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(from the reviews)

But do a favor Enigami and remake your track. I want to hear the pre-crash version!
Pre-crash version was entirely different, Gates vs. Robotnik is it's own track thrown together in 3 and a half hours this morning.

I was originally attempting an orchestral remix before it crashed on me.

(from the reviews)

Pre-crash version was entirely different, Gates vs. Robotnik is it's own track thrown together in 3 and a half hours this morning.

I was originally attempting an orchestral remix before it crashed on me.

I know. That's why I want you to try and re-make the original.

Also, does anyone else have a problem with Sir Jordanius's track where it just skips to the end halfway through?

Good match, Main Finger. Best of luck with the next round. Hope I get a little more time to participate in the next compo (whenever that might be). Until then, great round everyone. Looking forward to what the next matchups bring. :D

Looking at the positive: CHEMICAL PLANT ZONE LIVES ON! \m/

I still can't believe how quickly you made your mix. Kudos to you, good sir. It takes me forever to get anything done. I probably would have sent in a 10 second clip if I was in your shoes.

Yeah I have to apologize guys. I was working on my track, but then Diablo 3 happened. The last few days every time I would sit to work on my track my mind wasn't really on it and I just went back to diablo. Again, apologies.

DIABLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You busted our NutS! Sorry you weren't able to submit anything sir.

BlackPanther just PMed me too, he thought the deadline was 12 midnight :sad: so he didn't have anything finished yet.

Also, does anyone else have a problem with Sir Jordanius's track where it just skips to the end halfway through?

I just download the zip and tested it. It works for me. Maybe your download got corrupt? Maybe try unzipping again or re-downloading?


I just download the zip and tested it. It works for me. Maybe your download got corrupt? Maybe try unzipping again or re-downloading?

i have the same problem curiously.

Chernabogue, fun track i like what you did with the mystic cave theme, and KingTiger nice stuff too.


must be some sort of error when it got compressed, or just how he exported it... his track works fine for me though... and yes, it's 2:45 long. The only issue I get is that it does skip ahead, but ONLY if you try to click ahead in the song. So, I would suggest not skipping any intros or anything and you should be fine... then again if you're going to properly criticize you should give the track a full listen from start to finish (not pointing fingers, just sayin') :)

I'll be posting my review of everyone's tracks shortly!! Thanks fellow pancakes for an awesome morning of great music!!

must be some sort of error when it got compressed, or just how he exported it... his track works fine for me though... and yes, it's 2:45 long. The only issue I get is that it does skip ahead, but ONLY if you try to click ahead in the song. So, I would suggest not skipping any intros or anything and you should be fine... then again if you're going to properly criticize you should give the track a full listen from start to finish (not pointing fingers, just sayin') :)

Interesting... I just noticed the same thing, but ONLY when I try to skip ahead in the song, which I hadn't done yet (because it is so damn hilarious). It also only happens in certain players apparently... it'll do it in iTunes for me, but not WMP.

Let me see if I can re-encode it and I'll re-upload the zip with a fixed file.


Finally got around to having a listen to this bracket and ....yeah ....this is going to be a difficult round to vote through. Think I will sleep on it, have another listen and pick the songs apart carefully. There are a lot of good ideas going on here.

One thing I can say right now though is Chernabogue, I absolutely LOVE that gangster lean you threw on Mystic Cave. It's got a whole deep swing going on there, with the bass and the brass. Glad to see you're going through even if it is by a no-show auto-win. Fantastic stuff, man.


Ok I re-encoded Sir J's song (same bitrate and everything, so there is NO difference in quality), so it shouldn't do that skippy thing anymore. I tested it out on my end under the same conditions and it doesn't do it any more. I updated it in the ZIP file, same link.

Ok - now I need to get down to business and work on my song :-)


Well, I'm saddened with the loss of any lean meat and bananas on the pancakes tonight :( but alas, the show must go on. I'm still keen to dive my taste buds into these and see what can be done. Here's my thoughts on tonight's tasters.

Brandon Strader's offering felt slightly meatier than I expected, and though I was expecting intense strength from red meats, his choice of gammon with a nice serving of pineapple on the top really added some soul and serenity towards it. Course, that may squish the pancake a bit, not to mention the pineapple probably felt a bit soured (a bit out of date?), but still made for a very surprising offering.

