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Seiken Densetsu 3: Songs of Light and Darkness - History

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Well Holy crap, after coming back to these forums after a long time its awesome to see this project with alot of progress under its belt. I was going to be doin some stuff for it like back in 08, i thought it had died after a while though. Awesome stuff though, congrats Usa and co.

Hey. I sent Meteo the final WAV a few days ago. I wants my blue. :P

You're getting it as soon as I've had a good listen of it... hopefully today. I have it, it's sitting on my todo-list, taunting me. We're officially at +1 wav when I change your color.

Wiesty, you're welcome back any time. :)


In any case, you've now gotten some feedback on those tracks.

I won't be able to do much project- or even internet-related the next two weeks, but I'll still be able to get online on my phone. If you need to reach me, the best way (besides joining me in the Finnish archipelago) is by email, to my gmail address, which you have if you've given me your in the past two years or so. Facebook PMs is another option. Hotmail and ocr PMs aren't as convenient to check from an old iphone, so I probably won't check those as often. And don't expect to see me on AIM, except around the weekend. Maybe.

This also means the deadline/due date thingy gets moved. Tracks are now due on June 27th.. If you don't have updates, nearly or completely finished tracks, at least let me know you're alive and around and still on board.

tl;dr: Rozo goes island, brings iphone, no other internet. Rozo back, and tracks due - June 27th.

  • 2 weeks later...

Good afternoon everyone - You might remember me as Meteo Xavier. My account is re-activated largely for the purpose of working here on SD3.

As you know, I'm #2 man on this project now, and that means when Rozovian is on vacation or busy or dead as he seems to be more and more these days, I'm the man you want to talk to for your SD3 project needs. Biases of the past need not apply, my primary goal is kicking ass on this project and getting progress made for the album and for you.

You can reach me at Gmail and AIM. I am on both pretty constantly and even if I don't respond immediately, I didn't forget you wrote to me.

Gmail is "Meteo.Xavier", and then the gmail address "@gmail.com". I give my AIM name out by gmail only.

Please send me WIPs, completed tracks, questions and comments because my hard drive crashes a lot less than Rozo's does (sorry Rozo, but my HD is more reliable). I'm not in charge of direction here unless R turns up missing, but I am quite the enforcer and my reliability and availability are pretty damn good.

Anything else I can do for y'all?


I have one hard drive crash and everyone thinks I wreck them on a regular basis? For those that didn't get it, Meridian Child being dropped by the artist is because the artist had a crash, not me. :P

Anyway, I'm leaving for Sweden and Norway on Thursday and will, again, only have internet access by iphone... so I can't listen to stuff or do much project-related. That's why Meteo's back, send wips and wavs and stuff to both of us, I can still read them, just can't listen.

Also, expect some drastic tracklist edits when I get back. That and all the other things I've been saying are just around the corner.

ppl whose emails I don't have should make sure i have them. PM them top me here or something if you haven't received the previous mass email thingies I've sent out. Also, if you've signed the consent form, I'll assume I can use the tracks for our previews. If you'd rather not have your track(s) in our previews, let me know. By gmail or pm.

Summer. Things are moving slower, and I'm more busy, than usual. Weird. :D


Semi related notes:

- Is there any way I can get editing access to the main page here to make updates when you're not able to or for any other purpose that would be convenient?

- I know I've seen Co-director, Assistant Director titles for profiles on here, how do I get that?

- Also, I forget, who was on Meridian Child? Was that Zyko?

Semi related notes:

- Is there any way I can get editing access to the main page here to make updates when you're not able to or for any other purpose that would be convenient?


Use a new post. :idea:

- I know I've seen Co-director, Assistant Director titles for profiles on here, how do I get that?

Ask whoever gives vanity titles, probably larry

- Also, I forget, who was on Meridian Child? Was that Zyko?


(mostly correct stuff)

New post isn't really necessary as there probably won't be that much new stuff going on, but besides that, thanks for answering that stuff, B. :D

Anyway, I'm leaving in... 20 minutes or so, just dropping a note here that I'll probably only have internet access by iphone, so send any stuff to both me and Meteo. Meteo can listen, and help you with them, and i wanna know what's going on. Also, I'll listen when I get back.

You guys have any new due dates/deadlines at the moment?

None that I'm aware of other than to get your tracks in ASAP so we can finish this glorious bastard once and for all. :)

Don't forget, the sooner we get done here, the sooner people will be using your remix to make babies. I guarantee it!*

* WARNING, Meteo Xavier cannot guarantee anything including cases and contexts where reasonably average mortals have the power of God in life and presumably death. Void where prohibited.

Dearest Rozovian..


Fly, you fool!

Also in this instance I am Frodo. I'll see you when you come back but I'm not necessarily gonna look for you.

I'm gonna be too busy taking the ring to Mordor with the help of Sam and Smeagol.

So... you'll become a whiny jerk who pushes everyone away and ultimately fails to destroy the ring without Gollum biting his finger off and falling off a cliff into lava?


Oh look, I can has some internet time...

No set deadlines, but it'd be great if I had more stuff to listen to when I come back, in a week and a half. Emu, you wanna do another track or what? :D Somebody tell Mokram we need him to do more tracks for the project. :D His track for Lucid is really cool, and I'd like to hear him tackle some more sd3 stuff. MattInc and a whole lot of other cool ppl too!

Also, I found a fresh new wip in my inbox. Cool style... but wrong style. Anyone interested, read the first post so you know what we're looking for, and make sure both Meteo and I get it.

Oh right, this is Meteo's thread until I'm back. :P *vanishes in a cloud of coughy smoke*

  • 2 weeks later...

It was for Meridian, it's on the wip board now. Not right for the project, but sd3 doesn't get enough remixes so I'm glad the track is out there now.

Anyway, I'm back, and I'm not going particularly far anymore this summer, so I've got time for this project. I wanna see some more action, and I should now have time to actually finish my _first_ remix for this project. (stupid rozo forgot collabs take time...) :D

DaMonz, wip plz, and then I'll mark the track as taken.

Posted (edited)

DaMonz now can has Meridian Child. :D

Stevo, by email plz, to me, Meteo, and Usa plz. Or those of us whose emails you've got.

Tracklist update, first post edit.

Also, assuming we have consent to all tracks in my folder of completed ones, and that I can count, we've only got 22 tracks that aren't finished yet. Many of those are in progress, some very near completion. Archangel, Brandon Strader, and I all have almost completed ones that I'm confident we could easily finish. Meteo's recruiting is paying off, so I'm sure there'll be surprises from ppl I've never heard of as well as from old familiar names. Speaking of which, you familiar names should get in touch. :P

Edited by Rozovian
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