The Author Posted January 31, 2006 Posted January 31, 2006 Upgrade tier 0 armors. This will make a lot of people happy. Quote
Rodin Posted January 31, 2006 Posted January 31, 2006 There's talk of it here: Well, I knew about the Priest talent revision and review. But Gecko implied there was more info available. There hasn't been a big Blizzard post about it, but a lot can be learned by piecing together the various things that have been said since 1.9. We know that weather effects are still slated for 1.10, as are the Priest reviews (including skill review, not just talents). In addition, from what I recall the Tier .5 armor set is slated for either 1.10 or 1.11. Quote
suzumebachi Posted January 31, 2006 Posted January 31, 2006 Upgrade tier 0 armors.This will make a lot of people happy. that makes me want to play again epics that can be won by soloing ftw. Quote
Stalwart Jester Posted January 31, 2006 Posted January 31, 2006 From what I hear, tier 0.5 armor sets and weather effects, bundled along with the priest changes, are going to be the main attractions of 1.10. Want to know my opinion? Weather effects and tier 0.5 armors obtainable by small groups = HOO-FREAKING-HAH! I can't wait for 1.10 now. Quote
The Author Posted February 1, 2006 Posted February 1, 2006 Weird update. I got "das boot" from the MBoM. Apparently, they didn't enjoy me concidering doing stuff with real life friends instead of with them. Coupled with me rolling on stuff they said "everyone roll" and winning it, and other interesting condradiction, I figured I must just have pissed someone in the guild council and they had to justify their decision. Which doesn't really make sense because if they didn't want me, they could just have kicked me. Oh well, guess I wasn't made to be with them. In a sense, they were a bit annoying. Some of them complained that when I joined, I organised a lot of runs to go to places where I wanted stuff and stopped organising them after I had what I wanted. Go figure, I'm not the only one who needs UBRS, and frankly, the last time I organised a blood run, it turned out that only one of the people interested needed it. Oh well, guess I'll fly solo for a bit. Quote
Stalwart Jester Posted February 1, 2006 Posted February 1, 2006 Weird update.I got "das boot" from the MBoM. Apparently, they didn't enjoy me concidering doing stuff with real life friends instead of with them. Coupled with me rolling on stuff they said "everyone roll" and winning it, and other interesting condradiction, I figured I must just have pissed someone in the guild council and they had to justify their decision. Which doesn't really make sense because if they didn't want me, they could just have kicked me. Oh well, guess I wasn't made to be with them. In a sense, they were a bit annoying. Some of them complained that when I joined, I organised a lot of runs to go to places where I wanted stuff and stopped organising them after I had what I wanted. Go figure, I'm not the only one who needs UBRS, and frankly, the last time I organised a blood run, it turned out that only one of the people interested needed it. Oh well, guess I'll fly solo for a bit. Ugh. That freaking sucks man, I'm sorry. If a guild can't handle some of it's members having a social life... ::shakes head:: Quote
The Author Posted February 1, 2006 Posted February 1, 2006 Well, to their credits, it was RL friends, but a WoW thing. Some of my friends are in another guild (basically we used to be in the same guild, then it brok up, I took a 2 month break, and when I returned they were in this other guild, which at that point did not need rogues.), and that guild actually had no rogues available for BWL. Ya know, in my defense, no one minded when the leaders ran MC or Ony with other guild "to get experience and to know how to do it," I figured they could easily get a replacement (rogues in a guild is rarelly the needed class), and I did ask if it was a problem before even stating what the offer was. Meh, I can't figure how they are gonna react when that stray core hound is not brought back to the pack by a rogue who doesn't really care about durability. Not saying they won't be doing as well as they were, but I'm saying that I invested a lot in that guild, and that this kind of investment (getting AB groups running, instance runs going, and doing a lot of stuff for the guild) is gonna be missed by them. But, no point dwelling on the past, I might just take this as a chance to take a break from WoW and do other stuff. Quote
