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Well Ty, I decided to listen to my Burning Crusade soundtrack and you're right, the Outland music DOES sound a lot like Diablo music...and I guess with Matt Uelmen composing it that makes a lot of sense.

Matt Uelmen (born July 31, 1973) is a composer. He is best known for his work in Blizzard Entertainment's Diablo series, which was recognized with the inaugural Excellence in Audio award by the IGDA in 2001. He also worked as a sound designer in StarCraft. Recently, he composed the music for the Outland areas of the 2007 release World Of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade.

60-63 isn't taking nearly as long as you described, Suzu. I didn't check /played before and after but I swear it's been a matter of hours (not days) to get halfway through 62 as I have.

I really, really hate how much PUG tanks suck. I swear, if I get into Ramparts with another one who can't manage to grab the dragon as he lands, I'm going to snap.


I think it was the shit gear I had. Once I had replaced all my crappy level 40-50 green items with Outlands quest rewards, I started levelling faster. Like I said it took me a long ass time to go from 60-64. But I did 68-70 in one evening.

Now to scrounge up another 5000g or so for my epic flying mount. The regular flying mount is so slow... :(

Also, there's a lot of weird areas I've noticed that are only reachable by flying mount, especially in Blade's Edge Mountains. There's even named mobs in the Blade's Edge Mountains. Namely Terrordar the Tormentor, some huge ass Eredar guy. But there's no quests for any of these areas. Weird.

Well Ty, I decided to listen to my Burning Crusade soundtrack and you're right, the Outland music DOES sound a lot like Diablo music...and I guess with Matt Uelmen composing it that makes a lot of sense.

Nagrand and Blade's Edge Mountains are both very Diablo sounding. Netherstorm, especially when in the cities there, sounds very StarCraft-ish, which is an awesome touch. Hellfire Peninsula on the other hand, has more of a classic WarCraft feel. Sounds like WarCraft 2. The other zones don't particularly sound like anything, but are still cool.

Man people are taking too damn long to level to 70. I wanna do some damn instances, but there's not enough 70s to go around.

I'm tryin' man, I'm tryin'. I got on my priest last night and pounded out half my quest logt hat's been sitting there for MONTHES.

I don't know how to use that new LFG thing though...I just AUTOMATICALLY join a group and it's scary :(

Plus I need to learn how to HEAL without BeneCast again >_<


I've been ganking people while I wait for the rest of the realm to catch up... dude... ganking in Azeroth at level 70 is oh so very wrong. I went to Hillsbrad, thinking I'd maybe gank a few lowbies while I wait to get a CoT group (for OLD Hillsbrad, no less, kek). So during my gankfest, I decided to go down to Southshore to see if there's any lowbies hanging around the outskirts of town... then I noticed something. Something evil. Something awesome. The guards in Southshore are level 45 now. That's right. Level 45. HUGE mistake on Blizzard's part. I can now one shot them.

Needless to say, no Allies got any questing done for the next hour or so, while I systematically (and repeatedly) killed every NPC in the town of Southshore. Flight Master, Quest Givers, Vendors, you name it, they all died. A couple more 70s came along and joined me a bit later, and we took out the elite guy in the town hall. Horde officially owned Southshore. And God said it was good.

45 to 58...one year, and I am finally up to 45, almost 46. DANG it takes too long. Not to mention the experience isn't much.


Instances are some of the worst XP in the game. You'd be better off finding a nice camp of greens or yellows and grinding if you don't want to quest. I only do instances when I'm bored and need the change of pace (most PUGs make me change my mind very quickly), want a specific piece of gear that I think would improve my progress enough to warrant stomaching the aforementioned PUG, or it's the first run through and I have 5-7 quests I can get done, making it equal or better XP than soloing.

I've been ganking people while I wait for the rest of the realm to catch up... dude... ganking in Azeroth at level 70 is oh so very wrong. I went to Hillsbrad, thinking I'd maybe gank a few lowbies while I wait to get a CoT group (for OLD Hillsbrad, no less, kek). So during my gankfest, I decided to go down to Southshore to see if there's any lowbies hanging around the outskirts of town... then I noticed something. Something evil. Something awesome. The guards in Southshore are level 45 now. That's right. Level 45. HUGE mistake on Blizzard's part. I can now one shot them.

Needless to say, no Allies got any questing done for the next hour or so, while I systematically (and repeatedly) killed every NPC in the town of Southshore. Flight Master, Quest Givers, Vendors, you name it, they all died. A couple more 70s came along and joined me a bit later, and we took out the elite guy in the town hall. Horde officially owned Southshore. And God said it was good.

Time that could have been better spent playing with that bot in Nagrand.

Maybe trying for some hot bot-on-bot action?

I'm bored at 70 as well. If you end up needing a mage for anything and I happen to be online the same time as you, toss me an invite. I still haven't been able to find a decent group for Old Hillsbrad.

Instances are some of the worst XP in the game. You'd be better off finding a nice camp of greens or yellows and grinding if you don't want to quest. I only do instances when I'm bored and need the change of pace (most PUGs make me change my mind very quickly), want a specific piece of gear that I think would improve my progress enough to warrant stomaching the aforementioned PUG, or it's the first run through and I have 5-7 quests I can get done, making it equal or better XP than soloing.

