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OCR TF2 Server - Anyone interested in trying out TF2 should join us!

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I would take a lot of those!

That haunted dead little buddy/boo balloon sound nice! The Itsy Bitsy Spyder too!

What is the Rimmed Raincatcher?

http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Rimmed_Raincatcher Hat for the demo! It's okay.

Also what does the Haunted modifier do?

Nothing, unless you're a trader, in which case it makes you charge 4x as much as needed.

I'm not joking.

I'll poke both of you on steam and we can work shit out.

In my opinion, it seemed like the server was doing alright 'til he showed up. Could just be coincidence, but I think it might be good to have a few more admins who are available past 11pm.

Voteban and votekick would work alright for the unsavory folk who don't use the namechanger thing, but those don't work via SteamID I'm pretty sure.

I'll be available late at night starting this weekend after finals finish. Chili too once his desktop gets fixed. (It got fried by a lightning strike.)

Posted (edited)
Nothing, unless you're a trader, in which case it makes you charge 4x as much as needed.

I'm not joking.

The really fun thing is that there are actually some of this past Halloween's items where the normal Genuine version is more expensive, because apparently there are more of the Haunted versions floating around.

Yeah, I don't get pricing either.

There might be a few of those I'd be interested in Lyrai, though I'd have to take a look at what the heck they're generally going for.

Edited by Top Gun

Alright, so while I have a bit of extra time (who would have thought?), I checked out a few custom maps.

cp_ponyfortress_rc3 is actually a somewhat normal map, but I removed it due to its gigantic filesize.

cp_bloodstained features something that should throw people off - blu being the defending team. It's a smallish map, probably worth a play.

cp_broma we have played before - seems like an ok map every now and then, but maybe we have to play it again sometime since I don't remember the server thoughts about it last time.

cp_busytown is a mirror 5 point CP map ala Granary, Badlands, Fastlane, etc. It's maybe most comparable to Granary in size, although not as much vertical.

cp_desertfortress has its battlegrounds all in a prison-like fortress surrounded by desert - all of the fighting is on the complex though, so you don't ever set foot in sand.

cp_area51_v4 is a bit confusing - I removed it since I suspect it won't be liked so much for multiple reasons.

cp_dust_town_b2 has a hilarious mechanic to it - play the map to find out!

I'll try testing out more maps each week, but those are some quick impressions.


At least that's better than your game crashing on a completely-stock map like mine did, and then taking a good 30 minutes to finish validating all the files when I tried to re-join. At that point I just gave up for the night.


My TF2's been crashing its own in-game overlay almost immediately after launching, forcing me to alt-tab to reply to messages sent while I'm in-game. I still haven't found a workaround that doesn't involve booting the game again, which has sometimes just made the same thing happen all over.

Unrelated, I have ABSOLUTELY no idea what the heck was going on in spec chat on Pokémon Arena tonight. I'm trying very hard to forget everything I read.

So I know I said I'd be available this weekend but the raytracing is taking for-freaking-ever and it makes TF2 stutter noticeably when I try to play. Sorry.

In other words, it would even the odds too much for you. :nicework:

I'm kinda curious what happened, but if no one wants to tell me that's ok too...

So I won't be on tonight either - just too exhausted and too many chores to do. I'll definitely be on tomorrow though!

From what we understand it was 50 shades of OCR.......

Posted (edited)
There was a lot of remixing going on, if you know what I mean?

Remixes, or mashups?

I don't know, I wasn't there.

In other news there are a few Cvars I'd like to see on the server when convenient.

tfh_halloween 2 - This forces full moon mode to be on all the time. The halloween events like random candy will not be enabled, and the halloween bosses will not appear. This pretty much just makes it so you can equip your costume pieces all the time (I demand to be PRETTIEST PRINCESS).

sm_cvar tf_max_voice_speak_delay 0 - Now hear me out here, this isn't quite what you think. This cvar has a few options, my favorite being -1. -1 makes it so you can spam voice commands as much as you want and there's no limit, which can get really annoying. I like it, but understand why others don't. However, 0 makes it so you get about twice as many (from default) voice commands in before it starts limiting what you can say. I'd like this, as I can't count how many times I couldn't thank a medic or compliment a sniper because I was too busy chuckling to myself. (No, I won't just stop chuckling to myself. Inconceivable.)

Edited by Super-Duper Sombrero

Is this server still open? I play Tf2, and my fav server list is extremely small and I am an easy going type player. If you need me to be aggressive and competitive, then it will take ALOT of convincing ;)

Is this server still open? I play Tf2, and my fav server list is extremely small and I am an easy going type player. If you need me to be aggressive and competitive, then it will take ALOT of convincing ;)

The server is still running strong, and you're welcome to join us anytime! I like to think we keep a pretty easy going and friendly environment, though I would say that most of our regulars have a somewhat above-average skill level.

All of our players are friendly, except for maybe Sombrero. He's kind of a dick. Just shoot him when he's busy laughing, he's a pretty simple boss fight.

Running won't save you. It's best to make your peace and accept your fate.

I have, at certain times on certain maps, rounded a lucky corner and escaped from Frogg.

He usually has someone annoying like phill or Necro or occasionally you on his team to do cleanup, but it's not the certain death you make it out to be.

Incidentally, I had no idea you'd been promoted to boss fight. :)!! Congratulations.

I have, at certain times on certain maps, rounded a lucky corner and escaped from Frogg.

He usually has someone annoying like phill or Necro or occasionally you on his team to do cleanup, but it's not the certain death you make it out to be.

Incidentally, I had no idea you'd been promoted to boss fight. :)!! Congratulations.

I exaggerate because it is funnier. You're killing the funnies, man.

I'm only a boss fight in my head. Eventually I want to make a video where it's TF2 characters in a WoW-raid situation, with vent chatter and stuff. I think it would be funny.


Added server to favs thanks guys =)

Word of warning though, I am a player vs. bot type player.

If I am on your team and it is not PVB (Player Vs. Bot), then try to have tons of patience with me ;)

I can follow orders though, so you won't have to worry too much lol.

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