suzumebachi Posted June 29, 2006 Posted June 29, 2006 at least in 12 hours you could accrue some rep from turning in blood/armor scraps/hides/etc Quote
Sporknight Posted June 29, 2006 Posted June 29, 2006 Speaking of BG, I was thinking about getting involved in those for my lvl 24 lock. Any tips/advice/pointers/reccomendations/etc? Quote
KakTheInfected Posted June 29, 2006 Posted June 29, 2006 Get Soul Link (yes I'm aware you can't get it at 24) Quote
The Xyco Posted June 29, 2006 Posted June 29, 2006 Speaking of BG, I was thinking about getting involved in those for my lvl 24 lock. Any tips/advice/pointers/reccomendations/etc? If you want to live and/or contribute effectively to the BG group, get to level 27-29 before even entering the queue. Otherwise, you'll be really chewed up, and will rarely be able to even get off a few shots (I'm a complete hypocrite with this, since I'm entering queues for AV at level 51. But then again, all I really want is an IBS). I've never played as a Warlock, but I always try to do certain things no matter what class I'm playing. These are kinda broad, but they may help you out: -Stick together. Moving alone in a BG is suicidal. You're less likely to be easily picked off when you move together, and you can attack more effectively. This is the biggest problem in many BG's, because poeple don't really listen and just sorta do their own thing. Find the largest group of people, follow them, you'll live longer. If you're all scattered across a large area, find an ally and stick with them. -Keep the objective in mind. While gaining honor is great and all, the overall objective of going to the battlegrounds is to win (plus bonus honor), so everything you do should be in some way or another contribute towards achieving that objective. I've seen way too many people standing around the center of WSG, dicking around, waiting for the horde to come out and cap honor kills. -Don't be afraid to engage. Those who have been in BG's before know what I'm talking about. There's always a period when the two forces meet and stand each other off for a moment. Sometimes it can last a minute or longer, since no one wants to take the first shot. Don't waste that time. By the time you are waiting for the right moment to engage, it's already past. Be aggressive. I've scored in the top two to three ranks in HK's and Killing Blows even at the mid-level section of a particular tier, all because I was more willing to get out there and fight. As a Warlock, use your range to your advantage, and hit the enemy where they can't hit you back. Also, different BG tiers tend to be dominated by different factions. For instance, the Alliance may win WSG 20-29 constantly, but always lose the 30-39 tier. This tends to be more prevalent in the lower-level tiers, since there are literally guilds that form for the purpose oif dominating a particular level tier. So as you progress in levels, don't be surprised is you suffer some pretty humiliating defeats. Quote
Shonen Samurai Posted June 29, 2006 Posted June 29, 2006 There's an issue with honor display. You have the right amount of honor in the system, just not on your UI. Quote
Bren Posted June 29, 2006 Posted June 29, 2006 i am so fed up right now. this week has been absolute HELL.last week was great, i got 160k honor, went from friendly to revered in AV, ranked up, found a new guild, got some new gear. this week however, sucks nuts. it's what... wednesday? i've got a grand total of... 12k honor so far. lag, absolutely wretched login times, and the fact that i have literally been screwed out of my bonus honor FOUR TIMES NOW (i keep getting disconnected from the realm literally seconds before the general in AV goes down, and thanks to the fucking 30 minute "retrieving character list" wait i am unable to get back in in time to get any honor, rep, or tokens), not to mention having been horribly nerfed (SINCE WHEN DOES SHIFTING INTO BEAR FORM CAUSE DAMAGE?!@??!?!?!?!?!?!) have added up to this being a HORRIBLE week for me. AV itself... i dunno what the fuck happened... but... the first couple of days after the patch horde was winning AV at about 60% of the time. since then, it's literally been about 4%. i am not exaggerating. 4 fucking percent. since i hit revered, i have done maybe 20 matches and gained a whopping 1/2 bar of rep. at this rate, it'll be another 6 fucking months of AV to get exalted, and my head is going to explode LONG before that. wtf is going on? we were winning AV in 45 minutes or so. now alliance has taken our fucking relief hut within 5. /boggle Strange...the exact same thing is happening on Maelstrom. When the patch first came out, we would usually have Lokholar out and pushing to Dun Baldar within 15-20 minutes of the game starting...and now the alliance sneaks as many as they can past us, exploit their way to the waterfall and summon their entire raid while we fight slowly to DB as 1/3 of the remaining alliance raid holds us at bay (or at least slows us down) enough for the 2/3 in our base to kill our's sad. Quote