luminaire23 Posted February 1, 2006 Posted February 1, 2006 From what I hear, tier 0.5 armor sets and weather effects, bundled along with the priest changes, are going to be the main attractions of 1.10.Want to know my opinion? Weather effects and tier 0.5 armors obtainable by small groups = HOO-FREAKING-HAH! I can't wait for 1.10 now. I hear ya there. I've had a 60 Mage and Priest without epic gear for a very long time because I didn't have the time/schedule to do MC/BWL/etc(and I'm really not very interested in 40-mans anyway). This is the best news I've heard in a long while. Quote
The Author Posted February 1, 2006 Posted February 1, 2006 I see PvP as a good alternative to getting better gear. But yeah, 40 man raids get boring quickly, especially as a rogue. 3 minutes of battle and 10 minutes of discussing loot/strategy/why we wiped. Quote
Stalwart Jester Posted February 1, 2006 Posted February 1, 2006 From what I hear, tier 0.5 armor sets and weather effects, bundled along with the priest changes, are going to be the main attractions of 1.10.Want to know my opinion? Weather effects and tier 0.5 armors obtainable by small groups = HOO-FREAKING-HAH! I can't wait for 1.10 now. I hear ya there. I've had a 60 Mage and Priest without epic gear for a very long time because I didn't have the time/schedule to do MC/BWL/etc(and I'm really not very interested in 40-mans anyway). This is the best news I've heard in a long while. Yeah. I, myself, have 5 epics...Bloodfang Hood, Nightslayer Shoulderpads, Nightslayer Gloves, Offhand Warblade of the Hakkari, and Darkmoon Card: Maelstrom. The rest of my armor? Yeah. It's crappy. REALLY crappy. This'll give me the opportunity to strengthen myself up, make myself a force to be reckoned with...I've got the skill, it's just that in this game, in some situations? Gear > Skill, sadly. It's saddening but true... ...Though the fun part is I can STILL own any cloth-wearer. It's the plate targets I have trouble with. Quote
The Author Posted February 1, 2006 Posted February 1, 2006 I fancy myself as a warrior killer. Let me guess Shinji, you are a hemo rogue? Anyway, I only have 3 epics: Bloodfang Hood, Brutality Blade, and Darkmoon Card Heroism. Quote
Stalwart Jester Posted February 1, 2006 Posted February 1, 2006 I fancy myself as a warrior killer. Let me guess Shinji, you are a hemo rogue?Anyway, I only have 3 epics: Bloodfang Hood, Brutality Blade, and Darkmoon Card Heroism. Yeah, that I am. Switched to it for the benefit of the raid. That, and I'm getting my stunlock down good. The extra subtlety skills are nice too. I used to be combat, though, so I know what you mean. But even as a combat rogue, the warriors with epic two-handers and mortal strike and whatnot...ugh. Just...scary. "You dodge. Warrior overpowers you for OMGWTFBBQ! You proceed to die a horrible death." I hate them. Quote
The Author Posted February 1, 2006 Posted February 1, 2006 I fancy myself as a warrior killer. Let me guess Shinji, you are a hemo rogue?Anyway, I only have 3 epics: Bloodfang Hood, Brutality Blade, and Darkmoon Card Heroism. Yeah, that I am. Switched to it for the benefit of the raid. That, and I'm getting my stunlock down good. The extra subtlety skills are nice too. I used to be combat, though, so I know what you mean. But even as a combat rogue, the warriors with epic two-handers and mortal strike and whatnot...ugh. Just...scary. "You dodge. Warrior overpowers you for OMGWTFBBQ! You proceed to die a horrible death." I hate them. If I see a PvP geared warrior with a weapon that does not shine, I walk away. If it has any form of enchant on it, I go for it, cheap shot him, start AR and blade fury, and I basically do as many attacks as possible to get my crippling poison on him. If I dodge before I parry, I start sprint, run through him, and get out of range ASAP, if I parry before I dodge, I disarm him, hit him a bit more, then expose armor him, gouge him, restealth, and cheap shot him again, at that moment, if he has no healing, he is getting scared. A warrior with 2000 armor less is an easy target. I have +13 to hit, so I never miss with special attacks, he needs to parry or dodge. Again, I unleash on him, and at that point, with the exposed armor, and the easy 5 point evisc (1 point from expose armor due to rentless strike or the other one before it...) 1 from gouge, 2 from CS, 1 from SS during the SS, he ends up having another 2000 damage less on his life. At that point, I make sure he is disarmed again, and I just try to do as much damage as possible. I took down a warlord with this strategy. Quote
