Ramaniscence Posted June 1, 2006 Posted June 1, 2006 For the record, it's: Server / OCRemix Name / Char Name / Race / Class / Illidian / Ramansicence / Solidok / Tauren / Warrior / Illidian / Ramaniscence / Ramaniscence / Undead / Priest Gorefiend / Ramaniscence / Ramaniscence / Undead / Priest Archimonde / Ramaniscence / Solidusrama / Troll / Priest And expect another undead priest on Lightening Hoof sometime in the near future. Note: I also have a Tauren Shaman named Squirrelbaby on Hakkar that I have a 17 year old vietnamese girl play for me...no seriously. It's usually NOT me, but it may be sometimes. Quote
Shonen Samurai Posted June 1, 2006 Posted June 1, 2006 I have to train for 9 days in a row at Blizzard HQ Quote
Raenok Posted June 1, 2006 Posted June 1, 2006 http://www.wowinsider.com/2006/05/16/the-inspiration-for-the-draenei-dance/ It's Tunak! Quote
KakTheInfected Posted June 1, 2006 Posted June 1, 2006 So a 57 rogue kills me today after I'm done fighting a mob and have 10 percent HP. He comes back and tries again after I res and have half HP and gets owned. I go back to farming and he brings a 60 BWL geared rogue and /laughs at me when I get attacked by both of them. Then I proceed to slaughter them both. Twice. He logs on a Horde alt and bitches me out crying about my "lucky crits" despite the fact I have a ton of +crit gear...ah, rogues Quote
The Author Posted June 1, 2006 Posted June 1, 2006 Don't blame rogues, I have seen people from many classes do crap like that. It's more like "damn pre-teens with something to prove." Quote
KakTheInfected Posted June 1, 2006 Posted June 1, 2006 Yeah I suppose you're right. I think I just get more shit from rogues because, as you sort of said, they want to prove they can kill a class that's practically built to kill them. Quote
The Author Posted June 1, 2006 Posted June 1, 2006 Meh, I'm just tired of people exxpecting rogues to play fair. If a mage fireballs you, or frostbolts you, it's just doing a mage's job. However, when a rogue picks a target and waits for a moment of weakness to eliminate you, it becomes unfair and other BS. I have seriously seen people (some of my friends come to mind) complain about how unfair it was that a rogue stunned them and killed them. By that logic, anytime a priest heals, it's unfair... (Sorry, you can't take the rogue out of me. Back when I played, if I wanted someone dead, they died. It was just a matter of time and waiting for that one moment where my foe would be at his weakest. It's how a rogue should logically act. Hell, they should get benefits for targetting and observing someone for a while.) But yeah, some kids are annoying in that game. They don't know who to pick as a target, and they don't have any patience. I think most people picked rogues (and NE) simply because it was sexy. I picked a rogue because I love the option of observing, studying, and exploiting a foe's weaknesses. I picked NE for the agility and stealth bonus. I picked female for the "Francis Factor" ("If you are gonna stare at an ass for hours, it might as well be a female ass.") Quote
KakTheInfected Posted June 1, 2006 Posted June 1, 2006 It's too bad more rogues don't think like you. 99% of rogue players believe they're supposed to be the ultimate DPS class or something despite the fact they have nice little extra skills like lockpicking, blind, distract and of course, stealth. They're built to kill an enemy when they're most vulnerable and get away before they themselves are killed. Not to do sustained amounts of damage over a long period of time. Quote
Bigfoot Posted June 1, 2006 Posted June 1, 2006 http://www.wowinsider.com/2006/05/16/the-inspiration-for-the-draenei-dance/It's Tunak! oh..my..fucking...god Quote
The Author Posted June 1, 2006 Posted June 1, 2006 Well, throw me in MC and I change my style of playing alltogether. I'm a sword combat rogue. I have no good openers in MC. I don't even stealth at that point. I charge in when the tank gives the signal, and I do as much damage as possible in as little time as I can. AR is back up every 6 minutes, BF every 2. I can use them every other fight in MC. If I use them both at once and go into what I called "overdrive" mode (forgive me, but it really does feel like an overdrive/limit break if you ask me), I can pull any mob from their targets. It can happen to other rogues as well (dagger rogues with a good crit series come to mind) but the fact is that I can constantly dish out high levels of damage in the proper conditions. However, outside of MC, I'm a big game hunter. I target elite creatures, high level mobs, and high risk areas. You see teams of 3 rogues farm Tyr's hand, I go there alone. You see 2 60s take on devilsaurs, I go there alone (although they are very easy if you ask me... but if I start playing again, I need to put lifestealing or crusader on my main hand again.) But all of this means I have a different approach to gaming and to WoW. I'm always going for the next big thing. Some people don't like the idea that dying is the best way to learn what not to do in a fight, and they always go online and read FAQs and walkthroughs. I used to argue about that a lot. What the hell is the point of playing the game if you get others (and complete strangers) to decide the strategy, and you let macros play the game for you? Seriously, I never understood some classes's obsession with mods that decide who you heal and for which spell you use. Quote
