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Seiken Densetsu 3: Songs of Light and Darkness - History

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Hey! Super-lazy mega-unproductive ppl ultra-delaying the music side of the project... like Rozovian, Archangel, Usa... Whatevs, you know who you are and whether your track is blue or not. Get your tracks done! We're so close, it's silly to not get this thing finished now.

Reminders coming to your inboxes soon.

btw, hakstock... did you send a wav? I don't think I have it.

Preview is coming. I'll do it this week with whatever art we have. Promise.

Posted (edited)

Really really sorry guys, I swear I'm working on it, but progress is slow as I've got a zillion other things going on atm too; I'm in charge of all the audio for a small mobile game, working on music for ANOTHER game, scoring a short film, and have all these project mixes to get done as well. I'm doing all I can, hopefully it's not too much longer! While I'm asking for a bit of patience, go ahead and keep badgering me till I get it done (I happen to be increasingly scatterbrained lately, and am pretty forgetful to begin with). PMs, PMs, and more PMs :P

Edited by Phonetic Hero
What all do you need for your track still, Pete?

I've got about 2:30 down, I just need to get the rest of it. Probably about a minute more; shouldn't take too long since I've already got instrumentation and sound design down, I just need to figure out the rest of the arrangement and fill everything out (and tweak production). Did you ever get a WIP? I can send what I've got if you'd like


How to make a preview:

Pick songs. In my case, pick from a set of 59 tracks.

Eliminate tracks the artists have requested we not include in previews and things.

Eliminate legacy tracks. We do wanna keep them on the album, but maybe they needn't be on the preview.

Eliminate similar tracks. Yes, we have a lot of big epic orchestra. Yes we have a fair amount of metal. We only have one waltz and one ska track. We don't wanna reveal everything just yet. We also don't want to make the preview too monotonous.

Pick one track per artist. Yes, Archangel, The Dual Dragons, and Meteo Xavier all have plenty of tracks. They're also awesome. No, it's not just their project. No more than one track per artist.

Eliminate source overlap. Medleys, cameos, the source itself using another source... That stuff.

Frivolously reduce the number of remaining tracks arbitrarily. In my case, that leaves 24 tracks left.

Make up a playlist of how to show tracks in the preview. Make it long. End up with 10 tracks. Consider making 6-7 preview vids. Reject that idea.


So that's my progress on the preview. I'll keep screwing with the tracklist for the preview some more. The plan is to end up with something like 15 tracks that sound good together, and save the rest for subsequent previews. That'll give our amazing artists a bit more time for the preview art, and will keep me from trying to do an all-nighter while it's still Sunday in some time zone to stick to my promise.

I need to learn to phrase my promises more ambiguously. ;)

Did you want me to contact that video artist I told you about a couple weeks ago? Would that help any progress?

Nope. Already talked about this.

Now I have the pics for the vid picked. Still gotta figure out track preview lengths, transitions, how much I'm gonna screw with getting the video to sync with the audio probably not much, it's just a preview()... yeah, and continue figuring out the tracks for the preview. The _first_ preview.

Albeit technically the second or third. But whatever. :D


Usa turned in a "working-finished" version of FAITH TOTAL MACHINE - in that its at a state where we could consider it finished, but he still wants to fix some of the guitar mixing in it and improve it from there.

That version will probably come later, but at least now it's pretty much in a finished condition and we have that one just in case something happens. :)

Usa turned in a "working-finished" version of FAITH TOTAL MACHINE - in that its at a state where we could consider it finished, but he still wants to fix some of the guitar mixing in it and improve it from there.

That version will probably come later, but at least now it's pretty much in a finished condition and we have that one just in case something happens. :)

I consider all "finished" tracks "working-finished". :P I'm still screwing with my own, finding ways to subtly improve things I didn't hear before.

You hear that, folks? You can still improve your tracks. :D


I think this should be being evaluated in 2 months time. I remember when Rozovian wanted this to be 100% done LAST March but somehow this went on for another year... I ain't directing so it's not my call at all but as someone who's got 2 pretty nice songs on this (one of which I dedicated to the Japan tsunami victims) it'd be nice to see them out this decade. :<

I thought that orchestration was going to be new when the project came out. Now it's old. :-o


Well, again, we've had stuff come up in our lives and out of our orifices and what have you. It's taken this long because that's how long it needed to take with all realistic stuff factored in.

Don't worry about it. If we were concerned about the quality of the sounds being as old as they were, we would've pitched them and begged the old remixers or new ones to redo them (we've done it before).

Just be patient. Progress is being made.


This week is absolutely ridiculous for me anyway, so I figured why not add one more thing to the mountain of music I have to write anyway...

I'm working on my mix right now, figuring out where to take the arrangement and touching up mixing. Shouldn't be long before it's done, maybe tonight or tomorrow or the next day

Oh that's great news! Then it'll be just Rozo, Blaine and Archangel

Yeah, and one of these is slower than the others and hasn't updated the tracklist. Stupid life taking up time.

I have a few tracks to blue, just gotta do a final check on them.


Looking at the tracklist, it seems I'm the one holding things back. Thankfully, I have Archangel sitting on his tracks as well, so I'm not alone. (Thankfully!?) I thought I'd have more time, but apparently, _suddenly_ not having a job takes a while to recover from. I think I'm back to my normal rate of procrast... I mean progress. Everyone else has made progress, so why can't I?

So now my perfectionism is kicking in. Don't you love it when you look at what you've made and start thinking "hm, I could have done this better" and stuff like that. here's the thing: I will not have my own tracks holding back the project, so my priorities right now are preview > Frenzy > screwing with my other tracks.

On the topic of perfectionism, this of course gets in the way of the preview vid as well, but I'm getting tired of delaying it myself. It's not the trailer, so it's not that big a deal right? Well, I wanna do a good job with it, cuz we've got some cool artworks, and the preview art is... well, gonna be in the preview and not the trailer.

Anyone wanna fiddle with their track some more? There's still some time. Updated version are welcome.

Sign consent eat vitamins learn to juggle preview coming asap blah blah.


Preview is being delayed for some of the dumbest reasons I've ever... had. The music is laid out, just gotta do a quick mastering to make sure my track doesn't sound like dj newb mcbeginner's early stuff (also to even out levels and things in other tracks).

Once that's done, I'll throw it in with the art, adjust a few timings and it's ready to upload.

Then I just need to perfect a few NO! BAD ROZO! NO SPUMING!

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