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So, it looks like 1.11 is this week...right? Otherwise why are we downloading a 97MB patch a few days in advance?

97? Mines like 120+ And it never finishes. It actually started downloading for once last night at got 3%, but then it said I seem to be behind a firewall.


what about those of us that disabled the background patcher because it's a laggy piece of shit? (seriously, it says it's not supposed to cause any lag, but when it's going my latency is around 3000ms, 300ms after i close it).

anyways, i've kinda fallen into a slump. i hate grinding. it is pure hell for me, especially as a druid. SO ridiculously slow. i've been lvl 53 for 3 days now. i'm beginning to wonder if i'll ever level again. i've done every flipping quest i can solo, but there's still a crapload more but it's fucking impossible to find a group or even a questing partner on gorefiend. and it doesn't help that everywhere i go there's a group of 5 or 6 allies power grinding everything in the area. seriously i've come across the same group of 4 mages like 20 times now. when i first saw them i was about lvl 45 and they were lvl 36, now they're lvl 58 and i'm lvl 53.

i don't know what to do. i've done every quest i can in un'goro, felwood, azshara, searing gorge, and western plaguelands. i guess i can try going to burning steppes, but i'm a bit low for that area and last time i was there i got repeatedly raped by an alliance MC PUG.

sigh. :(


I'm considering buying WoW, but I have 2 questions:

-If you play it on a semi-regular basis, how many hours would it take up in order for you to produce decent results on your character?

-How much is it, per month?


I'd say around 300-350 hours. Probably on the higher end if it's your first character, because you'll want to have fun; do quests, PVP, run instances, mess around on the AH and with tradeskills, etc. If your SOLE goal is levelling up you can do it pretty fast (more like 200-250 hours).

I'd say around 300-350 hours. Probably on the higher end if it's your first character, because you'll want to have fun; do quests, PVP, run instances, mess around on the AH and with tradeskills, etc. If your SOLE goal is levelling up you can do it pretty fast (more like 200-250 hours).

Uhhhh... So even if I played 8 hours a day... it would take me around 44 days to do it?! Yeah, I'm thinking no.

It's just too much time, and I've heard there are more then 1 hour long raid of 40 people. It must be a pain in the ass coming up with enough coordination to carry them out.

How about grinding, do you have to do it if you want to play competitivly?


Gear that can be obtained in raids will work fine in PVP depending on your class, so grinding isn't really required. However, PVP earned gear is generally better in PVP.

I've been playing again for a little over a week and I'm already sick of WSG. I seem to be the only person who attacks the people healing the flag carriers...

By the way, has anyone done the Zelda quest line? The rewards are so-so (boomerang with a chance to disarm/stun and a meh green sword), but there are a lot of cool Zelda references in it.

I'd say around 300-350 hours. Probably on the higher end if it's your first character, because you'll want to have fun; do quests, PVP, run instances, mess around on the AH and with tradeskills, etc. If your SOLE goal is levelling up you can do it pretty fast (more like 200-250 hours).

Uhhhh... So even if I played 8 hours a day... it would take me around 44 days to do it?! Yeah, I'm thinking no.

It's just too much time, and I've heard there are more then 1 hour long raid of 40 people. It must be a pain in the ass coming up with enough coordination to carry them out.

How about grinding, do you have to do it if you want to play competitivly?

The level to 60 really is not that bad. On paper it LOOKS a lot longer than it actually is. Many people on these boards have more than 1 60.. at least a few people have 3+ and I know some people personally with 5 or 6 level 60 characters. Compared to other MMORPGs it's pretty easy to level, plus if you play casually you get rested experience (eg. the time you spent logged off translates to an experience bonus when you log back on).

40 man raids are tough, but you don't have to do them - I think only 1/4 of the WoW population probably does. Your average 40 man raid is between 3 and 5 hours, though I have been on some MONSTER marathon runs like from 2pm Saturday to 1am, but I don't do that anymore. It all depends on how you want to play. WoW is a flexible game.


I'm in a raiding guild that's cleared all instances but AQ40 and I never, ever grind. I quested my way to level 60 too. Only time I ever grinded properly was when I was making money for my mount.

I'd say around 300-350 hours. Probably on the higher end if it's your first character, because you'll want to have fun; do quests, PVP, run instances, mess around on the AH and with tradeskills, etc. If your SOLE goal is levelling up you can do it pretty fast (more like 200-250 hours).

Uhhhh... So even if I played 8 hours a day... it would take me around 44 days to do it?! Yeah, I'm thinking no.