Leon K. Posted February 1, 2006 Posted February 1, 2006 Sup guys, wannabe 29 hemo-rogue on hakkar here. Represent! Anyone who wants to roll a new horde toon should roll there a join foebane, we're quickly moving to the top of the pvp ladder Quote
ellywu2 Posted February 1, 2006 Posted February 1, 2006 lol you're missing the golden hunter age mate. pre 1.7 we needed skills to beat people, now people are whining about us as if we are shamans lol Quote
SleazyC Posted February 1, 2006 Posted February 1, 2006 damn time as well. We killed nef a while ago, yet for the last month or so we havent managed to get past Vael for some god known reason. For some reason my guild thinks its a good idea to have priests healing the MT's and druids healing the groups..(it should be the other way around.) Of course, neither being a healer or a tank makes my opinion useless. ESPECIALLY because i play a hunter. Oh man... I hate that freaking thing. GG 2k+ Aimed Shot followed by a 2k Multishot crit. My guild recently downed Vael and is progressing onto Broodlord and beyond hopefully. Quote
The Author Posted February 1, 2006 Posted February 1, 2006 lol you're missing the golden hunter age mate. pre 1.7 we needed skills to beat people, now people are whining about us as if we are shamans lol Battlegrounds, defending the gold mine with my 37 hunter. Put down ice trap, throw flare, sit pet by flag. Stand on the front of the mine, with a bit of a vantage point. See mage come down. Start aimshot. Trap rogue at flag. Crit mage. Concussive shot, auto shot Mage down. Hunter mark Rogue. Aim shot at rogue. Send pet on rogue. Serpent sting rogue. Arcane shot rogue. Rogue down. Put trap, stealth pet, Start flare, shadowmeld. Wait. Quote
ellywu2 Posted February 1, 2006 Posted February 1, 2006 Indeed, i can feasibly put out 5k damage in around 3-4 seconds with that x-bow, although i damn well should be able to considering its the best bow in the game. I dont see half as many people wanting to nerf mages who can 1 shot kill me Quote
mecca Posted February 1, 2006 Posted February 1, 2006 PIMPIN' Yeah..Shadowcraft at lv60..highly embarassing Sooner I get SC gear the better, but I'm starting to get a bit bored with having no direction or care other than getting better armour, kinda realising the entire game revolves around killing mobs to get better gear to kill harder mobs to get better armour to kill harder mobs again to get..[repeat] Quote
The Author Posted February 3, 2006 Posted February 3, 2006 Seriously, like 3 weeks ago, I had all the gear I wanted. My rogue was nasty and powerful. Then I looked at by belt, when on thottbot and looked for a replacement. Same with my leggings, and my shoulders. Then I saw nice gloves. But if I replace my gloves, I need to replace my bracer and armor, because I would lose my batskin set bonus. Then I got bloodfang hood. Well, that can't fly, I need more of that, and some nightslayer for good measure. Then I got brutality blade, I need a new off hand. I looked at which ones I could get. Then it hit me. I'm gonna do this all over again once I get my completed set, because 2 patches from now, there wil be gear that will be slightly better and that will require 2 months of playing per piece. I don't like that anymore. It scares me that I have been playing WoW for over 1 year and that while I did get satisfaction playing it, it was always replaced by "oh fuck, now I need this." Quote
mecca Posted February 3, 2006 Posted February 3, 2006 PIMPIN' Yeah..Shadowcraft at lv60..highly embarassing Sooner I get SC gear the better, but I'm starting to get a bit bored with having no direction or care other than getting better armour, kinda realising the entire game revolves around killing mobs to get better gear to kill harder mobs to get better armour to kill harder mobs again to get..[repeat] I don't like that anymore. It scares me that I have been playing WoW for over 1 year and that while I did get satisfaction playing it, it was always replaced by "oh fuck, now I need this." Glad to see I'm not the only one... Quote
The Author Posted February 3, 2006 Posted February 3, 2006 I think it's time I do /account cancel. Maybe I'll come back around burning legion. Leveling up is a lot more fun. Quote
mecca Posted February 3, 2006 Posted February 3, 2006 could always start an alt..unless you already have caster class would be a fresh change from melee Quote
The Author Posted February 3, 2006 Posted February 3, 2006 I have a 43 mage, 41 hunter, 38 paladin, 33 priest, 25 warlock, 24 warrior, 21 druid... on bloodscalp, I also have a 18 druid and a 20 shammy, a 12 warrior, and some other characters spread around the servers. Quote
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