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Be Aggressive!: A Gunstar Heroes Tribute Album - History

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Why did I think it was the 13th for the WIP >__< ? I'll try and get something to Dusk and DJM asap. Many apologies.

It's all good, happens to the best of us.

So far, I am missing updates from The Coop, The 'Bogue, Jakesnake17, Malcos, and Gario. If you're reading this and haven't shot me or Dj Mokram a PM, we'd love to hear from you fine mentalgen. If you just PM'd Dj Mokram, lemme know.

Final deadline has been posted: We need the remixes wrapped up and ready to be shipped off to OCR by May 13th. We're nearly there, guys, so keep at it! Three months is plenty of time.


PM'd DJM, sorry about missing this deadline by a bit, but I HAVE restarted my track from scratch as I was talking about (and have also been insanely busy as of late, mainly with 9-Bit Blizzard), and I plan on finishing the thing in the next couple of weeks (I'll just need a bit of flexibility with school projects and a final WAV date for another project as well). Get hype for pH's return to ethnic jungle jams :D

Why did I think it was the 13th for the WIP >__< ? I'll try and get something to Dusk and DJM asap. Many apologies.
It's cool Ruku. Hit me or DusK via PM if you need an extension. This goes for everyone else who missed the deadline.
Final deadline has been posted: We need the remixes wrapped up and ready to be shipped off to OCR by May 13th.
Might have been wiser to wait till the current deadline was wrapped up before announcing the next. Just saying.
I thought I was done. Gonna try to give you guys a new version asap, certainly this week end.
Me too. I thought your fate was in the hands of the album eval team by now. But yeah, feel free to polish your mix some more.
Get hype for pH's return to ethnic jungle jams :D
Gotcha. Please keep the guidelines in mind though.

Once we've sorted things out with those of you who missed the deadline, we'll be sending feedback.

Stay tuned for project announcements and if you haven't checked-in with us yet, please do. :)

It's all good, happens to the best of us.

So far, I am missing updates from The Coop, The 'Bogue, Jakesnake17, Malcos, and Gario. If you're reading this and haven't shot me or Dj Mokram a PM, we'd love to hear from you fine mentalgen. If you just PM'd Dj Mokram, lemme know.

Sent my WIP to DjM on the 9th, so go beat him up for not sharing :-P

You tellin' me to fuck off?! I'll fuck your ass!


Butter's in the fridge.

But srs, folks, I'll get a whole track done ASAP, which in dental school time is 1-2 months. Have I started yet? Nope, but once I get the time to get going, it should only take a couple of days.

With my current song being almost done, can I claim "Theme of Golden Silver"? I think I have an idea for it, which I'm working on at the moment.

I'd be cool with that personally, considering that your track's practically done. I'm actually listening to your track now, I'm really diggin' it.

Butter's in the fridge.

But srs, folks, I'll get a whole track done ASAP, which in dental school time is 1-2 months. Have I started yet? Nope, but once I get the time to get going, it should only take a couple of days.

As long as you can pump out something sexy before that deadline, I'm fine with this.


Well, you can scratch my remix for Golden Silver. To say it didn't work out, would be an understatement. To say that it sounded like I was remixing an entirely different song, would be pretty damn spot on. It sounded nothing like that oddball song, so rather than tie that tune up, I'm stepping away from it so someone else can take a crack as it's quirky nature. And to whoever that someone will be, best of luck.

Just wanted to pop in and say I'm really stoked for this.
Thanks for the support, good sir. It's really appreciated. :)
And Malcos...MALCOS is on it. The whole thing just makes me smile.
Well, I had to ask Malcos, since the only Gunstar Heroes remix to ever be posted on OCR was his.

He was super cool for joining this little tribute, and we're both lucky and happy to have him onboard.

Well, you can scratch my remix for Golden Silver. To say it didn't work out, would be an understatement. To say that it sounded like I was remixing an entirely different song, would be pretty damn spot on. It sounded nothing like that oddball song, so rather than tie that tune up, I'm stepping away from it so someone else can take a crack as it's quirky nature. And to whoever that someone will be, best of luck.
No problem. Golden Silver is indeed a tricky source to arrange. Proly why it's stayed unclaimed for so long. ;)

Project Announcements:

Alright, so the February deadline is now behind us and only one, last checkpoint remains: May 12th 2013.

Please take good note of this date because, as DusK mentioned before, it'll be the FINAL DEADLINE.

Everyone who provided a wip/update should have received some feedback by now.

If we missed someone, hit me or DusK and we'll hook you up with some crits.

Some of you kindly requested more time and have been granted extensions.

Make sure to keep track of time and stay in touch while working on your mix.

For those of you who miraculously vanished without a trace, reminders have been sent.

Please let us know what's up, as we don't wanna have to cut any remixes or remixers.

This is the home stretch folks. Let's make this an awesome tribute to Gunstar Heroes!


  • 1 month later...

Final deadline is in a little over a month, and we've been seeing good progress on many of the remixes, with some nearing completion and a few WAVs.

However ' Theme of Golden Silver' and 'Good Night, Baby!' are still open, for all you bold remixers out there, who aren't afraid of anything! :D

  • 2 weeks later...
Hey do we have/are we getting a sub forum? Could be useful for WIP feedback and stuff to polish tracks
We're only one month away from our proposed final deadline, so unless everyone suddenly clamors for it, we're going to proceed without.

Once the album has been evaluated, we'll let each remixer know whether their track needs tweaking to meet the OCR staff's expectations. ;)

it'd take some of the burden of being omni-present for feedback off of our excellent album heads :D
Giving everyone feedback is not a burden, it's our responsibility. And I always do my best on this front, even in dire times. :)
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