It's just too much time, and I've heard there are more then 1 hour long raid of 40 people. It must be a pain in the ass coming up with enough coordination to carry them out.

How about grinding, do you have to do it if you want to play competitivly?

The level to 60 really is not that bad. On paper it LOOKS a lot longer than it actually is. Many people on these boards have more than 1 60.. at least a few people have 3+ and I know some people personally with 5 or 6 level 60 characters. Compared to other MMORPGs it's pretty easy to level, plus if you play casually you get rested experience (eg. the time you spent logged off translates to an experience bonus when you log back on).

40 man raids are tough, but you don't have to do them - I think only 1/4 of the WoW population probably does. Your average 40 man raid is between 3 and 5 hours, though I have been on some MONSTER marathon runs like from 2pm Saturday to 1am, but I don't do that anymore. It all depends on how you want to play. WoW is a flexible game.

Jesus, it's just that I don't have a lot of time to play it. Even on the summer I won't have much time. I wanted a MMORPG to play casually, which WoW would allow me to do, if it didn't have the monthly fee. I'm basically making the decision between Guild Wars: Factions and WoW, but I think I'll buy Factions. It's full price but it doesn't have a monthly fee and thats a huge plus for me. Besides it incentivates casuality...

Sorry guys, but Factions is going to be my MMORPG of choice this summer. I think WoW might be the overall best game, but with what you pay maybe it could be better?...

I'm considering buying WoW, but I have 2 questions:

-If you play it on a semi-regular basis, how many hours would it take up in order for you to produce decent results on your character?

-How much is it, per month?

I have about 18 days(gameplay hours) put into my Rogue and he's level 55, but I'm been pretty slow with him. TONs of people would be 60 by now.

At 53 you should be able to find an ST or Mara group...unless the server is almost vacant.

it is. at least the hours that i play (10:00pm till whenever o'clock in the morning). that's when all the alliance farmers and power levellers come out.

i did finally manage to find a warrior to group up with and we ran through another 5 or 6 quests together so i could finally level.

whew. it's weird man... lvls 1-51 were a flipping breeze, then all of a sudden it's like i've become severely gimp. there's some lvl 51 quest i can't even finish because it requires killing a mob that fears and heals... in cat form he kills me too fast and i can't do enough damage in bear form to kill him before he heals again.

By the way, has anyone done the Zelda quest line? The rewards are so-so (boomerang with a chance to disarm/stun and a meh green sword), but there are a lot of cool Zelda references in it.

Where do you start this quest?

I'd say around 300-350 hours. Probably on the higher end if it's your first character, because you'll want to have fun; do quests, PVP, run instances, mess around on the AH and with tradeskills, etc. If your SOLE goal is levelling up you can do it pretty fast (more like 200-250 hours).

Uhhhh... So even if I played 8 hours a day... it would take me around 44 days to do it?! Yeah, I'm thinking no.

It's just too much time, and I've heard there are more then 1 hour long raid of 40 people. It must be a pain in the ass coming up with enough coordination to carry them out.

How about grinding, do you have to do it if you want to play competitivly?

You're over-emphasizing the necessity to get to max level to have fun in the game. Granted that is were the game opens up a bit, there is still PLENTY to do on your way there.

The amount of time it takes to get to the maximum level is supposed to be an adventure, like the progression of the story in a standard RPG, only you dictate what happens. Sure, it takes a long time, but that's all part of the game. You're not supposed to be able to sit down and start slaying dragons, you start from humble beginnings and work your way up. Don't go into the game thinking "Okay, when am I going to be level 60?", that attitude will lead you really frustrated with the game, because then it just turns into an extended grind. The game isn't without drawbacks, but you have to approach it with an adventurous spirit.

it starts in un'goro but not at marshall's refuge. there's a busted up boat on the shore of one of the lakes in the southeast area that starts it.


Ahh yes...the Legend of Zelda quest.

I might recommend going to the Blasted Lands and doing the 5 buff quests. They're really all there is to do there, but they give level 50 quest exp, and are pretty easy. Look for a small camp just west of the path when you enter the area with 2 blood elves. Just a bit of advice for some extra experience. Also be sure to venture to the nearby southern mountain, and on the south side of it, look for a blue discolored Dranei, and he has a quest you should pick up before killing any monsters in the area (its a repeatable reward quest)

Anywho, shortly after I started playing Umago on Gorefiend, a friend of mine told me he and some friends from college were playing on Maelstrom, so Im now playing Horde there instead.

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