Tuberz McGee however was more careful with his choice of kiwi fruit; more thinly chopped, dissolved well into the pancake to the point that it could be confused for an omelette, and still felt peaceful and filling. Alas, I think you put a little bit too much oil into the batter; makes the appearance of the serving a bit on the muddy side, if you know what I mean, not to mention somehow making the herbal components take over in comparison to the other parts of the mix, but it's still a pretty unique serving.

AMT went all out with his - his use of smoked salmon in his packed a wallop! It provided a great savory strength that fitted his enthusiasm, and though I think he did better with "Wily's Ruin" in the WCRG in regards to the execution, this combination definitely hit the sweet spot. However, I'm not so sure why the mayonnaise felt so separate from the rest of the topping; try to blend it a bit more with the main course if you can next time. Otherwise, it worked so well either way.

Like Tuberz's, urdailywater had a more subtle adaptation, being sure to flavor it with a drizzle of lime and a pinch of dandelion, blended almost *too* well into the cake - the identity seems to be obscured a bit by the batter. Not quite as over the top, but it provides a gentle alternative if you think AMT's fishy flavoring overdid it.

Dj Mokram's pancake was interesting to say the least; of all things, he tried to top it off with a mini paella, hence a ridiculous patchwork of different tastes. This experimental method could prove to be a little bit salty for some, and I think the rice wasn't quite as heated as it could've been, but as always, the meat and substance still adapted to his methods. It's going to be a difficult pancake to devour, but it'll be worth it if you're adventurous enough.

Wildfire took hers more on the safe side - a gentle seasoning of ground pepper on hers to act as a contrast to Mokram's wild ideas. This could've worked so well on paper, and indeed it was cooked surprisingly well in comparison to what I've seen from her in the past, but needless to say, I didn't see enough soy sauce in the mixture. But what was there still added a pleasant aftertaste to it, if not a little bit on the bland side.

Arceace's was a little bit minimalist, but there was a great use of herbs there to really add a bold touch to his work, and the dried coconut also provided a great sweetened addition to his topping. It definitely had the promise but could've easily had some more substance and stuff to fill the centre of the pancake, but it was very fun, lifted my distaste for dried coconut and was a very surprising dish.

And it looks like halc's gone away from the usual processed potato chips and went on to finely chop a sweet potato on top of his. People may have been baffled with the thought of him using extra milk in the bater, but somehow it worked for a deliciously creamy, mashed up and downright irresistable mixture. It makes me sad though that he had a great opponent in that corner of the kitchen too, since they both did great works; ultimately I believe he just outperformed him, but they made some great, memorable additions to the menu.

KingTiger may not have done the wise choice in applying tightly wrapped pigs in blankets on his, but with his opponent being a no show it gave him all the time to be as creative with his as he can. Great fusion of meats, probably was aligned a little bit too sparsely and could've had a bit more put in to compliment the food-origami, but it was a worthwhile experiment and I hope that his original vision would be shown down the line.

I feel sorry for the random explosion that happened in Enigami's corner of the kitchen. Needless to say he tried what he did with the scraps that remained, and while that resulted in a very burnt pancake with scraps from the previous attempt on top, it's still... better than nothing, I guess? What a brave man you are, but I hope you'll re-create your original vision :(

Gario may have noticed the explosion coming and reacted quickly with his. And even though his provided more of a taste, I don't think setting the stove to 11 was a good idea as it also resulted in a few tiny burnt patches. Nevertheless, the use of jam was a good idea to try and blemish it, but you need to keep calm when trying to make these things. I trust you a lot :)

Syllix provided an amazing amount of energy in his own work - that must've come from the great use of tabasco sauce in his, subtle enough to give it a great kick while not coming off as too hot. One thing I could recommend was to try and bring the side salad more into the centre and give it time to fuse with the tabasco, but for a first taster of your work, I feel very happy with what you did.

And Sir Jordanius's dish made me laugh a lot, especially with the random use of a Bronx Rican touch and Team America somewhere in the front of the pancake. :razz: It's very fun and organic with some great exotic fruits placed on top, topped off with a ridiculous amount of grated cheese on the edges. Needless to say if you placed roast gecko in the topping, I can't find it anywhere (!!), but that to me was one of the more unique dishes being served this evening - very bold and well done.

