Broadcast Bowsette Posted December 7, 2005 Posted December 7, 2005 GoUP, I want to play with you sometime. Quote
The Author Posted December 7, 2005 Posted December 7, 2005 GoUP, I want to play with you sometime. Bloodscalp, Jannael. Or look for my alt guild Chains of Oblivion. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted December 7, 2005 Posted December 7, 2005 LFM MOLTEN CORE PST Seriously though, could use some ocr people for.....CHOGALL! Come on guys know you want to join chogall. It is new and pretty and such and such. Quote
Broadcast Bowsette Posted December 7, 2005 Posted December 7, 2005 GoUP' date=' I want to play with you sometime. [/quote']Bloodscalp, Jannael. Or look for my alt guild Chains of Oblivion. Oye, damn ye, I'd have t' start all over again. Unless we can transfer characters now. Horde or Alliance? Quote
The Author Posted December 7, 2005 Posted December 7, 2005 GoUP' date=' I want to play with you sometime. [/quote']Bloodscalp, Jannael. Or look for my alt guild Chains of Oblivion. Oye, damn ye, I'd have t' start all over again. Unless we can transfer characters now. Horde or Alliance? Alliance. Quote
Broadcast Bowsette Posted December 7, 2005 Posted December 7, 2005 Ah hell, all my old characters are on medium population servers, so I can't move them. Quote
Terrisare Posted December 7, 2005 Posted December 7, 2005 I suppose the main complaint that most Priests have is that for someone who is supposed to be the "master of healing", we really aren't. Thorough analyses have been done on our healing efficiency and power, as well as our ability to chain heal, and it has been proven that both Druids and Paladins properly specced can beat us in both those areas. Shamans can come close. Our primarily healing tree (Holy) has 4 offensive talents, a useless one (Holy Nova), 2 relating to Greater Heal (which is really not used often no matter what people want to tell you).. etc. It doesn't make any sense; other healing classes have more useful talents and get more "bang" per talent point. honestly, the arguement that other healing classes are as good as priests is BS, because with the exception of druids, they aren't. I know from my experiences with my shaman that I could never come close to healing like a priest. -mana pool. yes, I know that mana pool is based on gear, but where is all of the best casting gear? that's right, cloth. a shaman COULD roll on some good cloth gear, then enjoy never doing an instance again -healing spells. the biggest arguements that priests make is that their flash heal and our lesser healing wave are identical, which is true. however, to say that the classes are equal based on a comparison of two spells is rediculus. its like saying that since earth shock is better than fire blast, shaman are better nukers than mages. priests have far more healing options than shaman could dream of, including, heals over time, good AOE heals (yes, I'm counting prayer of blessing, which has saved parties many times), and better large heals -PW:F. this isnt an issue in raids, but in terms of 5 man groups, the extra HP that priests give upfront is crucial -Fade. once again, not as big of an issue in raids, but essential in 5 man groups. when a priest gets aggro, they have this great tool to save themselves. shaman get nothing besides mail armor and shields, which may sound nice, but dont keep you alive for very long against multiple lvl60+ elites -PW:S. another common complaint is shaman and druid's Nature's Swiftness giving them an instant heal every 3 minutes. PW:S is essentially the same thing, as preventing damage is the same thing as healing it then having it be attacked away. the difference? ours is on a 3 minute cooldown, whereas yours is on a 30(15 with talents) second cooldown PER PERSON. I know that PW:S ignores armor, but the fact still remains that you get a far better *oops* button than we do, and you dont need to spec into healing to get it. sry for the long-windedness, but priests that complain about other classes as well as they do (minus the druid, which is a better healer in some situations if specced right) is just silly. Quote
zircon Posted December 7, 2005 Posted December 7, 2005 I suppose the main complaint that most Priests have is that for someone who is supposed to be the "master of healing", we really aren't. Thorough analyses have been done on our healing efficiency and power, as well as our ability to chain heal, and it has been proven that both Druids and Paladins properly specced can beat us in both those areas. Shamans can come close. Our primarily healing tree (Holy) has 4 offensive talents, a useless one (Holy Nova), 2 relating to Greater Heal (which is really not used often no matter what people want to tell you).. etc. It doesn't make any sense; other healing classes have more useful talents and get more "bang" per talent point. honestly, the arguement that other healing classes are as good as priests is BS, because with the exception of druids, they aren't. I know from my experiences with my shaman that I could never come close to healing like a priest. -mana pool. yes, I know that mana pool is based on gear, but where is all of the best casting gear? that's right, cloth. a shaman COULD roll on some good cloth gear, then enjoy never doing an instance again -healing spells. the biggest arguements that priests make is that their flash heal and our lesser healing wave are identical, which is true. however, to say that the classes are equal based on a comparison of two spells is rediculus. its like saying that since earth shock is better than fire blast, shaman are better nukers than mages. priests have