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Oh. My god. Is it worth it? Yes.

3 seasons, 61 episodes. And so far, Legend of Korra is shaping up to be even better. Totally, 1000% worth it

I cannot endorse this opinion.

1000 is much too low a number.

The majority of people I know who watched the original series when it was all available to watch at once did so in under a week.

The original Last Airbender is probably one of the best cartoons ever made, much less one of the best cartoons of the last decade.

in a time when everything was dumbed down and television served mainly to brainwash the youth into being bratty spoiled... well, brats, Avatar: The Last Airbender was one of the few shows that dared to have morals and a lesson and show that no matter who you are, you can make a difference.

Cheesy? Maybe, but it's a damn good show. And though it may have been geared towards a somewhat younger audience, watching it will give you insight on a lot of things mentioned in Legend of Korra.

Also, for those interested, The Promise - Part 2 comes out at the end of the month.

in a time when everything was dumbed down and television served mainly to brainwash the youth into being bratty spoiled... well, brats, Avatar: The Last Airbender was one of the few shows that dared to have morals and a lesson and show that no matter who you are, you can make a difference.

It also isn't incredibly schizophrenic and crazy for no discernible reason. It has tons of dramatic, low-key moments, great storylines, and well written multi-dimensional characters, all of which are quite rare in stuff driven towards a younger audience. It isn't just good despite being a kids' show; it's plain GOOD.

It also isn't incredibly schizophrenic and crazy for no discernible reason. It has tons of dramatic, low-key moments, great storylines, and well written multi-dimensional characters, all of which are quite rare in stuff driven towards a younger audience. It isn't just good despite being a kids' show; it's plain GOOD.

there's that too


Okay, so Nickelodeon IS uploading the episodes after they air, but I'm still trying to figure out how long between TV airing and upload. I can't ever catch it on TV and I explained my reasoning behind the non-torrent route. I'd like to mark it on my calendar or something, but there's no RSS feed or hint when it goes up.

Pretty much everyone else covered the main stuff, Derrit, so if you're still reading this, just get to watching the show. I have yet to hear someone complain about the show who gave it a chance. (Personally, I felt the first, like, 3 episodes were a bit slow, but after that it's near impossible to stop watching. Legend of Korra's pacing was much better in this regard.)


The delay is until Tuesday. I found this out last week when Comcast forgot that I was paying for the damn channel. I have to wait until then this week because my tv is dying and takes twenty minutes of furious mashing of the on button to power up.

The delay is until Tuesday. I found this out last week when Comcast forgot that I was paying for the damn channel. I have to wait until then this week because my tv is dying and takes twenty minutes of furious mashing of the on button to power up.
Thank you. I'll keep my eyes open for it then. (And sorry about your TV woes. It's one of many reasons why this show is among only a few I still have an interest in.)
The delay is until Tuesday. I found this out last week when Comcast forgot that I was paying for the damn channel. I have to wait until then this week because my tv is dying and takes twenty minutes of furious mashing of the on button to power up.

Are you sure it's Tuesday? Because the newest episode is up right now: http://www.nick.com/videos/clip/legend-of-korra-105-the-spirit-of-competition-full-episode.html?navid=LOKFB

But sadly, that is the end of the first season. We'll have to wait until... sometime later for the next season.

But at least, we'll get to see Korra use her Avatar State someday. That's always good.

What on earth are you talking about?

But sadly, that is the end of the first season. We'll have to wait until... sometime later for the next season.

But at least, we'll get to see Korra use her Avatar State someday. That's always good.

We're only halfway through the season. They signed on for 12 episodes.

Posted (edited)

TV.com, wikipedia and other sites I've checked say it's only 6 with no mention of further episodes afterward.

Even shows with lots of unaired episodes still list them by air date and have basic synopsis. So far, nothing for Legend of Korra has gone past episode 6.

EDIT: Aaaaaaand the wiki page for episodes was recently edited to include new info. Nice. I checked it a few days ago and it only stated 6 episodes at the time.

Thanks, whomever added it then and not sooner.

Edited by The Damned
TV.com, wikipedia and other sites I've checked say it's only 6 with no mention of further episodes afterward.

Even shows with lots of unaired episodes still list them by air date and have basic synopsis. So far, nothing for Legend of Korra has gone past episode 6.

EDIT: Aaaaaaand the wiki page for episodes was recently edited to include new info. Nice. I checked it a few days ago and it only stated 6 episodes at the time.

Thanks, whomever added it then and not sooner.

well that would be good and all, except for the fact that we've known it to be 12 episodes for some time now.

hell, the 14 eps in book 2 weren't even originally there; the series was just supposed to be these 12.


I'm calling it right now.

There is no Amon. Not a single one, at least.

Amon mentioned his family being killed by a Fire Bender in The Revelation. Sato, the rich guy that makes cars in the Avatar world, also says his wife was killed by a Fire Bender. Other minor characters have stated personal experiences with Benders as well. At some point in the past, this common experience led them to meet and plot out revenge against all benders, even the ones that had nothing to do with any of their personal tragedies.

Recruiting and training other non Benders to act as an army, building machines to fight back with, scaring the population... it's all part of a plan for revenge. But they were vurnerable as a group. They needed something to act as both an inspiration and protection for each member. Thus, we come to Amon.

Amon's story is just generic and common enough to both inspire his followers, while also shield each member from suspicion from the authorities. His story applies to hundreds of members, and yet applies to no one in particular. It's a great cover.

He wears a mask not to cover his fictional scars, but to conceal the multiple identities of the Equalist leaders. Different members with different strengths (like public speaking, fighting or the one guy that knows how to block Bending) take turn wearing the Amon disguise depending upon the event. That way, he is always in top form, always present and never afraid of capture, because you can't arrest an idea or a symbol.

Even if the cops did arrest an Amon, they would see it was not a scarred man, but a regular person, and assume it was a double the entire time. Then another Amon appears makes an appearance on radio or at an event, and the city see that the "real" Amon is still out there. This eliminates any victory the police have in arresting an Amon, while still stirring up fear in the population that he is still very much active.

"But Damned,", you ask, "if they are all pretending to be Amon, then how do they all sound alike?"

That's a good question. The answer is simple.

Voice Bending.

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