This is, of course, assuming you're in a PUG or otherwise inadequate group. Get a nice group of friends/guildies who know how to keep pace, though, and instances can be a far better grind. Especially 58+.

I'm up to 65.667 and finally got my epic (riding) mount a few days ago. Since then I've already got another 200g, so I hope not to have any problems picking up the normal flying mount when the time comes. Nagrand is a godsend for a skinning Hunter. Bind and grind, skin and win. Halaa is a nice touch, too.


HOLY CRAP, guys. Go check out the WoW forums.

Looks like Priests will have a 20 second cooldown on the PoM, and...some other things, but this had made priests MAD, even making them cancel thier accounts. Hell, they started riots on the severs to crash them.

But I guess this is all needed, since the developers didn't look at the constructive feedback from Priests, that is, that's what they say.

I feel sorry for Priests. Not pity, but sympathy. I really wanted you guys to be a well-rounded healing class, and I am a Hunter.

HOLY CRAP, guys. Go check out the WoW forums.

Looks like Priests will have a 20 second cooldown on the PoM, and...some other things, but this had made priests MAD, even making them cancel thier accounts. Hell, they started riots on the severs to crash them.

But I guess this is all needed, since the developers didn't look at the constructive feedback from Priests, that is, that's what they say.

I feel sorry for Priests. Not pity, but sympathy. I really wanted you guys to be a well-rounded healing class, and I am a Hunter.

Just take a look at the test realm patch notes and you'll find all kinds of nerfs. The most hilarious section is druids: -40% armor in bear form, +30% stamina instead of total health, -20% Mangle damage... holy hell is it going to suck when feral druids are brought down off their high horses.

Just take a look at the test realm patch notes and you'll find all kinds of nerfs. The most hilarious section is druids: -40% armor in bear form, +30% stamina instead of total health, -20% Mangle damage... holy hell is it going to suck when feral druids are brought down off their high horses.

I wandered into the warrior forums and laughed as they feasted off the druidic tears.

My guild has no druid tanks, so this really doesn't impact me. I feel it's a problem, though, when a supposedly "hybrid" class can tank better than the class whose primary role is being a meatshield.


So, here I am a World of WarCraft: The Burning Crusade owner. Paid in full $40. Now, as most people here know, I have a (now) level 44 Undead Priest.

So, today I got bored with the grind and knowing the Blasted Lands had creatures from levels 46-50 something, I decided to go on an adventure to the Dark Portal.

I fly on down to Stonard, hop on my mount, treck on down to the Dark Portal, rush up the ramp and BAM....I go through it...but I'm still in the Blasted Lands. WTF? Big message stating "You must be level 58 to enter the Dark Portal."

Whoa whoa whoa whoaaaa. You're telling me I can't even SET FOOT into Outland unless I'm level 58? What the crap is THAT about?

Now, I know what you're probably thinking. "You're leve 44, you're gonna get RAPED in Outland, you have no business being there." Sure, I'll get raped in Outland, but guess what? I PAID for Outland. TO be more correct, I PAID for an entire new continent that's roughly the size of both the existing continents to explorer and enjoy at my will.

Guess what? I'd get raped in the Burning Steppes. I'd get raped in some parts of the Hinterlands. I'd get raped in a lot of places, but you know what? I can still walk through them AT MY LEISURE and I DIDN'T have to pay extra for it.

Sure, I can be a dreanei or a blood elf and go to their new towns and areas. Big fricken whoop. So I get to level from 1-25 in 2 "breath taking new areas" but once I finish up Ghostlands it's RIGHT back to the Barrens and Ashenvale and Thousand Needles until I'm fricken 58.

That's some SERIOUS bullshit, Blizzard. Seriously.


The reason I got so bored with levelling tonight is because I tried to run Ulda and my computer locked up 3 times. Now I know what you're thinking there: "That's what you get for upgrading to Vista."

Well here's some statistics for you: My video card is a GeForce FX 5200. While crap, nVidia still totes it as a "Vista essential compatible and ready to go!" video card.


But there's a catch...FX cards aren't up to date with the most recent drivers. Only GeForce 6 & 7 cards are still being updated to iron out kinks with Vista and anything before that is basically "Yea...it'll work...with a lot of problems...but we'll maybe fix it...eventually."

ATI, on the other hand, is getting all their Vista compatible cards (with pixel shading and all that crud) fully up to date and functional.

So Microsoft is not so much as fault here so much as fricken nVidia. F-U nVidia.

I can't wait until I get my 2.36 Ghz MacBook Pro next month. Then I'm gonna whoop some WoW ass.


Rama, I believe there are still ways to glitch into Outland that Blizz hasn't normed. Grab a high level friend and try a 'lock summon, mage port (to Shattrath City), or meeting stone. One of them should work (and did as of last week, last time I saw a lowbie in the guild show up in Shattrath).


I'm not sure how official this is, but I heard on a WoW podcast that the level 58 restriction was to prevent everyone from flooding Outland when Burning Crusade launched, and that it would later be removed.

Help me kill locks

Best bet is to go BM and kite the hell outta them and let your pet do most of the dps. It's lame but yeah, locks and all. Youll probably still need to get lucky. Also, use your Insignia of the Horde. Owait lol alliance. You can try and freeze their pet too. Even if you're out of fear range Death coil can screw you over into a chain fear so...yeah...

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