Aeronaut Posted December 18, 2012 Posted December 18, 2012 Sorry I haven't been online pretty much at all, but my laptop's power connection thingy has turned out to be pretty loose, so while it's still functional it's out of commission on the grounds that plugging it in doesn't actually register. (Unless the cord is pressed just so, which can't really be maintained at the same time as doing anything else.)I may be able to play occasionally from my friend's desktop, but it'll be intermittent at best. This sounds like a job for duct tape! Quote
Pika22 Posted December 18, 2012 Posted December 18, 2012 (edited) *sigh*....Steam refuses to connect for me, so I can't play TF2. Or Portal. Or Most of my other games. The weird thing is that it's only on my laptop. It worked fine on my desktop, but I don't have TF2 on there. And naturally I don't have it on my phone, either. I've restarted my computer 3 times, and nothing happened. I also can't watch YouTube on my computer... The new update freezes after 3 seconds. Bleh. [/rant] Oh, and does anyone know if I can make it so that Steam doesn't start in Big Picture Mode? It's really annoying. Now that I think about it... it's probably a problem with the beta version... and I can't opt out without starting Steam.. which I can't do... Maybe I should turn of the internet and go offline... Anyone who read this far probably had to much free time. I'll shut up now... Edited December 18, 2012 by Pika22 Quote
Super-Duper Sombrero Posted December 19, 2012 Posted December 19, 2012 Pika22 - You may try reinstalling steam. If you only reinstall the steam platform, I believe it will only reset your settings and preferences without touching any downloaded games or save data. Just download the installer package from May not work, but it's worth a shot. It also may be an issue with your laptop internet. Quote
Clefairy Posted December 19, 2012 Posted December 19, 2012 *sigh*....Steam refuses to connect for me, so I can't play TF2. Or Portal. Or Most of my other games. Try purging your client files. To do that, make sure it isn't running, then find the folder where you have it installed. Delete everything except steam.exe and the Steamapps folder. It says you should restart, but I don't remember ever having to. Anyway, launch it again from that same .exe, and you should be good to go after it re-downloads all the missing bits. Best of luck. Quote
Pika22 Posted December 19, 2012 Posted December 19, 2012 Windows Installer This installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package. *sigh* Tried re-installing, got this error. Quote
Pika22 Posted December 19, 2012 Posted December 19, 2012 (edited) It's not my laptop, everything else (sans YouTube) is loading fine, but Steam is having one of it's retarded moments... EDIT: Sorry for the double post. Restarting my comp, be back in 5. EDIT 2: Nope.avi. Not working. Gonna try uninstalling Hamachi, that might be the problem. EDIT 3: Guess what? Nothing to do with Hamachi. Windows won't let me use the install file, I purged the client stuff, and I've restarted my computer 5 times. Sorry about raging so much. Bleh. Edited December 19, 2012 by Pika22 I'M A GRAMMAR NAZI Quote
Pika22 Posted December 19, 2012 Posted December 19, 2012 (edited) This post had nothing to do with my raging. Do people get on the server during the week? I've been checking the server, and no one's been on except on Friday. EDIT: Weird... I had to connect to wired internet to log in, but now it accepts wireless. Yayz! Now i can trade my naughty winter crate for a Strange Sticky Bomb Launcher!!! Most of that stuff didn't work, but thanks anyways. Triple Post? Seriously Pika? I thought you were much better than that! Edited December 19, 2012 by Pika22 Quote
Top Gun Posted December 19, 2012 Posted December 19, 2012 There's usually been a decent crowd on the server at least some weeknights, but right now I think a lot of people are swamped with finishing up finals. (Ha, suckers! Um, I sad.) Quote
Bahamut Posted December 19, 2012 Author Posted December 19, 2012 Yeah, people usually go on - I wasn't on last night since I took it off to just relax for once, but I'll definitely be on soon. Quote
Pika22 Posted December 19, 2012 Posted December 19, 2012 (edited) Hey, has anyone here ever played an Orange Map? Edited December 19, 2012 by Pika22 Quote
Clefairy Posted December 19, 2012 Posted December 19, 2012 Hey, has anyone here ever played an Orange Map? I used to, back when I was a much angrier player. The random insanity and nearly impossible caps made for a good way to vent frustration when your team utterly failed at working together in a more normal game. And the visual style, while decidedly lazy, is a nice change of pace sometimes. I get a little tired of the shades of Nevada a lot of the popular maps have going, after a while. Why do you ask? Quote
Pika22 Posted December 19, 2012 Posted December 19, 2012 No particular reason, I was just wondering how many people had played them, since that's usually all I play, with the exception of the ORC server. Also, because the 3 second respawn and low gravity on the server that I use help make the game even crazier than usual. Quote
