Bigfoot Posted May 18, 2006 Posted May 18, 2006 Is anyone in a good Horde guild on a PVP server that I can get in on? When I say good, I mean like pretty good sized that does end game raids n what not. Quote
Nat Posted May 18, 2006 Posted May 18, 2006 Everyone knows alliance is PVE easy mode. Too bad its not easy enough to warrant thousands upon thousands of people crying about it. I don't know of any guilds alliance side who can execute him better than us but, do you know of a little guy that goes by the name of viscidus? Quote
zircon Posted May 19, 2006 Posted May 19, 2006 Wow, one optional boss. As opposed to trivializing Onyxia, Razorgore, Nefarian, Taerar, etc. with Fear Ward alone. Quote
The Author Posted May 19, 2006 Posted May 19, 2006 Can't you just do a will of the forsaken rotation or some shit? Quote
zircon Posted May 19, 2006 Posted May 19, 2006 No. But Paladins are definitely easymode for virtually everything, Dwarf priests aside. Blessing of Wisdom + Judgement of Wisdom are simply superior; a handful of Paladins can get more buffs for more people in the raid than a handful of Shamans, their auras stack with their blessings, better aggro reduction, the list goes on. Quote
Raenok Posted May 19, 2006 Posted May 19, 2006 The new tier 3 armor looks nice. I like the looks of the warlocks. They ride single file, to hide their numbers. Oh, hey, look, it's like those carnival games with the ducks and the single-file lines and the targets and the rifles. Quote
Nat Posted May 20, 2006 Posted May 20, 2006 Wow, one optional boss. As opposed to trivializing Onyxia, Razorgore, Nefarian, Taerar, etc. with Fear Ward alone. Its not as gamebreaking as people make it out to be - and its far from trivializing the bosses as that one spell shouldn't be banked on keeping the entire raid alive, seeing that so many other things are happening that don't make fear ward that much of a major piece of the fight, but if its the case then that would be a very poor group of players. I will say that during progression it is very useful but after that its not needed terribly, if at all - and with only the main tank being the primary concern to not get feared, its nothing that grounding totems and a smart MT that knows how to stance dance can't fix. There are plenty of terrible people out there who still can't and may never beat those bosses even with the supossed silver bullet they may posess. Maybe I never noticed but when was fear ward ever used in a Razorgore fight? And if you really wanted to bring up an issues with why most people truly think alliance is easy mode, Blessing of kings and salv would have done the trick. Quote
zircon Posted May 20, 2006 Posted May 20, 2006 Wow, one optional boss. As opposed to trivializing Onyxia, Razorgore, Nefarian, Taerar, etc. with Fear Ward alone. Its not as gamebreaking as people make it out to be - and its far from trivializing the bosses as that one spell shouldn't be banked on keeping the entire raid alive, seeing that so many other things are happening that don't make fear ward that much of a major piece of the fight, but if its the case then that would be a very poor group of players. I will say that during progression it is very useful but after that its not needed terribly, if at all - and with only the main tank being the primary concern to not get feared, its nothing that grounding totems and a smart MT that knows how to stance dance can't fix. There are plenty of terrible people out there who still can't and may never beat those bosses even with the supossed silver bullet they may posess. Maybe I never noticed but when was fear ward ever used in a Razorgore fight? And if you really wanted to bring up an issues with why most people truly think alliance is easy mode, Blessing of kings and salv would have done the trick. I misspoke re: razorgore. DI'ing him makes it quite a bit easier. And obviously, you don't NEED to rely on fearward, but it makes things a hell of a lot easier. My old guild was stuck on Nef for 2 months. Our only problem? The MT getting feared. The tanks were not skilled enough to stance dance, and tremor totems are completely unreliable (if you know their mechanics, they are not proactive, they may take up to 3 seconds to activate). EVERY other part of the fight we had on lockdown. Our healing was fine, Phase 1 was fine, DPS was fine, callouts were fine. The simple fact is that if we had been Alliance, we would have killed nef MUCH sooner. Once again, Alliance really is easy mode. I'm aware BoK and BoS are very powerful also, but Fear Ward in particular pisses me off because I'm an Undead Priest and I don't get it. I would trade Devouring Plague anyday for it. Hell, I'd trade WotF for Stoneform too, given that our trinket dispels Fear but we have no way to get out of Poisons (Viper Sting, Crippling, etc) with gear or Horde racials. Quote