And Chernabogue had definitely been back to his old tricks. But I guess he didn't like the idea of chopping up a sheep's brain and using it very much, so instead it seemed as if he grinded pieces and covered it with a ridiculous amount of garlic cloves acting as dressing (wise idea). Thankfully, the old tricks of black pudding for substance still gave it its charm, and with some careful wrapping on frogs' legs onto them (though not as bold as KingTigers's earlier), we have a concoction that could be a little on the experimental side. But hey, it seems to be a French local cuisine, and I'll take it either way.

All in all, those are some mighty adventurous pancakes, my eggmen. You definitely made my night. :nicework:


Could we get a playlist file with the rounds? (.m3u or whatever they are) Even though you tagged track names, Winamp does not want to put them in order when I go to play the folder :\

Sure I could do that. I have track numbers tho, won't winamp play them in that order?

unless you re-encoded it to a lossless format there will be a loss of quality from double encoding

not tryin to be a know-it-all or anything, but it's a useful fact for any musician

Well you do know more than me, so I'll take your advice :smile:, what should I do then, just revert to Sir J's original file and just deal with it?


I think the only way to try and resolve it would be to get him to re-encode in 320 CBR. It's usually VBR tracks that tend to do these awkward time based tricks, and if his MP3 encoder does that, then it seems like the only way to fix it for competition purposes :?


Brandon Strader

great vocals man, loved those harmonies - I think the sax was a bit out of a tune sometimes... (never really heard much saxophone in my life) but still... very well done and i quite enjoyed it!! Overall very chilled and laid back.

Tuberz McGee

loving the intro, and love the delayed guitar line. guitar is mixed very well. Interesting having those distorted industrial sounding drums fade in during the middle, but they work! I feel the guitar solo at the end could have been mixed a little louder - things kind of got a little lost in there. Loved that cool high pass sweep effect at the end though



o_O LOL!!! for some reason... this just made me laugh... what are you trying to "provers" anyway? :P

Dude this was just a straight up enjoyable listen, nicely mixed, lyrics were great, not a bad voice either.


dude this track was so chilled! nicely arranged, and all instruments seem to work well together. definitely could just relax and have that on loop :)


DJ Mokram

sick intro.... great sound and use of choinwa (chinese) instruments... nice sound design-y transition (big fan of interesting sound design). Good use of samples, and very nice, and wide soundscape. ohhhhh and a little piano breakdown... I feel the samples after that were a bit overused (considering the cheese factor of the voice actor). Overall, darn good track mate!


first off... that's a nice kick sample there, meaty with a nice click - love me a good kick :)

The beat in the first half is pretty simple and static though, would have liked to hear some variation, that being said, the production quality is definitely there. The beat changes in the second half but it's still very static from that point till the end. The synths are great and I like the melodies, and overall, I enjoyed it.



smooth man... really well done. Not much to say here other than the tune was nicely mixed and I enjoyed it!


straight from the get go - loving the beat and rhythm!! really punchy and interesting percussion - production quality is just top! More use of FX samples than I normally prefer, but you kept the levels low on them and used them effectively.

Just a gorgeous soundscape overall, well done man! Nice little touch with the outro too :)



interesting.. and this WAS pretty different, but i guess that's the point right? anyway, props to you sir for taking your musical direction away from the norm. Too bad mr panther didn't submit anything - it would have been interesting to see another take on the two themes. Job well done on your part though.



this seems a bit too jittery to me.. nothing wrong with rhythmic synths, but it was a little too much for my taste, and with the percussion pinging back and and forth on each speaker, it's just a little awkward. Other than that, production quality wasn't bad and I liked the arrangement.


lol... if I was using Windows, I would have thought something had gone wrong haha. anyway, definitely interesting... considering you only had a few hours to work on this...


Sir Jordanius

bhahaha!!! You freakin' guy!! The intro is hilarious man!! Really interesting man and love the different style!! Was really hoping it was gonna turn out to be a cheesy club beat with some smooth rapper overtop haha (awww yeah, you feel this beat yo? shorteee), but this is definitely just as good, really love the arrangement man, really creative!! :P



I was wondering why I didn't recognize some parts tehn I realized it was Scrap brain for Master system... Anyway, I liked your take on this - this song used to give me goosebumps when I was little - I thought it would be scary music to play at halloween haha. Didn't expect the lyrics coming it at the end, but I really liked it.


