zircon Posted June 14, 2006 Posted June 14, 2006 I agree that Rogues need to be slightly retooled. I think that their level of damage output needs to be a little higher overall, but the control aspect of their class needs to be slightly reduced. That would stop some of the pvp + pve bitching. As is, REALLY good rogues with REALLY good gear can dominate the damage meters - and usually do - but I've seen well-geared Warriors, Hunters, and Warlocks do the same. Quote
SleazyC Posted June 14, 2006 Posted June 14, 2006 I agree that Rogues need to be slightly retooled. I think that their level of damage output needs to be a little higher overall, but the control aspect of their class needs to be slightly reduced. That would stop some of the pvp + pve bitching. As is, REALLY good rogues with REALLY good gear can dominate the damage meters - and usually do - but I've seen well-geared Warriors, Hunters, and Warlocks do the same. Fury warriors with good gear will smash any rogues DPS. Next patch will have tons of rogues QQ'ing as mages are getting super buffed in a way that totally invalidates most of a rogues damage. I'm fine with a rogue as I hardly PVP anymore but I wish they would strengthen stealth a bit more and give us some new moves to deal with everyone elses class revisions. Quote
Stalwart Jester Posted June 15, 2006 Posted June 15, 2006 I swear. This game is like fucking crack. I just came back to it a few weeks ago, blech. I feel dirty. Oh well, I'm having fun, that's all that matters. Comin' in to the conversation...I play a rogue, end-game raiding guild...I have to say, I do agree that rogues need a little more than some tweaking. Every class has some horrible way to counter us. As ellywu2 said earlier, yes, to beat most other classes, the rogue needs to be 100% on top of his game. I can pull it off usually, but even then, sometimes the opponent is so amazingly geared that even then it doesn't matter. Ever been killed by a warrior in less than 4 seconds flat, EVEN when you pop off a Cheapshot AND a Kidneyshot? Yeah. Suckage. And I'm in more than half-epics here. The thing about rogues VS several classes is that they can be easily kited if they don't have certain cooldowns up. This applies to Warlocks, Mages, Priests (emphasizing shadow priests), and Hunters the most. Fuck, if I don't have my cooldowns and I start getting kited? I just /sit. That's how horrible it's come to be. Druids can shapeshift any time out of it, warriors can intercept, shamans don't need to give a crap because they can heal and toss their own bloody spells...etc etc. My opinion is that rogues are TOO dependant on our cooldowns. With all of them up, we can do well for ourselves, and fight on equal or better level. But the fact remains that we can only do this every 5 minutes. Fuck. Quote
zircon Posted June 15, 2006 Posted June 15, 2006 I guess Rogues can be likened to Holy/Disc healing Priests in PVP. They're WAY more effective in a group. For example, you stick a Rogue and a Warrior on me? No problem. Rogue, Warrior, Hunter? It's cool. 2-3 Warriors? I can even deal with that. But two Rogues is a death sentence. I will NOT ever live through that. Rogues can lock down healers in BGs while Mages/Warriors take out an important target. Rogues can sap/blind support before they even get to where they need to be. They're very powerful for that kind of thing. Quote
KakTheInfected Posted June 15, 2006 Posted June 15, 2006 Well, you're right about rogues being dead without their skills charged, but still, fully charged a rogue has the ability to take out anybody. The only thing that prevents them from doing so is the player. I've killed some very skilled rank 14 rogues, but that's because I've had a Mortal Strike or Whirlwind land through Evasion...which is VERY lucky. An Overpower every 6 seconds is not enough to kill anyone. Luckily, most rogues don't know how to play their class and lose easily in 1v1. But the good ones...can't do nothing when you can't move for the whole fight. Quote
zircon Posted June 15, 2006 Posted June 15, 2006 I disagree there. I will tear apart pretty much any Rogue as my holy/disc spec, and it'll only get worse as I get better gear (I'm not even full BWL stuff yet). I have enough HP/armor to outlast the Rogue stunlock and my Fear/Shield/Renew/Nova keeps me up without even having to use a kickable Flash Heal. Quote
KakTheInfected Posted June 15, 2006 Posted June 15, 2006 I would like to know what rogues you're fighting then...especially as a Holy/Disc priest So far I'm having no trouble tearing through anything that wears cloth except for some Soul Link locks, which can sometimes be difficult on my warrior. Edit: Are the new Argent Dawn rewards going to require raiding? I really want that epic necklace. Quote
Stalwart Jester Posted June 15, 2006 Posted June 15, 2006 I've killed some very skilled rank 14 rogues, but that's because I've had a Mortal Strike or Whirlwind land through Evasion...which is VERY lucky. An Overpower every 6 seconds is not enough to kill anyone. Lol. You'd get charged as a heretic on the official rogue forums if you said that, but I know better. Most rogues are all, "OMG, you use evasion against a warrior!? OVERPOWER, NUB!" and stuff. The smart rogue's reasoning: It's better to eat an overpower and dodge the other attacks, than to hold off evasion from being afraid of an overpower which we all know will eventually arrive. Quote
zircon Posted June 15, 2006 Posted June 15, 2006 I would like to know what rogues you're fighting then...especially as a Holy/Disc priest So far I'm having no trouble tearing through anything that wears cloth except for some Soul Link locks, which can sometimes be difficult on my warrior. Edit: Are the new Argent Dawn rewards going to require raiding? I really want that epic necklace. Every Rogue on my server. I have yet to be beaten by one. Quote
