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Please do, if you don't mind. I would really appreciate it.

Horde plz :D

Go nuts dude, i'll grab 40-50 when i can if the site continues to be a problem. Ignore the stuff at the beginning and end, i just grabbed the source and didnt edit out all of the extra page stuff. sill very readable.



This guide is sweet, i just hit 40 on my BE paladin with 2 days, 13 hours /played.

My roommate got it for christmas and my computer is the only one that can run it. we've both been playing, but later when he gets his own computer, or i get a laptop, i'm going to buy the game and create my own account...it'll suck cause i can't switch my character over, but i figure i'll restart my BE Mage anyway, i've barely played her and instead been playing my undead warlock.

I play on Dunemaul, name's Alkaid, undead warlock. but judging by the first page, no one plays on Dunemaul...oh well, i'll play with my bro and my roommate and some of my bro's friends.

PS: Oh and Horde ftw!

If you feel like paying for it, I think you might be able to transfer characters between accounts using Blizzard's paid transfer thing.


I'm going to try dual-wielding with my shaman. The quartermaster in Hellfire Peninsula sells a very nice blue axe with 1.60 attack speed, and it's One-Hand so I can get two of them. The Orc +5 axe racial will also help.

From what I've heard you can put Windfury on both weapon, and Shamanistic Rage will proc much more often giving you a lot of mana.

Doug, what's your pally's name?

My toons on Illidan:

Wolfenleid (lvl 62 orc hunter)

Composure (lvl 29 blood elf paladin)

Spectral (lvl lowbie blood elf rogue)

Bismuth (lvl lowbie undead priest)

also, my brother rolled on Illidan:

Brana (lvl 32 blood elf paladin)

And as I said earlier, 58-60 was nothing. I did that in an afternoon in the plaguelands. But 60+ is a bitch for some reason. Maybe I'm not getting as much xp as I should be for some reason? Most mobs give me 300-500xp without rest, quest turnins anywhere from 6,000-10,000 xp.

Probably has something to do with that horrid hunter nerf last patch. My DPS has been reduced about 45%, and that's AFTER getting new outlands gear.

That's why I'm a BM hunter right now - the hunter nerf barely touched me. Pre-PVP change DPS: 120. Post-PVP change DPS: 190

Current DPS: 230. At least, that's my base DPS shown on the character sheet, since I don't have any stat mods running. Even using just those numbers though, when I pop all my cooldowns my DPS + my pet's exceeds 600.

Oh, and 37 DPS shells ftw.

If you feel like paying for it, I think you might be able to transfer characters between accounts using Blizzard's paid transfer thing.

no, they said both accounts have to have the same last name, basically they have to be owned by the same person. since i'd be using my credit card to pay, i couldn't use his name, nor do i want too. regardless, nice thought though. besides its not like i don't know his password, i'll get what i need from them when i start a new character and go from there. i'm just enjoying the experience and learning the game play so when i do start my account i'll be ready.

no, they said both accounts have to have the same last name, basically they have to be owned by the same person. since i'd be using my credit card to pay, i couldn't use his name, nor do i want too. regardless, nice thought though. besides its not like i don't know his password, i'll get what i need from them when i start a new character and go from there. i'm just enjoying the experience and learning the game play so when i do start my account i'll be ready.

same LAST name? oh shit, time to transfer my druid off my brother's account.

...someone lend me $40.

I am already so tired of seeing those fucking blood elf girls running around. They look so frail you'd think you could tear their limbs off with little to no effort. That's just not healthy. What kind of message is Blizzard trying to send here?

<3 my fem blood elf mage

Also, Suzu, 60-61 is taking much more time, but not quite the time you describe... Of course, I also have a good stream of rested xp every time I log, because I only play my main a couple of hours every couple of days.


Level 66 now. Man, 64-66 wasn't nearly as bad as 60-63. Once I hit 64 and got aspect of the viper, my dps and downtime went back to not completely sucking again, so grinding became easier.

Also, I find it interesting that Thrall is in Nagrand and Orgrimmar at the same time. THERE'S TWO THRALLS! Oh, and Nagrand world PvP is awesome. Way cooler than Hellfire Peninsula or the joke that is Auchindoun.

