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Heh.. you don't need anything but a good tank and 8 healers (w/ consuambles) to beat Hakkar. You have have 11 other guys with green gear and still do it.

Yeah, having been in MC, even if only to magmadaar, I know what the next level of gameplay is.

It's kinda like how I did UBRS before BRD. BRD seems a tad easy. I just don't like the whole "dammit when he spins you have to move out, gah blargh pissy" voice chat. It seems that the raid leader can only complain and when something goes well, he's like "see how I managed to pull when he lost aggro" and shit. It could also be that, you know, we did the damage that was needed... hunters should not pull aggro. EVER.

Even if the warrior loses it like in the spider boss's case. Hunters are at mage range, bring a boss there and you kill your casters. Anyway, I'll stick to finishing my SC (2 pieces missing, and it's not like I dont have equivalent gear (cadaverous armor and gargoyle slasher) I just want a complete SC and a complete rend set before I move on to bloodfang.


You need tough raid leaders to get things done. You can relax once you've killed the bosses. If this isn't the case, get a better raid leader. BTW, spider boss strat;

Start Positioning: Whole raid stands about 25 yards from the Speaker and her.

Strat: MT rushes in and tanks her where she initially stands. Offtank takes the speaker and DPS focuses on him first. Be warned that the boss will randomly spawn several spiders that get stronger every second they go without dying. For the first wave, all DPS should go on them. For subsequent waves, mages/hunters alone should be able to, though if one is really out of control, rogues can help. Once the Speaker is killed, the offtank must return to the group. All other melee goes in, DPS begins, etc. She has no significant attacks in this phase.

Spider Form: She randomly changes into a large spider. When this occurs, she nets AND silences everyone within melee range of her and drops their aggro. This means she will rush 20-25 yards to the caster group. This is why we keep a tank here, to pick her up the second this happens. DPS must stop here because the aggro list is clear. When the second tank has aggro, the whole caster group runs back to where the original MT is netted - in other words, the whole raid just switches positions. DPS needs to be careful in spider form as she can drop aggro at any second - she may do the net and charge thing several more times before she returns to caster form. Simply keep switching between the two tanks and holding DPS whenever this occurs.

Caster form (2nd time): Same as the first part of the fight, except she does a powerful drain life that heals her quickly. Priests, SPAM decursive. All other classes try to interrupt it as well. With lots of DPS piled on her as soon as the tank holds aggro, this boss goes down quick. One other thing to note is that there is a lot of poisoning going on. Shamans should be distributed throughout the four groups, using Poison Cleansing totems. Anyone else that can cure poison should as this is a healing-intensive fight as wel.


Well, like I said, when I joined, it was because they said they were a guild with a laid back attitude.

But as soon as we do that first pull, the guild leaders turn into psycho bitches from mars. As a rogue though, there is nothing really satisfying in ZG, so I guess I'll stick to UBRS and stuff like that. Once they can get relaxed with the whole "OMG ZG IS KINDA TOUGH" thing, I'll start running ZG again.


My guild is laid back also. But shit simply does not get done unless people take control and kick people into gear. Once you get through those initial tense points, then it's fine. If you're not willing to help with that.. well, that's pretty lame, if you ask me, and I'd wonder why you're in the guild to begin with.

My guild is laid back also. But shit simply does not get done unless people take control and kick people into gear. Once you get through those initial tense points, then it's fine. If you're not willing to help with that.. well, that's pretty lame, if you ask me, and I'd wonder why you're in the guild to begin with.

Because I'm ready to help with anything else. I just don't like the whole "you guys suck" aspect when we wipe that is followed by the "you guys should rock like I do" when we win.


Well, you need to find a new raid leader then. Or simply do it yourself. I led my guild in ZG from start to finish.. I'm not the GM either. No one else was stepping up, so I did it. Lots of positive reinforcement, staying calm, but being firm when I had to be. It's not too hard.