far more healing options than shaman could dream of, including, heals over time, good AOE heals (yes, I'm counting prayer of blessing, which has saved parties many times), and better large heals -PW:F. this isnt an issue in raids, but in terms of 5 man groups, the extra HP that priests give upfront is crucial -Fade. once again, not as big of an issue in raids, but essential in 5 man groups. when a priest gets aggro, they have this great tool to save themselves. shaman get nothing besides mail armor and shields, which may sound nice, but dont keep you alive for very long against multiple lvl60+ elites -PW:S. another common complaint is shaman and druid's Nature's Swiftness giving them an instant heal every 3 minutes. PW:S is essentially the same thing, as preventing damage is the same thing as healing it then having it be attacked away. the difference? ours is on a 3 minute cooldown, whereas yours is on a 30(15 with talents) second cooldown PER PERSON. I know that PW:S ignores armor, but the fact still remains that you get a far better *oops* button than we do, and you dont need to spec into healing to get it. sry for the long-windedness, but priests that complain about other classes as well as they do (minus the druid, which is a better healer in some situations if specced right) is just silly. PW:S is next to useless. When mobs hit for thousands of damage at a time to heavily-armored tanks w/ shields, what is -960 damage gonna do? I'll take an instacast, large heal any day of the weak. I'll also take the ability to get extra mana regeneration through totems. I realize you've played a Shaman but are you Resto-spec with lots of gear like Cauterizing Band, Shard of the Scale, Aurastone Hammer + Zulian Defender, Tooth of Gnarr, etc? The shamans in my guild were extremely good at healing. Quote
Terrisare Posted December 7, 2005 Posted December 7, 2005 PW:S is next to useless. When mobs hit for thousands of damage at a time to heavily-armored tanks w/ shields, what is -960 damage gonna do? I'll take an instacast, large heal any day of the weak. I'll also take the ability to get extra mana regeneration through totems. I realize you've played a Shaman but are you Resto-spec with lots of gear like Cauterizing Band, Shard of the Scale, Aurastone Hammer + Zulian Defender, Tooth of Gnarr, etc? The shamans in my guild were extremely good at healing. first of all, I guess you're talking only about 40-man instances, where the case of shaman healing as well as priests becomes much stronger. this is because, as we already discussed, most classes end up becoming whitewashed down to one or two abilities over and over and over. this isn't so much of a shaman vs. priest thing as a thing over the way endgame instances are run. in 5 through 15 man instances, however, priests clearly top shaman. the shaman that I play is not soley resto specced, but im deep enough (21 points) to where I do get quite a bit of benefit. Im not decked out in the top healing gear, but when my guild does MC, I swap out my normal hp/mana and put in the (blue) +healing stuff that I have. and non-holy priests still outheal me. Im sure that some shaman who are 35 points into resto with incredible healing gear might come close to or even top some priests, but average shaman vs average priests isnt even a contest, even in 40man where the shaman have more of a chance to catch up. on another note, I have quite a few alts, all around lvl 20, but I want to focus on one and really start to level him up. Im trying to decide between my orc warrior and troll priest. the reason I narrowed it down to those two is that Im sick of having to beg to get into groups over the heads of millions of other shaman. so, out of those two, which would you guys pick? Quote
zircon Posted December 7, 2005 Posted December 7, 2005 In 5 man groups it's even less of an issue. I've done plenty of instance runs (not on my Priest of course) where the only healer was a Shaman or a Druid and it was fine. At the Priest forums, people take this kind of stuff very seriously and have really analyzed Shaman v Priests v Druids v Paladins thoroughly. The results are depressing. Like I said, you guys aren't QUITE as good as us, but you're not very much worse considering all the extra support talents you get, reincarnation, mail + shields, shocks, various totems, etc. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted December 8, 2005 Posted December 8, 2005 Well I've tried to gain some assistance from their billing support line(who were very nice and helpful, btw) and back and forth between mom's card, so I guess this is the next best place to ask. Have any of you ever had a problem with your credit card not being able to be processed? I must have been going back and forth like this for hours, but I still haven't gotten anywhere. Anyone have any decent ideas? Quote
suzumebachi Posted December 8, 2005 Posted December 8, 2005 i've never had that problem, but if you still can't get it sorted out you can always get a pre-paid 60 day game card. they're like $28 at walmart last i checked. anyways i now understand what people mean when they say paladins are overpowered... they most definately are. i've begun my big grind to rank 11. i essentially refuse to play AB now without a good group going in. in PUGs i've seen 1 paladin and 1 warrior hold a point against 5 horde. the paladin has a freaking counter for everything we do against them. they get out of snares, they cleanse my mana drain poison (WHY CAN IT BE CLEANSED!!?!?), and they can shield and heal the hell out of the warrior. it's god damn ridiculous. not to mention the fucking elves and their shadowmeld. track hidden is the most useless skill ever, and now flare is getting horribly nerfed, so i basically have no way to counter elves anymore. Quote