*away from studio* (busy slaying demons):twisted:


You all have done a fantastic job. On this day, I am proud to call myself a pancake!! :D


Yeah sure I suppose! You could just post a link here or in the WIP forums. It won't be included in the "official" compo ZIP files though since it wasn't done on time with the rest of the mixes. Was your guest vocalist supposed to sing the chorus of your song? Cause that would make sense.

Yeah, my friend Martha was going to sing on the "B Verse" (the part with the vocoder on it right now) but she had some stuff come up.

Sometimes I come up with some pretty weird stuff, but I don't always know how different it is except for people telling me.


Awright, listenin' time!

Brandon Strader - I thought this was going to be pretty chill when I heard the opening, but the guitars corrected my error quickly enough. You've got a slow, chuggy groove going on that wouldn't be too out of the ordinary if it weren't for the lead saxaphone coming over the top. It's an experiment for sure, but I think it's a mostly successful one- when you tone it down into clean guitars and vox it sounds really really nice. Production is a little harsh on this and really midrange heavy, and when everything comes in together it gets a bit muddy having vox + sax + guitars fighting for the same frequency space. The synth at the end is nice, but was it used anywhere else in the song? It could have been a good way to tie the end to the rest.

Tuberz McGee - Starts off with a really cool soundscape, but the transition into Planet Wisp felt a little rough. The song gets noisy as it goes on, but this isn't necessarily a bad thing. It feels intentionally harsh and I like that.

urdailywater - This is nice and chill- I love this kind of ambient electronic thing you've got going on. It's relaxing to listen to, has slick production, and gives a really cool atmosphere to the songs that I wouldn't have expected.

Chernabogue - This is funky as hell and I'm sad you don't have any competition :( Even if you did, I'm pretty sure I would have voted for you- this is awesome. Great blending of the sources here.

KingTiger - I have a soft spot for vocal mixes and this one is pretty awesome. It feels a little unpolished, but its still a really enjoyable mix and you have some really solid ideas. I liked it overall, nice work.

SirJordanius - I have no idea what I'm listening to o_o Pretty funky overall, the mixing could use a little work but I'm happy to hear real bass. Weird, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Syllix - The organs in the beginning remind me of Chrono Trigger, but we soon launch into launch base zone. I think my main complaint here is that although you stay accurate to the Genesis soundscape, you do so almost too much, to the point where it sounds like I'm listening to something on an actual console. Still a funky arrangement, I dig it.

Dk Mokram - Not sure I'm feeling the voice clips here. The whole thing feels a little ADD and I'm not quite sure where it's going. You also use the drop to voice clip thing a LOT. Production is a bit muddy, although the synth choices seem pretty good. I like each individual section, but they never seem to come together into a cohesive song.

ladyWildfire - Four on the floor with an arp synth groove is always a way to get my attention. You've got a really great sense of momentum here right from the start, and the arrangement reminds me a little bit of Sonic Spinball, which is a good thing. 1:20 loses a bit of that momentum, unfortunately, but you seem to get back on track around 1:50, and you get to dance-in-your-chair leves at 2:30ish. The highs are pretty harsh in your hats, I'd definitely watch for that in the future. Overall a really enjoyable track with a few distractions here and there.

Enigami - Sorry about the crash, man, it happens to the best of us :( Not much to say here, unfortunately you can tell it was last minute.

Gario - Very nice bitcrushed drums. The arrangement doesn't really break a whole lot of new ground, but with Sky Sanctuary I'm not sure it even needs to. Lovely synthscape through the whole thing.

halc - Funky halc chiptuneish synths abound! Nothing too much to say here, I like it but it didn't stand out to me very much. Not sure why, just didn't grab my attention. Can't really point out anything wrong with it, though. Sorry :(

Arceace - Loving that synth bass- you've got a nice house-ish groove going on with a soundscape that sounds like a modern Genesis. Very nice production, very danceable. Not much else to say here, I like it.

Good job everyone, some awesome songs this week!

Well you do know more than me, so I'll take your advice :smile:, what should I do then, just revert to Sir J's original file and just deal with it?

I mean, if the original mp3 was 320k and you re-encoded it at 320k as well, the quality loss is negligible

so I wouldn't worry about it unless the original file was 192k or something, in which case you should at the very least re-encode at 320k to minimize quality loss

whatevah :P

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