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Hey it's me and Brandon Strader! I had just come from work which is why I'm all dressed up :-) And we got his bro-in-law (Dustin Fisher) to download the compo tracks, hah! Too bad our meeting wasn't under better circumstances, but it was cool to meet Brandon in real life nonetheless!



Smart dress or not, you actually look cooler in real life than I thought you would be :)

And I had no idea until recently that you're only 5 months older than me; I feel happy knowing once again that I'm not too old for this remixing thing xD


Goshdarnit I can't get the photo to embed on my phone.


I really appreciate you stopping by Matt, it was good to talk about games and muzak and get our minds off of what's going on momentarily. Next couple days will be tough but as a whole I'm feeling more optimistic about some things




Quick update on the topic of the Brandon Strader vs. AMT matchup we've been discussing the past few pages: based on what Brandon said earlier about if he does advance this round that he'll try to make a song next week after he gets back home to distract him from everything going on and stuff, so I think we'll just leave all of these hypothetical situations as-is. So I guess we can disregard the past few pages of discussions :razz: So if AMT wins, AMT moves on (duh), and if Brandon wins, then Brandon will move on and attempt to make a song next week. After all he did make his song this round in one day :wink:

Smart dress or not, you actually look cooler in real life than I thought you would be :)

I must admit, I am pretty damn cool :wink:

I really appreciate you stopping by Matt, it was good to talk about games and muzak and get our minds off of what's going on momentarily. Next couple days will be tough but as a whole I'm feeling more optimistic about some thing

Hey no problem, it was cool to meet you and Dustin! You guys try to hang in there the next couple days!

Oh, I believe we already have a site that shares what we forum goers look like with each other... what's it called again?


..ohyeah! Now I remember - it's Facebook. :razz:

lol :-)

Couple of champs right there. Will this be the start of a "Post what you look like" thread or does this forum already have one of those? :P

You might try over here. ;-)

If anyone wants a photo with Tuberz, you're free to stop by Chermside in Brisbane whenevs...

Yeah, that's probably not happening. D:

I mean you COULD buy me a plane ticket...:razz:

It looks like the course of action this thread is taking is calling for a super-elite-live-battle-showdown final round live at SupX's house.

I will see you all there in a month.

It looks like the course of action this thread is taking is calling for a super-elite-live-battle-showdown final round live at SupX's house.

I will see you all there in a month.

Well obviously that's the only logical conclusion to this competition. All will enter my house, ONLY ONE WILL LEAVE!!!


aw man, missed the last voting :( but i downloaded both of the round 2 zips when i got back and i like what i've been hearing so far.

dayum, main finger that "regular gonzales" rearrangement was so katamari secksea.

lmao, and phonetic hero i love how the bass sounds like somebody barfing, and i mean that in a good way. very interesting arrangement.

LMAOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.... oh syllix, that intro.

slick music from everyone as expected, i dig it.

Well obviously that's the only logical conclusion to this competition. All will enter my house, ONLY ONE WILL LEAVE!!!

i call dibs on everything in his fridge.

i call dibs on everything in his fridge.

Really, even the random pieces of 6-month-old cheese left inside that would barf everything back out? o_O

(Not showing any disregard to Matt's hygiene, but you never can tell with us computer nerds :tomatoface: )

Really, even the random pieces of 6-month-old cheese left inside that would barf everything back out? o_O

(Not showing any disregard to Matt's hygiene, but you never can tell with us computer nerds :tomatoface: )

My house (well apartment actually) and fridge are immaculate thank you very much :)


So with 48 hours remaining, how's everybody doing?

Me, I've got an arrangement down, and I've been nitpicking it hard over the past couple of days making minor tweaks, though being under the influence of a cold isn't helping things in regards to my accuracy >_> Nonetheless, I'm really liking how it's coming out and I hope you do too :D

So with 48 hours remaining, how's everybody doing?

Me, I've got an arrangement down, and I've been nitpicking it hard over the past couple of days making minor tweaks, though being under the influence of a cold isn't helping things in regards to my accuracy >_> Nonetheless, I'm really liking how it's coming out and I hope you do too :D

Drumline, work, drumline teaching job, commissioned to write drumline parts, commissioned to write MORE drumline parts for a DIFFERENT school, work... haven't even started :P

I plan on starting at work tonight, and then finishing when I get to Nathan's tomorrow night. Maybe I'll even get him in for a collab...


I was just about to ask the same thing... my arrangement is done and I'm just putting the finishing touches on my song. It will be done tonight, which is good, because I won't have time to work on it tomorrow or Saturday before I leave. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. It's a genre I haven't really messed around with before, so I hope you guys like hearing something different from me! Amph, how's your song coming?

Remember, I'm going to be out-of-town this weekend, but still turn your song in to me. I'll have WiFi and I plan to upload the Sonic Round 3 songs in the afternoon/early evening when I have a minute.

Also, Phonetic Hero & Rexy are helping keep track of the votes, so please look to them to announce the final results of the Robotnik Round 2 voting on Saturday at Noon. They'll announce the Robotnik Round 3 match-ups too based off the voting results. When I hop online in the afternoon, I'll update the bracket image. Thanks everyone!

I plan on starting at work tonight, and then finishing when I get to Nathan's tomorrow night. Maybe I'll even get him in for a collab...

Yeah you better turn in a song, NO EXCUSES! :razz: An Ecto cameo would be cool!

Oh no, how will I be able to beat everyone in Indy? D:

I must find a secret weapon!

Haha well I kinda doubt Pete is going to collab with everyone in Indy. He still needs to be the primary mixer on the song, so he can't get that much help :mrgreen: Look deep within yourself Jordan and find your funk! That is your secret weapon :wink:

How is your song coming by the way?

Haha well I kinda doubt Pete is going to collab with everyone in Indy. He still needs to be the primary mixer on the song, so he can't get that much help :mrgreen: Look deep within yourself Jordan and find your funk! That is your secret weapon :wink:

How is your song coming by the way?

You know, I was gonna do funky jazzy somethin-somethin but I've opted for yet another different direction this week.

So far its going pretty swell. Need to flesh out some transitions, and add in a couple more sections, but its slowly solidifying.

You know, I was gonna do funky jazzy somethin-somethin but I've opted for yet another different direction this week.

So far its going pretty swell. Need to flesh out some transitions, and add in a couple more sections, but its slowly solidifying.

I'm excited to hear :D I hope I can cook something up that'll give you a run for your money!!

Oh no, how will I be able to beat everyone in Indy? D:

I must find a secret weapon!

Look deep within yourself Jordan and find your funk! That is your secret weapon :wink:

You know, I was gonna do funky jazzy somethin-somethin but I've opted for yet another different direction this week.


did somebody just say jordan fu----- nevermind...

also, sorry if it's already been stated a few pages back, but superiorx i finally listened to you and c7's last mix and i wondering if you two were going to submit that by any chance? regardless that arrangement and the trumpet playing in that was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sensual. good god, c7's playing was something else. +kudos

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