Sporknight Posted June 29, 2006 Posted June 29, 2006 Thanks for all the pointers Xyco. I was just looking for general tips, etc. I appreciate it! Quote
The Author Posted June 29, 2006 Posted June 29, 2006 So I went through Uldaman yesterday. Lots of fun... I would have liked a real tank, pallies can't hold aggro, but I managed to survive the whole ordeal. However, for some reason, I can no longer unlock my action bars. I tried with and without a mod and it's kinda annoying. Quote
The Xyco Posted June 29, 2006 Posted June 29, 2006 So I went through Uldaman yesterday. Lots of fun... I would have liked a real tank, pallies can't hold aggro, but I managed to survive the whole ordeal.However, for some reason, I can no longer unlock my action bars. I tried with and without a mod and it's kinda annoying. I like the final boss in Uldaman. It's pretty cool to be going up against a giant colossus while simultaneously fighting the Terra Cotta army. Quote
The Author Posted June 29, 2006 Posted June 29, 2006 Fighting? At that point my little 41 ass was running around from aggro while dumping renews on whoever was fighting. Quote
Nat Posted June 29, 2006 Posted June 29, 2006 I find Hunter is the second easiest class for me to kill next to Druid. They simply don't have enough CC/snares or damage to kill a melee target before it catches up to them. Even rank 14 ones can't do enough damage to save their lives. Of course, they probably have a much easier time vs. casters, but I have no problem with them on Warrior or Rogue. Just saying don't get your hopes up and thinking Hunter is going to be so great at 60 Kak just wondering but what class are you? Because any hunter with half a brain can beat both a rouge and a warrior pretty easily. Not enough snares and CC? You are kidding right? Our class revolves so much around snaring and CC its not even funny (especially in group pvp settings). We have (Imp) wing clip, freezing trap, FROST trap (emphasis heavily added) with the entrapment talent, scatter shot, and (imp) conc shot - to say that our class doesn't have enough is laughable especially for locking down melee classes. Not having enough damage? The hunter class is notorious for massive burst damage, which is why we are getting nerfed (again) next patch. Can you can tell me another class that can 2 shot tier 2 cloth and 3-4 shot leather without timers? Gear does play a part in this a lot but without the skill terrible hunters will get killed easily. To be honest the only classes that give me trouble in a non duel situation (I hate duels with a passion) are lol shadow spec priests and soul link warlocks - but then again who doesn't have a hard time against a warlock. Rouges are probably my easiest class to deal with, due to how quickly they die, how they are rediculously easy they are to CC and how I can negate their class with a little thing called hunter's mark. Even if they get the opener on me and attempt to frontload it takes a whole lot to take me down due to my mitigation being nearing 50 percent. Combined with the CCs,versitility, armor mitigation and burst damage of the hunter, as it stands it is one of the best end game classes in the game. Again that is only if you know how to use the hunter to its potential, as from what I know it is one of the hardest classes to master end game (PvP not PvE). And I know it was just an example you made but rank doesn't equal skill in the slightest bit. I've seen so many trashbag rank 14 hunters who are just as dumb as they were before they started the grind, cause that's all it is - a grind, not a test of skill. Being as geared out as I am, I actually get frustrated seeing someone die in 2 hits, but at the same time it's why I love my class. Quote