I am already so tired of seeing those fucking blood elf girls running around. They look so frail you'd think you could tear their limbs off with little to no effort. That's just not healthy. What kind of message is Blizzard trying to send here?

That blood elf chicks are lazy bitches that just use magic all the time instead of doing any physical work. Myeah. I'm sure you know real people similar to that.

Level 66 now. Man, 64-66 wasn't nearly as bad as 60-63. Once I hit 64 and got aspect of the viper, my dps and downtime went back to not completely sucking again, so grinding became easier.

Also, I find it interesting that Thrall is in Nagrand and Orgrimmar at the same time. THERE'S TWO THRALLS! Oh, and Nagrand world PvP is awesome. Way cooler than Hellfire Peninsula or the joke that is Auchindoun.

One is obviously a body-double. Enemies of the horde would take advantage of the warchief's absence!


So I got the expansion the other day and have been making routine trips to on-campus locations with solid wireless connections to play.

I entered Outland once I hit 58 on my main and made it to 59 in virtually no time at all (once I stopped being ganked every two minutes or so, which still happens).

So far it's nice, as pretty much all the quest rewards have saved me oodles of cash by replacing outdated greens and blues from pre-expansion (Even my Tier 1 items, IBS, and DHC are on the verge of being outdated). The items with + to mana regen have remedied my previous problem of expending too much mana with the Aimed + Arcane Shot cycle, and the additional armor is nothing to scoff at.

Hellfire peninsula is quite possibly the ugliest zone in the history of MMO's (Tied for first with Ascalon from Guild Wars: Prophecies), but the rewards are too nice to avoid going there completely.

Currently working on getting the 30 marks from each BG to get an epic mount, which doesn't seem too difficult right now, though getting the money for the lessons will be a different hassle (not to mention sitting through at least another 7 AV's, much less getting into them). Got about 8 from each in one brief night, and I have to say it's nice that there is no longer a wide gap of survivablity between the regular 50's and what were the epic 60's (which have now gone off to the 60+ BG's and arenas).

One big problem though is the unending problem of Warlocks. I don't want to jump on the "THEY'RE OVERPOWERED WTFFUXXORZ BLIZZARD!?!?!?" bandwagon (especially being a hunter and having hardly any room to talk there), but I've laid down shot after shot, crits and all, and hardly even make a dent on those cloth-wearing, fear-casting sons of bitches (No offense to and Lock players here). Every single time I go up against a Lock one-on-one I've been grabbed by the ankles and sodomized by their axe-wielding pets, DoTs, and fears. I have virtually no strategy against them as it is. I tried denying them their mana, but by the time the DoTs and the pet are on me, it's already over. I've tried nailing them with Aimed + Arcane + Multi shot and Serpent Sting (straight out damage), but their HP is simply ridiculously high. Upon asking some of my friends what to do, the only advice they could give me is "Run.", which also hardly ever works due to Intercept Stun.

Does anyone have any tips on fighting Warlocks? It's pretty disappointing being the sole flag guard, Shadowmelded in the corner, getting the complete jump on a Warlock who is three levels lower than me, and still losing the fight.

Even my Tier 1 items, IBS, and DHC are on the verge of being outdated. Blah blah blah I'm a night elf

My IBS was the first thing I replaced when I got to Thrallmar.

LOL Night Elves. I think I'll go gank some right now. Yeah, that sounds good. SHADOWMELD CAN'T HIDE YOU FOREVER.

Oh, and I make about 400g a day just from quests and vendor trash in outland, so uhh, yeah...

Also, if you plan on doing AV, whatever you do, DO NOT DO WHAT I DID. DO ALL YOUR AVs BEFORE 61. 61-70 AV is as broken as broken gets. Several reasons:

a) Nobody queues. Because it's broken.