Well, you need to find a new raid leader then. Or simply do it yourself. I led my guild in ZG from start to finish.. I'm not the GM either. No one else was stepping up, so I did it. Lots of positive reinforcement, staying calm, but being firm when I had to be. It's not too hard.

I'm guessing that when it ain't the first guild only runs (seriously, this was the first Merry Band of Misfit run of ZG) they will be more relaxed. I still have things to gain from UBRS LBRS and DM, I might as well stick to these instances for now. Maybe when they will be used to it it'll go better.

But now this kinda makes me feel uneasy about Molten Core.

Oh and I believe that hunter and rogues make bad raid leader. We are self-relient classes, teamwork is not needed until much later in our careers...


Just cancelled my subscription tonight, after playing some kickass WSG games and leading our "A-team" through ALL of ZG, completing it. We have now done all of the ZG content available. When I first decided to lead the runs we were wiping on the bat boss. We now have beaten not only the aspects, but Hexxer (first shot), Hakkar, the fishing boss, and mojo madness. All of it is on farm status. But this game simply takes up too much time for me.. I couldn't raid every single night. I gotta focus on school + music.

I may reactivate sometime, but not for awhile. I'll miss it. :(


I've currently got a vanilla WoW installation..I've seen some really awesome addons though, but don't want to go through a series of trial and error to get the perfect system.

Can any of you recommend the best addon for a rogue? I've seen stuff like Gouge countdowns, Kidney Shot countdowns etc..all look really cool, but I'm wondering if there's a specific one geared toward my class.


I wouldn't bother with the specific "all-in-one" mods. They are usually more trouble then they are worth. Here's what you want..

* CCWatch/Stunwatch - Shows progress bars for ALL of your stuns and CCs. Cheap Shot, Gouge, Kidney Shot, Blind, Sap.

* EnergyWatch (I think that's what it's called) - Shows an energy bar that reflects your regeneration. When it fills up, that's when you gain +20 energy. Useful so you can open a fight with Cheap Shot and time it so that you can BS immediately after.

* CooldownCount - Shows big yellow numbers over any of your abilities that are on cooldown showing how long you have until you can use them. Useful so you don't have to hover the mouse. Applies to trinkets, pots, and various other items too.

* ScrollingCombatText - Simply useful. Shows when you get hit (FF-style), when you get special abilities, when you get in combat, if you get buffed.

* SpellAlert - Lets you know when mobs/players are casting spells. Very useful for timing Gouges and Kicks. Essential for some boss fights too later on.

Those are all the ones I can think of.

I have had the game for 2 days now. All OCR Euro players should hook up and have characters on the same server.

Not goint to happen. It would involve either restarting the game or being lucky enough to be allowed to migrate, not to mention leaving your guild and friends.


As a Hunter, I feel obligated to maximize my damage output for both Ranged and Melee. My question is, should I train myself in a Two-Handed weapon to occupy me until level 20, or continue use Axes?

I have had the game for 2 days now. All OCR Euro players should hook up and have characters on the same server.

Not goint to happen. It would involve either restarting the game or being lucky enough to be allowed to migrate, not to mention leaving your guild and friends.

You can have more than 1 character

I have had the game for 2 days now. All OCR Euro players should hook up and have characters on the same server.

Not goint to happen. It would involve either restarting the game or being lucky enough to be allowed to migrate, not to mention leaving your guild and friends.

You can have more than 1 character

True saying :) I didnt think of that..what server?


Hey guys...i've gotten a lot of requests to create a running list of who's on what server...I apologize for letting the thread run so long without doing so...

pst me with your character's name and server and i'm gonna add it to the first post.


