often go for a whole lot of money. What you can do is get a team of 5 people and go in there by yourself (you need a healer and 2 mages, preferably). Enter the instance, hug the right and go in the water. Kill any fish on your way, drop down the waterfall, and then swim around the shores of the instance killing the packs of crocodiles. The crocodiles are very weak (can be AOE'd) and have as much chance of dropping coins and bijous as any other mob. You can even try to make your way to the tiger area where there are like 40 non-elite mobs. On my server, you could sell coins for 10g each and bijous for 40-80g. Bijous have something like a 5% chance of dropping and coins about 20-25%. So it's really easy money. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted March 12, 2006 Posted March 12, 2006 wifi in molten core makes for a very angry guild Quote
Nat Posted March 12, 2006 Posted March 12, 2006 mecca I wouldn't call silithus a viable farming spot for other than runecloth and cenarion circle rep...elites are what you want to farm not normal mobs. Im not sure what class you are but if you really wanted to make an okay amount of money you could take up enchanting and farm lower level instances for blues; again depending on your class it will either be very easy or very hard - me being a hunter makes doing it a cakewalk. And zircon selling coin/bijous could work for the time being...the recent patch changed zg quite a bit, you can get a very nice sum of bijous and coins (40-50 coins 25-30 bijous) per run which in turn will demolish the AH prices in a matter of a few months. You also have to understand that there are a limited amount of crocs around, so bad luck may occur with the drops...I personally would use the bijous for rep with them but if you are trying to make money go for it. The big thing about playing the AH is having funds to begin with - you need money to make money. Other than that look for deals on items that usually go for alot. An example of mine would be that Fordors Compendium of Dragon Slaying, a book that usually goes for 2000+ gold going for 700 due to the current weather of the market - buy it, save it for a week or 2 then throw it back up at full price and boom 1300 gold in the black. Quote
zircon Posted March 12, 2006 Posted March 12, 2006 Using those things for rep is not worth it. In a normal ZG run you get thousands of rep anyway so it's really easy to get to at least Revered now. 20 bijous = about 1k rep, would you rather have the equivalent of 2-2.5 hrs of ZG clearing or up to 1k gold? I'll take the gold. Quote
Nat Posted March 13, 2006 Posted March 13, 2006 all depends on the for me zg runs are far and inbetween due to AQ progession - and at 3281/21000 I can use all the bijous I can take..and besides those prices vary from server to server, not to mention having to split the bijous with the group you do it with...and when I hit 15k my guild pays me through exalted so its not that big of a deal. Quote
mecca Posted March 13, 2006 Posted March 13, 2006 I tried the elite dragonkin outside BRD..have to say it's not as fun as Tyrs, which has had my concentration for easily the past week (I never leave IF or EPL anymore..just farm with main and WSG with tweaked alt). Really wish my guild wasnt so fucking big so I could get in on the raid sick of these blues, and my heartseeker // tribal guardian are starting to bore me. Quote
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