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I don't understand the message he's trying to convey here. Is he saying it's wrong to make music just for the fun of it?

Pretty much what I got out of it.

At some point years ago I'd probably have been one of the people praising this, thankfully I got through puberty and grew the fuck up.

kind of


I think it was more along the lines of 'my music means something to me, and i hate when people don't understand this meaning and attempt to degrade it by using lyrics i don't approve of.'

which is valid, but at the same time it comes across exactly as bleck's statement. some might find the standard 'club bangers' to have more of a meaning than deadmau5's music, and others might not see any meaning in either. all down to perception.


That's reasonable and I could understand it, I guess it's just the incredibly condescending tone of it that makes it come off like

"how dare people have superficial fun!"

This line especially reeks of a seething hatred of others music that goes beyond simply not want his own music fucked with

"ANYTHING club related. which fortunately for the world *rolls eyes* makes up for 99% of the “electronic music” fad that’s apparently considered mainstream now."


He doesn't like when people do it because of who they are, but he supports them when they care about what it is they are doing. He isn't condescending, he's just preferably supportive of creative individuals.


I thought he was just saying that he doesn't like superficial lyrics on his tracks, which he puts a lot of extra expressive effort into.

It's like spending an entire day preparing the perfect ham dinner for your family, so everyone sits down and gets ready to eat, but then your obnoxious uncle comes in and says "you should put some ketchup on that shit, awww yea"


Aren't recording companies the ones mainly responsible for bad mainstream music these days (not to mention the rather culture-less masses who keep on demanding this tripe)?

Imho, it's pretty tough for an artist to unleash their full creative potential, if they're being constricted by their contracts. So I'm really doubting that Deadmau5 really looked into the issue with all that much depth. All I got was a bunch of semi-coherent ramblings befitting a 14 year old :S

So I'm really doubting that Deadmau5 really looked into the issue with all that much depth. All I got was a bunch of semi-coherent ramblings befitting a 14 year old :S

I have my doubts that Deadmau5 has mental capacities past that age :P

Don't get me wrong, love his music, but he's not exactly socrates. :P


What I got out of the rant is that he wants to main total creative control over his music, rather than let any ol' label badger him into collaborating with a big name just for name's sake. Also, he was really touched by that short story (which is definitely a gripping one if you go and read it).

It's so horribly written I can't bring myself to finish it.

You missed out because the end is fucking hilarious

The moral of the story is here, is that this is what songwritting should be about. Music is meant to provoke feeling and thought. So if we were to go by popular music, we should all be thinking how sexy we are and we know it, or how our hands should be contstantly up in the air… or maybe we should drop that bass because itss too fucking heavy to lift or whatever the fucking problem with bass is these days.

The part about dropping the bass kills me.

It's so horribly written I can't bring myself to finish it.

It's actually pretty well written, but I think whatever scanner they used to bring it into digital text form just missed on some of the letters - which may have you thinking it is herky-jerky.


I think he's trying to convey that he likes originality, and HATES when meaningless pop-y generic vocals "corrupt" otherwise great tracks.

...also, I just read that story, and... it's scary. It's scary what we can become, and what we can make you children become. Mind you, it's only a hypothetical, but I believe it could happen, the neglect I've seen these days by parents.

Aren't recording companies the ones mainly responsible for bad mainstream music these days (not to mention the rather culture-less masses who keep on demanding this tripe)?

Imho, it's pretty tough for an artist to unleash their full creative potential, if they're being constricted by their contracts. So I'm really doubting that Deadmau5 really looked into the issue with all that much depth. All I got was a bunch of semi-coherent ramblings befitting a 14 year old :S

He was signed to multiple labels, and he did moan on how crappy they were and how touring with ultra sucked etc...

Im sure he thought it out before he posted that, not to mention he owns his own label.

The point he is getting is that people get tastless on music now adays and its more common to hear the same crap more often.

creativity is just something you have to look hard for I guess. I also agree, I dont need to be told that a massive wavetable/subtractive( whatever have it your way) bassline is about to come in to the song, it kinda gets annoying ;)

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