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Speaking of BS... talk about a halfassed talent review...

Well, at the very least, rogues are going to be far more important in WSG now. Improved Sprint will make it so much easier to get across the field, since you not only increase your run speed but break free of snares. Throw in Evasion to that and you have a flag runner better than any Druid.



At least you can still spam Moonfire...that's fun...right?

I would suggest making a Warrior if you really want something that's going to kick ass in battlegrounds. Throw a healer or two on a Warrior and watch the fun.


Hi. Wingless here. Long time player, first time writer.

Any other Warlocks in here that did Battlegrounds? It really is tantamount to cheating sometimes because when you throw down a DOT, no matter how paper-thin, you'll get credited with the kill. That and the Succubus' Seduction make for, what we in the industry call, "good timez"

Man... makes me want to get my account again and go dork it up on the RP servers

It's a bit more annoying that Hunters can still dodge and parry while feigning death. Nice one there Blizzard.

Yeah, FD should weaken the hunter's defenses.

Oh, so my priest dinged 44 yesterday. Only 6 more levels and I'll be out of the boring part. I hate the 40-49 drag... Especially since it's in the more "gank intensive" regions of azeroth.


nah i didn't get ganked once in hinterlands the whole time i was there (horde-- probably a different story if you play alliance). STV or searing gorge on the other hand, i could barely get 20 feet without getting stunlocked to death by another rogue. tanaris is usually ok, because there's generally plenty of bored 60's hanging out in gadget for whatever reason to come kill anyone who messes with you. feralas should be ok too, as long as you stay away from the other faction's general area (ie stay in the east if you're horde, west if you're alliance).


Bloodscalp is horrible.

Every other night a bunch of 60s just hang out in redridge and gank there. You can't go anywhere in contested territories without running into 60s that have nothing better to do than gank you and then do /spit a dozen times.

When it gets too horrible to actually play, I usually log on my rogue and get the world defense going about Tarren mill.

Bloodscalp is a horde intensive server, and between 40-45, no alliance FP or quest hub is anywhere near what you can kill safely or where you quest. By the time you go into the 50-60 area however, you are safer simply because they know that if they screw up, running away will be dangerous. In tanaris, I psychic screamed a 60 tauren shammy into waste wanderer bandits and he got schooled. If he was to do that in the plagues, he would be in danger either way.

6 more levels and I can start playing again, now its just gonna be one hell of a drag.


i think im gonna reroll alliance somewhere.

probably bloodscalp, since it's one of maybe 3 PvP realms in my timezone. which sucks since it's so tiny.

...wait, that can't be right. warcraftrealms.com says Gorefiend has only 9,000 total population? what? 9,000 would make it a low populatioin server, but in the realm list it's often listed as high, or sometimes medium in the off hours. it also says there's twice as many horde players and i KNOW that's not right.


i have a question that is related to world of warcraft....but not necessarily from the game

i used to visit their commmunity site every day...but when they revamped it i could acess it for about 8 days then i started getting this following message:(it's in portuguese but i'm translating)

The XML page could not be shown

could not show XML page using the XSL template..correct the error and press refresh


the element was not closed. error to process the resourse 'http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/new-hp/layout/layout.xsl'.line 2



someone please enlighten me....i really like that site...and the rogue talent prewiew is up

(and btw...gorefiend does have a really small pop...but twice as many alliance than horde,,i was from GF)

i have a question that is related to world of warcraft....but not necessarily from the game

i used to visit their commmunity site every day...but when they revamped it i could acess it for about 8 days then i started getting this following message:(it's in portuguese but i'm translating)

The XML page could not be shown

could not show XML page using the XSL template..correct the error and press refresh


the element was not closed. error to process the resourse 'http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/new-hp/layout/layout.xsl'.line 2



someone please enlighten me....i really like that site...and the rogue talent prewiew is up

(and btw...gorefiend does have a really small pop...but twice as many alliance than horde,,i was from GF)

I'm getting that today too. Site must be down.

i have a question that is related to world of warcraft....but not necessarily from the game

i used to visit their commmunity site every day...but when they revamped it i could acess it for about 8 days then i started getting this following message:(it's in portuguese but i'm translating)

The XML page could not be shown

could not show XML page using the XSL template..correct the error and press refresh


the element was not closed. error to process the resourse 'http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/new-hp/layout/layout.xsl'.line 2



someone please enlighten me....i really like that site...and the rogue talent prewiew is up

(and btw...gorefiend does have a really small pop...but twice as many alliance than horde,,i was from GF)

I'm getting that today too. Site must be down.

thats not todaY..IT'S BEEN ABOUT 1 week already

and in my brothers pc it's working fine...(we share the same connection) so something is wrong


yay. druids are broken again.

1.11.0, druids lose life for switching into bear form.

1.11.1, druids with furor talent lose rage immediately after switching into bear form

1.11.2, furor talent no longer works. period. ferocity talent no longer reduces rage/energy costs. and natural weapons talent no longer increases weapon damage. what does blue say? "This issue is already on our known issue list."

seriously. you think it's hard being a rogue? try being a druid, the most neglected class in the history of gaming.

they also removed the in-game petition by the way, so you can't even report what's broken (which seems to be everything as of 1.11.2).


i've officially rerolled alliance... i'm finding it very, VERY interesting. well over half the guys i've partied with are all former horde who are rerolling for the same reasons i am. if you've been paying attention to the WoW forums lately, people are abandoning horde left and right. i used to think the faction imbalance was a lot of hot air (outside AV where it's painfully obvious), however i've read some extremely enlightening and insightful posts over at the forums explaining in very clear and undeniable terms how alliance is clearly, CLEARLY advantaged. even Caydiem, one of the former CMs has expressed this, and is possibly (?) one of the reasons she quit.

ps: shamans get nerfed again in 1.12.

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