Nat Posted May 20, 2006 Posted May 20, 2006 I guess i'll accept the fact that it is an easier faction to play for pve...its just that when I hear the words "easy mode" it multiplies in my mind to make me makes it sound like our faction is a walk in the park, because it isn't...and you must be the only undead to want to trade his racial (maybe cause you are a priest) because all my friends make fun of will beacuse they think its so overpowered. Stoneform has its uses but more often then not its not used... You also have to understand (which im sure you do)that horde racials are more pvp I allowed to say that horde has it easy mode for pvp? And im sure you know DI'ing Razor is a bannable offense. Quote
zircon Posted May 20, 2006 Posted May 20, 2006 I guess i'll accept the fact that it is an easier faction to play for pve...its just that when I hear the words "easy mode" it multiplies in my mind to make me makes it sound like our faction is a walk in the park, because it isn't...and you must be the only undead to want to trade his racial (maybe cause you are a priest) because all my friends make fun of will beacuse they think its so overpowered. Stoneform has its uses but more often then not its not used...You also have to understand (which im sure you do)that horde racials are more pvp I allowed to say that horde has it easy mode for pvp? And im sure you know DI'ing Razor is a bannable offense. Fear Ward is a PRIEST racial. Will of the Forsaken is a non-class racial. I would trade my Priest racials for the Dwarf Priest racials. Or the Human ones for that matter. Devouring Plague is nice but highly limited in its use. Horde does not have it easy mode for PVP either. Paladins are superior healers in every way, shape, and form to horde healers. They are by far the most durable and effective combat healers on the battlefield. Priests don't hold a candle to them; no parry, no block, often less than 1/3 the armor, no Cleanse, no immune shield, worse mana efficiency, etc. Shamans have their uses as well but while I have lost countless times on teams with 3-4 Shamans, I have rarely seen a Paladin-heavy team lose (these are comparably geared + skilled players). Quote
Nat Posted May 20, 2006 Posted May 20, 2006 Yeah your right, I don't know why I was thinking of will. At least you can be happy to not have the NE racial... Okay it might not be exactly "easy mode" status but just due to the obvious racials (25 percent stun resist, war stomp, will, etc) geared toward pvp and seeing how shaman are an offensive oriented support class (windfury) as opposed to paladins i'd be hard pressed to say that horde don't have an advantage. And to be more specific when I say PVP I mean an orginized 5 man group. More than 1 pally in a 5 man group would be bad news - coming from a (very smart)pally in my guild the only reason you'd ever use double pally would be if it was an alliance vs alliance with a cheese group of just pallies and warriors. Quote
Raenok Posted May 20, 2006 Posted May 20, 2006 These new bosses for Narraaxmas may change the way guilds use "strategies" for certain high-powered bosses. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted May 20, 2006 Posted May 20, 2006 no offense to your tank, but if you guys were on Nef and he *still* couldnt stance dance, you probably wouldnt have that difficult a time finding an MT who could. That kind of skill you should be learning on magmadar. As someone who has raided both alliance and hordeside, I do have to say though for PVE pallies are way nicer than shamans; the only thing totems have going for them compared to blessings is that they look cool. Having another class that can dispell makes learning fights a lot easier too on the priests. Paladins are sick in PVP as well, it's just a good thing that there are so many retarded ones who die with full mana or only heal themselves. Ashkandi paladin? Give me a break... Quote
Bigfoot Posted May 20, 2006 Posted May 20, 2006 So I was farming Rock Elementals for fun and this decided to drop: Nothing too special, but I could always use the money toward my mount that my lvl 48 rogue doesnt have :[ Quote
suzumebachi Posted May 20, 2006 Posted May 20, 2006 my guild is creeping me out. 500+ members and i hear them moaning every time they wipe on the friggen snake boss in ZG. best they've done in MC is get Luci down to 56%... this guild is weird man. this is the only guild i've ever been in that has too many druids and priests but not enough rogues and mages... seriously wtf. anyways i hit 41 last night. i'm considering respecing, but i think i'll hold off until 60. (i'm feral currently). Quote