KakTheInfected Posted June 29, 2006 Posted June 29, 2006 I find Hunter is the second easiest class for me to kill next to Druid. They simply don't have enough CC/snares or damage to kill a melee target before it catches up to them. Even rank 14 ones can't do enough damage to save their lives. Of course, they probably have a much easier time vs. casters, but I have no problem with them on Warrior or Rogue. Just saying don't get your hopes up and thinking Hunter is going to be so great at 60 Kak just wondering but what class are you? Because any hunter with half a brain can beat both a rouge and a warrior pretty easily. Not enough snares and CC? You are kidding right? Our class revolves so much around snaring and CC its not even funny (especially in group pvp settings). We have (Imp) wing clip, freezing trap, FROST trap (emphasis heavily added) with the entrapment talent, scatter shot, and (imp) conc shot - to say that our class doesn't have enough is laughable especially for locking down melee classes. Not having enough damage? The hunter class is notorious for massive burst damage, which is why we are getting nerfed (again) next patch. Can you can tell me another class that can 2 shot tier 2 cloth and 3-4 shot leather without timers? Gear does play a part in this a lot but without the skill terrible hunters will get killed easily. To be honest the only classes that give me trouble in a non duel situation (I hate duels with a passion) are lol shadow spec priests and soul link warlocks - but then again who doesn't have a hard time against a warlock. Rouges are probably my easiest class to deal with, due to how quickly they die, how they are rediculously easy they are to CC and how I can negate their class with a little thing called hunter's mark. Even if they get the opener on me and attempt to frontload it takes a whole lot to take me down due to my mitigation being nearing 50 percent. Combined with the CCs,versitility, armor mitigation and burst damage of the hunter, as it stands it is one of the best end game classes in the game. Again that is only if you know how to use the hunter to its potential, as from what I know it is one of the hardest classes to master end game (PvP not PvE). And I know it was just an example you made but rank doesn't equal skill in the slightest bit. I've seen so many trashbag rank 14 hunters who are just as dumb as they were before they started the grind, cause that's all it is - a grind, not a test of skill. Being as geared out as I am, I actually get frustrated seeing someone die in 2 hits, but at the same time it's why I love my class. I'm a Warrior with mostly epics, rank 12 (soon to be 13 and 14) gear and 5100 HP. My gear is pretty good, but certainly not the best. However, I have no trouble against Dragonstalker or rank 14 Hunters. I spend far too much time in WSG/AB, so trust me when I tell you I'm experienced in how PVP works. It's not like ALL Hunters on Nathreizm just suck and that's why I'm beating them but you're just magically different. A skilled Warrior will beat a skilled Hunter everytime. It's just the way the game is. No offense, but your post sounds like the good old-fashioned "I can do what everyone else finds impossible just because I'm skilled" post. With all the time I've spent in battlegrounds, if there was a Hunter who could solo me, he'd have done it by now. Quote
The Author Posted June 29, 2006 Posted June 29, 2006 Skills does play a part in the fights. As a rogue I should not stand a chance against geared up hand of ragnaros warriors, but so far in AB I took down 2 of them solo, a UD and a Tauren. And as a holy priest I should not survive a rogue 4 levels above me attacking me, but I did, and I shadow word: Pained his ass into submission. I will tell you something though: passive trap detection nerfed hunters when they face rogues, but rogues have a hell of a hard time dealing with well played hunters. I'd rather go up against a shammy than a hunter simply because the shammy is not as much in control of the fight as the hunter. Ok, I have a silly question but I need to ask it: Do you think there is a "luck stat" in this game... something linked to spirit or what not? My spirit high characters keep getting good drops, my priest got another blue that sells for over 50 gold on AH yesterday. (Speaking of which, I should have 200 spirit by level 42. Neato!) Quote
KakTheInfected Posted June 29, 2006 Posted June 29, 2006 Unfortunately, most Warriors with Hand of Ragnaros are terrible. I don't know the ones you're talking about so I can't speak for them, but many on Natherizm still have Valor gear...and do less damage than I can with a TUF. As far as a "luck" stat goes...I highly doubt it would be spirit, if it indeed exists Quote
The Author Posted June 29, 2006 Posted June 29, 2006 Sure about that? Strenght is Melee attack power, and block. Agility is Armor, Ranged/Melee attack power, Dodge, and Crit Stamina is Health Intellect is Mana and skills Spirit is regen during fights. Only Stamina and spirit have a single use. Quote