Raenok Posted June 1, 2006 Posted June 1, 2006 It's too bad more rogues don't think like you. 99% of rogue players believe they're supposed to be the ultimate DPS class or something despite the fact they have nice little extra skills like lockpicking, blind, distract and of course, stealth. They're built to kill an enemy when they're most vulnerable and get away before they themselves are killed. Not to do sustained amounts of damage over a long period of time. Exactly. DPS is the Hunter's job. Quote
The Author Posted June 1, 2006 Posted June 1, 2006 Ranged physical DPS, and combat assist. Melee wise, there is not one hunter able to keep up with a rogue with similar gear. However, mass DPS is the mage's job. Not the same things. And I don't want no stinkin hunter claim that he can deal as much melee damage as my rogue, that is just bullshit. Quote
KakTheInfected Posted June 1, 2006 Posted June 1, 2006 A hunter being bad at up-close DPS is a given When I used to raid, I was always on top of the DPS charts up against BWL geared rogues and mages. Well geared Arms warriors can usually top the DPS charts, especially if there are more than one targets. Quote
The Author Posted June 1, 2006 Posted June 1, 2006 Most rogue at that point limit their attacks because one aggro pull means a dead rogue. Hey, you're a warrior, explain this one to me: how come my friend's warrior can barelly kill something her level (she's 45). Is there a weird curve in the warrior's progress in the 40-50 stretch? I know mages have the same problem around that level. Quote
KakTheInfected Posted June 1, 2006 Posted June 1, 2006 Warriors don't get strong until 60, and even then you need to get at least all superior gear if you intend to do PVP. Quote
zircon Posted June 1, 2006 Posted June 1, 2006 A hunter being bad at up-close DPS is a given When I used to raid, I was always on top of the DPS charts up against BWL geared rogues and mages. Well geared Arms warriors can usually top the DPS charts, especially if there are more than one targets. A comparably geared combat Rogue SHOULD beat the Warrior every time, looking at the bigger picture. Against multiple targets, the Warrior will do a lot (though Blade Furry can help make up for it). Fury warriors however do more DPS than Arms. Quote
The Author Posted June 1, 2006 Posted June 1, 2006 Fury warriors are scary. Gear them up in plate, give them "rogue" weapons, and you have something that can do pretty much what a rogue can do in end game raids wearing plate. Quote
KakTheInfected Posted June 1, 2006 Posted June 1, 2006 I've never been out DPS'd by Fury warriors though Arms warrior + Sword spec + end-game sword = rape. Of course, if sword spec doesn't activate or the warrior doesn't crit it's a different story...I've always been lucky though. Quote
Bigfoot Posted June 1, 2006 Posted June 1, 2006 I saw some dude today that had all purple items and an orange sword. I was like wtf, this guy plays too much. Speaking of Hunters... I'm a 54 rogue and just destroyed a lvl 60 hunter. She even broke my stealth and had the upper hand from the start heh. A warrior jumped in 3/4th of the way through and then a paladin. Still got the Hunter though enjoyed my /rofl Quote
zircon Posted June 1, 2006 Posted June 1, 2006 I've never been out DPS'd by Fury warriors though Arms warrior + Sword spec + end-game sword = rape. Of course, if sword spec doesn't activate or the warrior doesn't crit it's a different story...I've always been lucky though. Then you haven't been playing with good Fury warriors. While Dual Wield Fury is heavily stat dependent (you need VERY good epic gear to do good DPS), 2hand Fury provides 15-25% of a DPS improvement over arms. The only reason not everyone does it is because most people consider it to be inferior for PVP. In my old guild, typically, Rogues dominated the top 3 followed by an Arms warrior with epic gear and a Bonereaver's Edge, but once one of our big DPS Arms Warriors with a Sulfuras respecced to 2h Fury he was #1. Quote
The Xyco Posted June 3, 2006 Posted June 3, 2006 Does anyone have any modding skills here? If so, I have an idea I'd like to run by you: Is it possible to make a mod that allows you to specify your own music files to play in specific areas? I'm always changing songs in between different zones, going between WoW and Winamp, searching around for the right song, etc. It'd be great if there was some way you could alter the music file paths to different files. It'd be like having your own soundtrack to the game. Quote
suzumebachi Posted June 3, 2006 Posted June 3, 2006 you could replace the MP3 files in the MPQ with the ones of your choice, but i'm pretty sure WoW does checksum comparisons to check for cheats/hacks etc. Quote
KakTheInfected Posted June 3, 2006 Posted June 3, 2006 So, it looks like 1.11 is this week...right? Otherwise why are we downloading a 97MB patch a few days in advance? Quote
Raenok Posted June 3, 2006 Posted June 3, 2006 So, it looks like 1.11 is this week...right? Otherwise why are we downloading a 97MB patch a few days in advance? Does it say anything about Narraxmas? If not, it's not the Patch. As for waiting, remember AQ? They probably don't want to make the same mistake again. Quote
KakTheInfected Posted June 3, 2006 Posted June 3, 2006 The patch is downloaded, but there are no details with it because it hasn't installed yet. If it's 97MB, I would imagine it's the new patch. That's a bit hefty for a minor fix. Quote
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