Bigfoot Posted May 20, 2006 Posted May 20, 2006 What's a good rogue spec now a days? Right now im 21/2/16 but I think it's pretty gimp. I kind of regret getting Ghostly Strike, but oh well. Quote
Bren Posted May 20, 2006 Posted May 20, 2006 my guild is creeping me out. 500+ members and i hear them moaning every time they wipe on the friggen snake boss in ZG. best they've done in MC is get Luci down to 56%... this guild is weird man. this is the only guild i've ever been in that has too many druids and priests but not enough rogues and mages... seriously wtf.anyways i hit 41 last night. i'm considering respecing, but i think i'll hold off until 60. (i'm feral currently). Thats sounds 100% like the guild I used to be in on Twisting Nether...they were never meant to go beyond the limits of General Drakkisath or The Beast...but the masses of the guild demanded we move onto real raid instances. After 6 agonizing weeks of not always killing Lucifron...1 time killing Magmadar and never killing Bloodlord Mandokir or Mar'li (spider boss) it disbanded. Yeah...I havent played on Twisting Nether for about 4 weeks now. Ive made Maelstrom Horde my new WoW home for the time being. This new guild I joined has some great potential. We have a few members who know every strategy for Molten Core, and on the guild's first attempt on Zul Gurub last night they killed the Snake, Bat *and* the Spider boss (thats the one which impressed me) Quote
suzumebachi Posted May 20, 2006 Posted May 20, 2006 my guild is creeping me out. 500+ members and i hear them moaning every time they wipe on the friggen snake boss in ZG. best they've done in MC is get Luci down to 56%... this guild is weird man. this is the only guild i've ever been in that has too many druids and priests but not enough rogues and mages... seriously wtf.anyways i hit 41 last night. i'm considering respecing, but i think i'll hold off until 60. (i'm feral currently). Thats sounds 100% like the guild I used to be in on Twisting Nether...they were never meant to go beyond the limits of General Drakkisath or The Beast...but the masses of the guild demanded we move onto real raid instances. After 6 agonizing weeks of not always killing Lucifron...1 time killing Magmadar and never killing Bloodlord Mandokir or Mar'li (spider boss) it disbanded. Yeah...I havent played on Twisting Nether for about 4 weeks now. Ive made Maelstrom Horde my new WoW home for the time being. This new guild I joined has some great potential. We have a few members who know every strategy for Molten Core, and on the guild's first attempt on Zul Gurub last night they killed the Snake, Bat *and* the Spider boss (thats the one which impressed me) lol my guild on smolderthorn before it disbanded had cleared ZG up to hexxer. we had mandokir on the first try... but this guild can't even kill the snake boss. THE SNAKE BOSS. *pounds face into keyboard* Quote
Bren Posted May 21, 2006 Posted May 21, 2006 I'm sorry...that's quite painful (sounds like finding a new guild is in there any particular reason to stay with this guild?) Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted May 21, 2006 Posted May 21, 2006 yay for new tier 3 set now pallies can truly replace priests as main healers as they were meant to be pally in front line? the fuck are you smoking. they are healers ....fucking retarded man.... Quote
Ero Elohim Posted May 21, 2006 Posted May 21, 2006 I just rolled onto Maelstrom - Horde myself. Level 33 Rogue named Feyless. Don't know where you're at (sounds like you hit 60 already) but look me up if you need another /friend. Quote
zircon Posted May 21, 2006 Posted May 21, 2006 my guild is creeping me out. 500+ members and i hear them moaning every time they wipe on the friggen snake boss in ZG. best they've done in MC is get Luci down to 56%... this guild is weird man. this is the only guild i've ever been in that has too many druids and priests but not enough rogues and mages... seriously wtf.anyways i hit 41 last night. i'm considering respecing, but i think i'll hold off until 60. (i'm feral currently). Malevolent Gaze is kind of a joke. It's a nonfactor guild. The top guilds are basically Limbo (on C'Thun), Rune (on C'Thun), and Black Letter Day (on Huhuran - should die today). Lesser guilds that still aren't bad: Red Cell (on Sartura or Fankriss, BWL on farm), Deadmoon Tribe (on Chrommagus), and The Rebellion (on Vael). Quote
suzumebachi Posted May 21, 2006 Posted May 21, 2006 i heard some members of Shadowlords are trying to get back together with a new guild called Innocent Bystanders or something like that. Quote
Bigfoot Posted May 21, 2006 Posted May 21, 2006 After actually farming for some gold, I finally got my first mount at lvl 48 :[ lol Quote
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