SleazyC Posted June 15, 2006 Posted June 15, 2006 Well, you're right about rogues being dead without their skills charged, but still, fully charged a rogue has the ability to take out anybody. The only thing that prevents them from doing so is the player.I've killed some very skilled rank 14 rogues, but that's because I've had a Mortal Strike or Whirlwind land through Evasion...which is VERY lucky. An Overpower every 6 seconds is not enough to kill anyone. Luckily, most rogues don't know how to play their class and lose easily in 1v1. But the good ones...can't do nothing when you can't move for the whole fight. It's funny watching a dwarf warrior with Lifegiving and Dark Edge just rip apart other decked out rogues. The Lifegiving Gem gives the warrior such a huge advantage versus a rogue if they use it right at the moment that most of the rogues cooldowns are not up. Check out this video if you want to see how overpowered the Gem is in a matchup against a rogue. Every Rogue on my server. I have yet to be beaten by one. I need to fight you again but yea zirc is pretty nuts with the amount of armor he has. Pretty hard to dent into him before he gets some health back from Renew's and Vampiric Embrace. Quote
zircon Posted June 15, 2006 Posted June 15, 2006 Now that summer is here, I have chosen to begin the grind to rank 13 (rank 10 now). Wish me luck. Quote
The Author Posted June 15, 2006 Posted June 15, 2006 What rogues need is a damage opener for swords and maces. A sword rogue in MC doesn't even havd to stealth. Level 60 as a rogue kinda sucks. Quote
suzumebachi Posted June 15, 2006 Posted June 15, 2006 i just had one of the most successful end-game runs i've ever had in the year i've been playing this game. i hit 60 on my druid the other day, and today decided to try and do warlord's command. well, not only did i finish warlord's command, but i also picked up 7 blues (5 leather BoP, 2 tier0 BoE), including wildheart boots and spaulders. that's some insane fucking luck. also, after comparing the alliance onyxia key quest to the horde version, i'm going to have to agree that alliance have PvE on ezmode. Quote
Stalwart Jester Posted June 15, 2006 Posted June 15, 2006 Now that summer is here, I have chosen to begin the grind to rank 13 (rank 10 now). Wish me luck. We'll be here when you're tired of how tedious that job will be. Quote
PJ Posted June 15, 2006 Posted June 15, 2006 No rogues are NOT overpowered, they need the most loving out of ANY class in WoW hands down... You argue that hey rogues can kill anything sure they can. And so can a holy priest... Rogues with full cooldowns>pretty much anything... pretty much anything>rogue with nothing available. Far out they're not damage machines anymore... Hell they're damage is becoming laughable, backed by horrendous itemisation. Indeed 5 piece nightslayer is prefered by rogues in pvp b/c it blows bloodfang out of the water. here is an example of ridiculous itemisation... C'thun leather belt +64 attack power 20 stamina 1 hit + 1 crit Fury/arms Onslaught girdle, MC gear 31 strength , 9 stam, 1 hit 1 crit. so 11 more stamina and 2 more ap.... you'd think there'd be more difference ? C'thun is a *little* bit harder than MC... Besides, as everyone with half a brain knows, Endgame rogues struggle to stay within touching distance of fury warriors? Why do I know? because i have a full tier 2 rogue(6/8 BF), and full trans priest /w blessed qiraji augur staff on smolderthorn horde. I gave up on the rogue... please dont say nerf rogue, you are ONLY proving your ignorance, it disgusts me Quote
KakTheInfected Posted June 15, 2006 Posted June 15, 2006 The fact that you signed up on a forum just to defend the rogue class says a lot. And no, not in your favor. Quote
PJ Posted June 15, 2006 Posted June 15, 2006 http://ctprofiles.net/1680203 currently @ 860 +healing, target 1000 The fact that you see fit to judge other classes and make assumptions says alot. No, not in your favour. This is not a flame, but a statement, people are too quick to jump to the conclusion that rogues are overpowered. Quote
suzumebachi Posted June 16, 2006 Posted June 16, 2006 did you just google rogue + overpower or something and post some cookie cutter reply? maybe you should read the part where the guys were talking about the warrior skill overpower. actually, maybe you should just leave. Quote
PJ Posted June 17, 2006 Posted June 17, 2006 Well Sorry Mr. suzembachi, I did not google, anything, then again there's no point arguing with someone as crude as you. The warrior ability overpower? what has that have to do with my response. Geez your attack, if something as pitiful as that can be called one, is completely off the topic. Cookie Cutter you say? hmmm... says alot about you. Honestly, READ something properly before you attempt to rebutt... The fact still stands, rogues are the last class anyone with a perfunctory knowledge of WoW would say needs nerfing... anyways nice attempt at trolling, but as people would say "Lrn2troll" Quote
Lyrai Posted June 17, 2006 Posted June 17, 2006 HURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Shut up and go away. I've decided to try and get as high in PvP as I can, since I was booted from my guild for questioning a stupid decision. Guild's already crumbling anyway, 8 people gquit after I was booted. Any other OCR people have a character on Lothar? EDIT: Woo, page 100. Quote
The Xyco Posted June 17, 2006 Posted June 17, 2006 Made my first trips into AV today. Wasn't pretty. Although I got more HK's in one hour than I had in all my playing before total, we still couldn't get past the first chokepoint. Not to mention I'm only level 51, so I'm as good as dead if someone even looks at me funny. I've got to ask: how did ANYONE get an Ice Barbed Spear at level 51? Quote
KakTheInfected Posted June 17, 2006 Posted June 17, 2006 There are 2 ways to get the IBS I believe. One is to check with one of the NPCs after a victory, which would be very easy, the other is kill that big troll which isn't so easy. AV is only there so you can get easy epics. It's not a good place to farm honor at all. Quote
zircon Posted June 17, 2006 Posted June 17, 2006 260000 honor for the week. I might not make top ten standing (there are people with 380-400k so far) but I think I'll get to rank 11. GO WSG WEEKEND GO!! Quote
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