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OCR TF2 Server - Anyone interested in trying out TF2 should join us!

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I really wish circumstances had let us give that one more try immediately afterwards, because I think the addition of a Pyro would have finally put us over the top. I wouldn't have even minded that we didn't get a reward; the satisfaction would have been enough.

Oh, and remember what a focused effort it took us all to beat Merasmus the first time? Apparently there's something where Snipers wind up doing crazy amounts of damage to him, so all we really needed were a few Huntsmen running around, and it would have been a piece of cake. :P


Augh augh augh I really need to pay attention to when people are playing on OCR. I miss all the fun. :(

Steam should have a function where, at least for source games, you can pick 10 servers to watch and it'll pop up a notice if it gets more than x number of players joined on one of them. Because I'm lazy.


No one was on OCR's server last night when I was checking, which made me sad. It also reminded me why I pretty much only play on the OCR server anymore. The first server I tried, I quit after someone kept bitching endlessly on voice chat about people killing him while he was trying to duel someone. The second, I got kicked after killing people (presumably it was a "only fight the boss" server, but there was no mention of it in the server name or MOTD, and I got no warning before I was kicked). The third, no one was working together to kill the boss, so it took me forever to get the achievement (though I did eventually).

Anyone up for setting a time to fill the OCR server tonight? Say, 8:00 PM Eastern?


Awesome! Things kind of died out right after you and GM left last night, since we wound up stuck on Gravel Pit with no one to change the map. On the plus side, I did finally get that stupid Impossible Defense achievement while we were derping around. :P


I got an absolutely absurd number of gifts on Eyeaduct tonight. Like, an even dozen over the space of a couple hours. I'm mostly happy that I have all the sniper stuff now (and the holy hunter and voodoo-cursed sniper soul are haunted, too. Bonus! Thanks to Baha for trading his haunted holy hunter for my haunted tail from the crypt.)

I ended up with an extra Medic mask and Soviet stitch-up, so if anyone wants to trade those out for other Halloween items, I'm game. For masks, I need scout, pyro, demo, heavy, engy, and spy. Costume items I need anything scout or pyro, plus idiot box (soldier hat), buzzkiller and frontier flyboy (engy hat + misc), Einstein and emerald jarate (medic hat + misc), and griffin's gog and intangible ascot (spy misc). Voodoo-cursed souls I need scout, soldier, heavy, pyro, and engy.


Wooo replays!

And yeah Native, I was on an Eyeaduct-running server last night, and I got four or five gifts over less than an hour's worth of play. I think making the gifts drop individually for everyone means that we all get to take advantage of Eyeaduct's comparatively-higher drop rate (or at least it seems higher). After a bit of trading, I'm down to only needing the Idiot Box to finish all the costume parts; I even wound up with those new skeleton legs for the Scout as a bonus. Right now I have an extra Futankhamun, Soviet Stitch-Up, and Legend of Bugfoot, as well as a Soldier mask, so anyone can hit me up if they need those.

Who knows...at this rate I might finally catch up to the current Halloween, instead of needing to get last year's crap every single time. :P


From what I've observed, the gift drop rate does not change with the number of players - what I mean is that it will drop at x% per second for the whole server, so 10 players get a better shot at getting them than when there are 24 players on the server since that x% is divided by 24 instead of 10.

I am going to be changing the starting map tonight - any suggestions for the starting map?

From what I've observed, the gift drop rate does not change with the number of players - what I mean is that it will drop at x% per second for the whole server, so 10 players get a better shot at getting them than when there are 24 players on the server since that x% is divided by 24 instead of 10.

From what I've observed, one guy gets all the loot when everyone else gets jack. :P


Since we're getting near the end of this Halloween shindig, I figured I'd post my stack of extra items in case anyone's still looking for them. Right now, from the 2011 costume parts, I have a Futankhamun, a Steel Pipes, two Tails from the Crypt, a Scottish Snarl, and an Einstein. I also have a few of the random Voodoo-Cursed parts and an Eerie Crate, if anyone's desperate for them. If you want any of it, just hit me up in-game or on Steam.

Posted (edited)
Since we're getting near the end (...) just hit me up in-game or on Steam.

D: you're offline. Curses.

Edit: scratch that. Enjoy your Plutonidome, sir!

Edit 2, Son of Edit: Actually, I need more class masks. Specifically, Pyro, Demo, Medic, and Spy. To trade, I have a Haunted Monkeynaut, Haunted Sleeves, Haunted Wraith Wrap, Haunted Tiara, and Haunted Heavy/Soldier souls. And a handful of less valuable stuff, but I assume those are the bits people are gonna want. Hit me up if you're interested.

Edited by Clefairy

Tonight is the last day of the Halloween update!

I unfortunately probably won't be around until 11pm or so, but I'll do my best to show up for a good old late night sendoff.

I should mention that I have a few costume parts for trade, an extra shoestring budget (or whatever that soldier shoes one is), The Fallen Angel (the pyro wings), and Silver Bullets (sniper). I also have an extra Heavy mask.

I deleted a few custom maps that I remember not getting such rave reviews from the maplist, but it's still large. A lot of its largeness comes from there being a sizable number of official maps. If people want to play test some more custom maps in the coming days though to help whittle down the list, I'd more than welcome some help in reviewing the maps as we play them!


Well, now that the halloween event is over, let the trading frenzy begin!

Here's what I'm offering: Medic mask, Soviet Stitch-Up (Heavy costume), Frontier Flyboy (Engineer costume). I also have a Haunted Zipperface (Solider hat) and Haunted Grand Duchess Tiara (Heavy hat) I got from unboxing eerie crates (first time I've actually bought keys for anything!) that I'd trade if anyone was interested.

Here's what I need:

masks for Scout, Pyro, Demo, Heavy, Engineer, and Spy.

Wrap Battler and B-ankh (Scout costume), Idiot Box (Soldier costume), Einstein (Medic costume), all three Pyro costume pieces, Griffin's Gog and Invisible Ascot (Spy costume), Buzz Killer (Engineer costume)

Scout soul, Soldier soul, Heavy soul, Pyro soul.

Here's what I need:

masks for Scout, Pyro, Demo, Heavy, Engineer, and Spy.

Wrap Battler and B-ankh (Scout costume), Idiot Box (Soldier costume), Einstein (Medic costume), all three Pyro costume pieces, Griffin's Gog and Invisible Ascot (Spy costume), Buzz Killer (Engineer costume)

Scout soul, Soldier soul, Heavy soul, Pyro soul.

I still have the Steel Pipes, Futankhamun, two Tails from the Crypt, a Scottish Snarl, and an Einstein. I'd totally take the Tiara for the Tail and Einstein, if that would work for you.


So in terms of custom maps, I thought Antiquity was pretty amazing tonight alongside Gothic Event and (I think?) Repository.

Antiquity especially was a break from the norm with the jungle theme and the generally neat map design. I hope we can play it again in the future. :D

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