I'm on Smolderthorn Horde

I dropped my guild the other day. It had been coming for a while. I knew I would eventually quit unless something drastic was done about the way they did instances. They rarely did ZG, and when they did it was always the same group of people. There was a large number of 60's in the guild that never even got to try ZG. I recommended them to rotate people in and out after each boss so everyone would get a chance, but they would have nothing of it. Plus we had a lot of younger members who couldn't stay on very long and were generally just very unreliable. And when you have healers that will leave right in the middle of a boss fight... it gets pretty damn aggravating.

The last straw though was a guild 5 man LBRS attempt. The only reason I went was to tame one of the Bloodaxe Worgs in order to get Furious Howl Rank 4. I dismiss my old wolf when we get to the area just before Halycon. Two seconds later, the MT quits and so everyone leaves before I can even say anything. Needless to say I was furious. I /gquit right then and there.

Since then I've talked to 3 different guilds (Nightmare's Asylum, Blackgaurd, The Soulbound Brigade) about joining up with them and they all said pretty much the same thing: they all need hunters, but they won't take me until I've done the Onyxia key quest. Which, go figure, requires doing 5 man LBRS.

ok afk, shooting myself in the foot.

I'm on Smolderthorn Horde

I dropped my guild the other day. It had been coming for a while. I knew I would eventually quit unless something drastic was done about the way they did instances. They rarely did ZG, and when they did it was always the same group of people. There was a large number of 60's in the guild that never even got to try ZG. I recommended them to rotate people in and out after each boss so everyone would get a chance, but they would have nothing of it. Plus we had a lot of younger members who couldn't stay on very long and were generally just very unreliable. And when you have healers that will leave right in the middle of a boss fight... it gets pretty damn aggravating.

The last straw though was a guild 5 man LBRS attempt. The only reason I went was to tame one of the Bloodaxe Worgs in order to get Furious Howl Rank 4. I dismiss my old wolf when we get to the area just before Halycon. Two seconds later, the MT quits and so everyone leaves before I can even say anything. Needless to say I was furious. I /gquit right then and there.

Since then I've talked to 3 different guilds (Nightmare's Asylum, Blackgaurd, The Soulbound Brigade) about joining up with them and they all said pretty much the same thing: they all need hunters, but they won't take me until I've done the Onyxia key quest. Which, go figure, requires doing 5 man LBRS.

ok afk, shooting myself in the foot.

Hmm... it gets tough when you start wanting to run the higher end instances and no one else is motivated to do it. Just a heads up, Nightmare's Asylum is one of the top tier horde raiding guild and PVP guilds so it will be tough to get into but if you do you are sure to experience all the end game stuff first. I believe they were the first horde guild to clear to Nefarion in BWL.

I'm on Smolderthorn Horde

I dropped my guild the other day. It had been coming for a while. I knew I would eventually quit unless something drastic was done about the way they did instances. They rarely did ZG, and when they did it was always the same group of people. There was a large number of 60's in the guild that never even got to try ZG. I recommended them to rotate people in and out after each boss so everyone would get a chance, but they would have nothing of it. Plus we had a lot of younger members who couldn't stay on very long and were generally just very unreliable. And when you have healers that will leave right in the middle of a boss fight... it gets pretty damn aggravating.

The last straw though was a guild 5 man LBRS attempt. The only reason I went was to tame one of the Bloodaxe Worgs in order to get Furious Howl Rank 4. I dismiss my old wolf when we get to the area just before Halycon. Two seconds later, the MT quits and so everyone leaves before I can even say anything. Needless to say I was furious. I /gquit right then and there.

Since then I've talked to 3 different guilds (Nightmare's Asylum, Blackgaurd, The Soulbound Brigade) about joining up with them and they all said pretty much the same thing: they all need hunters, but they won't take me until I've done the Onyxia key quest. Which, go figure, requires doing 5 man LBRS.

ok afk, shooting myself in the foot.

I'm from Scarlet Crusade myself, and we really aren't that big. Horde is barely pulling three MC groups, and it's really killing some folks.

I can understand the pain, I'm pretty lucky to be in Raid Awesome.

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