B) Archers/Bowmen now have a range of 200 yards and do 1000+ damage per shot. Broken.

c) The flag guards have 15,000hp each and do ridiculous damage. Broken.

d) The captains, lieutenants, and basically all elite mobs have hundreds of thousands of hitpoints and will one shot you. Yes, including your MT. Broken.

e) I sat in an AV at level 63 for an hour. Not one flag was capped. Not one elite was killed. Neither team could make it past either bottleneck at SH or IB, since the 1000 damage archers would kill them in mere seconds once they got within 200 yards.

So yeah. AV after 60 is a joke.


What about Eye of the Storm? I haven't tried it yet, for some reason I get a internal error every time it begins to load, and my game crashes.


and I love my flying mount....:)

Oh, and I make about 400g a day just from quests and vendor trash in outland, so uhh, yeah...

What the hell? I've made maybe 150g in all my time in Outland, and I had to spend 60g of that on 58 and 60 skills. Is there an exponential increase in value as the zones progress, or are you just playing the shit out of this game?

What the hell? I've made maybe 150g in all my time in Outland, and I had to spend 60g of that on 58 and 60 skills. Is there an exponential increase in value as the zones progress, or are you just playing the shit out of this game?

Once you get to zangarmarsh, and then even moreso in terrokar and nagrand, the amount you make will start increasing pretty significantly. I made enough to get my epic mount in about 6 hours in zangarmarsh. Also, it probably helps that I have 300+ mining and 375 herbalism. Oh, and save all those motes you get. I get like 9g for vendoring crap ass green weapons with shit stats. And they drop quite a bit. And when you find them with good stats, you can usually sell them for 20g or more.


Alright. AddOn help time.

Trying to get the AddOn button to show in the Char. Select screen. I downloaded Titan Panel and MozzFullWorldMap, extracted the files in the proper folder, did it without WoW being touched, and deleted the .zip.

And it still will not show. Any help?

Alright. AddOn help time.

Trying to get the AddOn button to show in the Char. Select screen. I downloaded Titan Panel and MozzFullWorldMap, extracted the files in the proper folder, did it without WoW being touched, and deleted the .zip.

And it still will not show. Any help?

Did you extract it into the WoW\Interface or WoW\Interface\AddOns? It should be in the latter.


So I finally got a ranged weapon upgrade after using the blue Guttbuster since level 40-some, and it was a bow. My bow skill was 160/305. I went to Blasted Lands for an easier time training skill and found the Servant of Razelikh (sp), which is a 57 quest mob that doesn't die unless you do the quest procedure (gets down to 1 health and stays there). Damn are those things great for training weapon skill. Let pet grab aggro, fire fire fire, mend pet to full when he gets down to about 1000/5000 health, and by the time he needs heal again I have full mana. Got bow to 285/305 before it was too slow to warrant, and then I got a few melee skill levels too.

Then I went to Ramparts in Hellfire, was almost up to the second boss (dragon rider), and all the instance servers on Shadowsong froze. One by one they started crashing, and when I was able to log back in our group was broken and it was about to port me to Shattrath before I was booted a second time, after which I couldn't log in because "No instance servers are available." I logged into my BE alt just before the guild DM run crashed as well, and shortly after that Shadowsong went offline entirely. Everything's back up now, but so much for our Ramparts run.


Huh, my account vanished.

Anyway, currently guildless on Illidan (I made a parody guild of Angry called Mildly Discontent, but only as a joke while I was PvPing with my friends in Angry). Anaericus, 66 Undead Mage. I got the expansion the day it came out, but I've been playing with a few friends on Shattered Hand (they're all new to the game, and we all started from scratch). I've been getting more time away from that server to level on Illidan, though.

I find it a bit strange that you had such trouble leveling past 60 at first, Suzu. So far I've been knocking out each level in about four hours /played, give or take a bit considering campers and the like. Was it your downtime that was killing you, your damage, or what? (I feel like a cheap prick because I crit over a third of the time with fire and can occasionally two-hit mobs my level.)

Also, my friend Ceo was the first 70 on Illidan. I'm not sure whether that's an accomplishment to be proud of or what, but I certainly thought it was rather cool. Except she's trying to ditch the character now; she's powerleveling a blood elf mage to 70 and hoping she can switch mains in her guild (her current main is a druid, and, well, every guild always needs more druids).

(This post is laden with parentheses.)

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