KakTheInfected Posted June 29, 2006 Posted June 29, 2006 Even though they have only a single use, those uses are very important. Also, not all classes get much benefit out of stacking stamina or spirit over other attributes so if there is a luck skill and it's tied to those, it would be awfully unfair. Quote
The Author Posted June 29, 2006 Posted June 29, 2006 Either way, I love the two schools of thought represented by my priest and my cousin's. While we both go for spirit as mana regen, she puts the emphasis on the mana pool (mainly discipline) where I go for efficient healing (mainly holy). She's 60 and in healing gear does a rank 1 heal for about double what I did at level 40. I think once I hit 60, I will challenge her to a naked healing comparison, I'm already healing better than my friend's 60 restoration shammy. Quote
Nat Posted June 30, 2006 Posted June 30, 2006 Sorry if I came off as sounding invincible, I just wanted to show the guy that hunters are extremly useful endgame...and from what ive seen (and heard from other hunters) the main way to tear us up as a warrior is to sword and board to mitigate everything or to just stick to us like white on rice, cause we arn't excatly killing machines close quarters (although some will argue against that). But sometimes that doesn't need to happen when crits go off and totally changes the course of the fight And even if you do say that one should have solo'd you already - do you think (or know) that you have faced the best hunters on your server? You can't really say you will never lose to a hunter equally skilled/geared or not, but more power to your streak! Quote
suzumebachi Posted June 30, 2006 Posted June 30, 2006 is there any info out on 1.12 yet? you mentioned hunters are getting nerfed, and i'm curious about what's happening to them (my first 60 was a hunter). Quote
The Author Posted June 30, 2006 Posted June 30, 2006 With 1.12, I fear the nerfing will be focused on rogues... simply because everyone and their mother thinks rogues are over powered. Quote
The Xyco Posted June 30, 2006 Posted June 30, 2006 Thread Paid server transfers just opened up, and I'm ready to move my main off to someplace far, far away from Thunderlord. The casual guild I'm in has turned into a raiding guild, and pretty much all my friends have ran off to run MC every night. They haven't listed Thunderlord as open yet, but I imagine they will soon, since we're consistently on the top of the population charts. Someone several pages back mentioned something about everyone rolling Alliance (since most of you guys play Horde, if I'm not mistaken) on the same server so we could all play together. I'd be willing to transfer to a server that we'd all play on, even start a guild if you guys would be willing. What do you guys think? Quote
The Xyco Posted June 30, 2006 Posted June 30, 2006 But Alliance characters Personally, with the exception of Trolls, I've always felt the same way about Horde characters. Just stay away from Night Elf males and you'll be fine. Quote
Paladin-01 Posted July 1, 2006 Posted July 1, 2006 I recently reactivated my account... damn you all... I find my Hunter to be doing poorly in WSG (AB never gets played on Cenarius unless its an AB weekend..) and since I'm not a twink, I do even worse. I find that for one, all my range control skills are useless as soon as its not 1:1, because whoever I DON'T Conc Shot/Wing Clip etc pays attention to me, and as soon as someone pays attention to me, I have 5 seconds to live. Even Priests keep pwning me. I'm Beast specced, and while that has given me a fair bit of luck in 1:1 fights, as soon as anyone else comes by, bam, its all over. At the very least I can claim my skills are rusty, but I also bet I'm not doing something right. So school me, OCR. Quote
finn Posted July 1, 2006 Posted July 1, 2006 I was always, foolishly I admit, under the impression that the other servers had the same makeup as does mine, Kirin Tor--that being that Alliance consists mostly of adolescents wanting to beg the Night Elves and humans to strip, while the Horde is comprised of older, more serious players who can make jokes that sail miles over the heads of the little pallys. Somewhat shockingly I've recently discovered that some of the online personalities I most respect--game remixers, webcomic authors and illustrators, etc.--are prancing about in the guise of pink-haired gnomes and gratuitously sexy humans. It's hard to chase the derision away. So all you Horde people out there, when the next patch comes out and BG's go intra-server, be ready to show Kirin Tor's Alliance who's boss. ...Because we've never won a single Alterac Valley against them. Kirin Tor / finn / Mishal / 60 troll hunter. HORDE RULES, biotech! Quote
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