zircon Posted December 8, 2005 Posted December 8, 2005 Paladin DPS will never approach that of a Warrior, but it's still pretty good if you're properly equipped. I've seen Paladins with BWL shields and Deathbringers and they are frightening. Quote
Cadmus Posted December 8, 2005 Posted December 8, 2005 I HATE every 13 yr old Paladin who waits until I'm deep in a fight with an ogre, then attacks, I turn to him and get him to 1/10 life no problem, full shield heal, and kills me. Yeah yeah, everyone whines about pvp, but come on. Unbeatable. At least let me be able to shield bash interrupt pw:s. Quote
Terrisare Posted December 9, 2005 Posted December 9, 2005 I have a (often exaggerating) friend who plays a hunter, and he told me today that Bliz is planning to remove the stun on hit side effect from Aspect of the Cheetah. I find this really hard to believe, as giving hunters a pretty much permanent 30% speed boost that's usable in combat with no ill effect seems absolutly overpowered. anyone else hear something about this, or is he full of crap? Quote
zircon Posted December 9, 2005 Posted December 9, 2005 I haven't heard about that. I do know that Paladins just received a bullshit talent that enhances their mounted AND running speed by I think 10-20% with no disadvantages. Quote
Terrisare Posted December 9, 2005 Posted December 9, 2005 I haven't heard about that. I do know that Paladins just received a bullshit talent that enhances their mounted AND running speed by I think 10-20% with no disadvantages. its 8% for 2 talent points. second tier I think. but it doesn't stack with the boot enchant, so its not too big of a deal. I found out about the AotC thing, it doesn't proc now on DOTs. my friend is such a moron. Quote
zircon Posted December 9, 2005 Posted December 9, 2005 Oops, my mistake. They do get a great selection of new talents though, no question about it. Quote
Rodin Posted December 9, 2005 Posted December 9, 2005 The paladin run speed buff doesn't really bother me that much, given that they are pretty much the only class with NO ranged attack power. Even with plate, hunters could smash them into the ground by kiting the crap out of would just take a really long time. Quote
suzumebachi Posted December 9, 2005 Posted December 9, 2005 the aspect of the cheetah/aspect of the pack buff in 1.9 ONLY AFFECTS DAMAGE OVER TIME. it's about freaking time too. the way it was before, EVERY type of damage would put you into dazed, including each and every tick from a DoT. normal attacks and direct damage spells will still cause dazed. pallies need to die more. they're just getting harder and harder to fucking kill. an epic paladin isn't even worth the fight because you aren't going to kill him plain and simple. and now with 8% speed increase it's going to be even harder to get away from them. Quote
The Author Posted December 9, 2005 Posted December 9, 2005 If the pally goes for that talent that is rather deep in the paladin tree... (well, deep for a secondary tree...) Lucifron downed in our first guild only run of MC. For over half the group, it was their first MC run ever, and we even were undermaned (35 I think) and we had a 59 and a 57. I'm starting to think we might get to be one of the bigger guilds in Bloodscalp soon enough. Next week, or the one after, we might try Onyxia, and knowing us, we will down her. Quote
Rodin Posted December 9, 2005 Posted December 9, 2005 If the pally goes for that talent that is rather deep in the paladin tree... (well' date=' deep for a secondary tree...)[/quote'] Since when is 11 points "deep"? Twenty points is deep. Even considering that, look at 95% of all hunter specs - they are some combination of 31/20 or 30/21. I can see a LOT of pallies getting this, unless they go completely PvE spec. Quote
The Author Posted December 9, 2005 Posted December 9, 2005 If the pally goes for that talent that is rather deep in the paladin tree... (well' date=' deep for a secondary tree...)[/quote'] Since when is 11 points "deep"? Twenty points is deep. Even considering that, look at 95% of all hunter specs - they are some combination of 31/20 or 30/21. I can see a LOT of pallies getting this, unless they go completely PvE spec. Since most pally specs are and will be: 10 10 31 in no specific order. Oh and there was another update yesterday to pally talents on the forum. Have a look, it'll make retribution pointless. Quote
GuitarNinja Posted December 9, 2005 Posted December 9, 2005 If the pally goes for that talent that is rather deep in the paladin tree... (well' date=' deep for a secondary tree...)[/quote'] Since when is 11 points "deep"? Twenty points is deep. Even considering that, look at 95% of all hunter specs - they are some combination of 31/20 or 30/21. I can see a LOT of pallies getting this, unless they go completely PvE spec. Since most pally specs are and will be: 10 10 31 in no specific order. Oh and there was another update yesterday to pally talents on the forum. Have a look, it'll make retribution pointless. Doubts it, they'll want consecration to aste their tiny mana pool on, which is now in the holy tree. Hate what they did to the paladin class, taking away some healing for more DPS. GG Blizzard. Quote
Solid Krono Posted December 9, 2005 Posted December 9, 2005 I don't know, I'm actually kinda excited by the way some of the changes look. Until I get to try them out I won't really know for sure, but I think I'll like most of them. Quote
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