Bahamut Posted December 20, 2012 Author Posted December 20, 2012 TF2 update is out: Australian Christmas has begun! Added community-contributed winter event items Added three new community weapons The Vaccinator The Loose Cannon The Rescue Ranger Added Naughty and Nice winter keys to the Mann Co. Store Mann Vs. Machine Added a new tour of duty with unique loot: Operation Mecha Engine, with 3 new advanced skill missions New map mvm_bigrock New Engineer Botkiller items Added new Engineer robot Added new Strange Filter items to the Mann Co. Store to support community map makers Added new checkout dialogs and taunt-activated effect to raise awareness for Community Map Stamps Added +context_action command (defaults to X for controllers). This will use the action slot if your Canteen contains a charge and will taunt otherwise3 Added +attack3 command (defaults to middle-mouse button) Added Adult Swim items to the Mann Co. Store Fixed an exploit that allowed players to be permanently invulnerable Fixed the Pyro’s airblast not working correctly when facing downhill Made Force-A-Nature pushback more consistent Updated pl_barnblitz Fixed various map exploits Updated sd_doomsday Fixed various map exploits Updated the localization files I'm having problems updating the server/connecting to Steam though. Quote
Pika22 Posted December 20, 2012 Posted December 20, 2012 (edited) TF2 update is out:I'm having problems updating the server/connecting to Steam though. Me too. it's weird... I figured out my problem with connecting to Steam though. I went and disabled every internet connection except my main wireless, and I was able to log in fine. EDIT: Neeevermind. Steam won't connect. Stupid Steam... EDIT 2: Steam is bipolar. Edited December 20, 2012 by Pika22 Quote
Clefairy Posted December 20, 2012 Posted December 20, 2012 (edited) For anyone who can't get on right away, here are the weapon stats. The Loose Cannon fires small cannonball grenades with a fixed timer of two seconds; you can prime the grenade similar to the Beggar's Bazooka by holding down the fire button. They do not explode on impact, but do push players back, and will do half damage if they hit any surface. The Rescue Ranger has a clip size of 4 and half ammo capacity. In exchange, it fires bolts that can heal buildings from a distance. In addition you can use alt-fire to pick up a building at range; this costs metal to do, and marks you for death. The Vaccinator builds uber at double speed(!), but overheals at 1/3 speed. However, while healing a target, you and that target gain 10% resistance to a specific damage type. This can be cycled with +attack3, which now defaults to the middle mouse button. The ubercharge provides 75% resistance to the specified damage type, and you are healed for 25% of that incoming damage on your heal target. Edited December 20, 2012 by Clefairy Quote
Pika22 Posted December 20, 2012 Posted December 20, 2012 Oh, just a tip for anyone with a 64bit computer: To get a better framerate, just alt-click on TF2 in steam library, then "Properties>Set Launch Options" and say -32Bit Works sometimes, sometimes it doesn't. Quote
ParanoidDrone Posted December 21, 2012 Posted December 21, 2012 Well aren't those some spiffy items. And Attack3 is a pleasant surprise, although I'll have to edit my scripts to accommodate it. Quote
Super-Duper Sombrero Posted December 21, 2012 Posted December 21, 2012 Well aren't those some spiffy items. And Attack3 is a pleasant surprise, although I'll have to edit my scripts to accommodate it. The only thing that seems to use it right now is that medigun, I think. Correct me if I'm wrong though. This could mean some interesting new weapon designs in the future, or just nothing at all really. Quote
Bahamut Posted December 21, 2012 Author Posted December 21, 2012 That new medic weapon is amusing. I'm willing to trade my Jumper's Jeepcap (Soldier set hat with the Liberty Launcher, Market Gardener, etc.) for any mix of Naughty or Nice Crates. And the theme for tomorrow night is wintry maps! Quote
Bahamut Posted December 22, 2012 Author Posted December 22, 2012 (edited) The password for tonight is..."smissmas"! Edited December 22, 2012 by Bahamut Quote
Pika22 Posted December 22, 2012 Posted December 22, 2012 (edited) Hopefully Steam co-operates tonight so I can get on. I really want to see the Christmas-y maps. ...nevermind. Will be getting a new computer in a couple days, so I'll actually be able to play most of my games properly. At the moment, because my computer isn't all that great, I can't play Skyrim properly (I get like 8 fps), I get around 10-15 fps in Minecraft, and XCOM kills my comp. So, yeah. Bleh. Edited December 22, 2012 by Pika22 Quote
Sir Prize Posted December 22, 2012 Posted December 22, 2012 I'll probably swing by. I've been goofing off with the new Engy gun and I'm having a lot of fun with it. I'm waiting for the nerf to the range, because it's pretty ridiculous at the moment. ... I'm also trying to get more Naughty Crates so I can get a Strange Festive FJ or a Strange Festive Sandvich. The rest of them don't really interest me. I also have three of the new Sniper sideburns from the Nice Crates, which I'm willing to trade off to anyone who wants one. Otherwise they'll probably just get crafted into new hats. Quote
Clefairy Posted December 22, 2012 Posted December 22, 2012 Captain Punch is a beast. That is all. Quote
Bahamut Posted December 22, 2012 Author Posted December 22, 2012 (edited) So I have some items I'm willing to trade: Festive Sandvich x2 Festive Buff Banner Festive Ambassador x2 Festive Grenade Launcher x2 Festive Axtinguisher x3 Festive Ubersaw x3 Strange Tomislav x2 Strange Homewrecker Strange Force-A-Nature Glenberry Bonet (Demo hat) Genuine Foppish Physician Strange Part: Sappers Destroyed Strange Part: Engineers Killed Strange Part: Soldiers Killed Edit: The economics of Naughty Crates on the market amuses me - you can snag them for like $0.50 - 0.60 at like 7-8 am EST, and yet at night they're like double that. Edited December 23, 2012 by Bahamut Quote
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