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MAGFest 11 OCR Community Info - Rooms/People/Rides/GroupReg (Partially Updated 12/26/12)

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Without getting too pedantic, I want to remind people of the potential of the MAGFlu epidemic. Please be aware that large amounts of people in small spaces + lack of sleep and poor nutrition can lead to many people getting sick. It has happened to many of us at every MAG, though I'd like to say that last year I think we did a lot better, because we are becoming more aware of it and taking the proper precautions. My personal suggestion is to make sure you get enough sleep when you can, try not to stay in too close proximity to others who are exhibitng symptoms of carrying the con plague, and try to eat at least a little healthy (fruits + veggies = good for immune system; sugary and junky foods may weaken it). This may seem like overkill or unnecessary to worry about, but trust me, it is not fun to get sick and have to stay in bed during a con when the time is already short and there are a billion things you want to be out and doing.

Just like I did last year, I am opening an invitation to come to me if you feel like you are getting sick and you want something preventative to boost your immune system, or symptom relief. I will be prepared with the following things; hit me up if you need any of this stuff:

- emergen-C and zinc drops, both of which I have found to be effective when taken at the first hint of getting sick

- probably some kind of citrus fruit like clementines, for the vitamin C

- tea, lemon

- cough drops

- ibuprofen

- I believe I have some sort of nyquil or dayquil stuff lying around, I'll have to check.

- sleep aids

Obviously you can get these things from CVS, or bring them yourself, but I will have them too just in case.

And as long as I'm offering supplies for those who need them, I am also bringing my cosplay emergency kit, which will contain: duct tape, safety pins, a hot glue gun, E6000 glue, bobby pins, hollywood tape, etc. So also feel free to contact me in case of cosplay emergency .P


Just about packed and ready to go. I fly out at 5:50AM! See you fine folks there!

Also, if you're curious: I'm thinking about signing up for the chiptune open mic thing that's happening and playing some of the NES tracks I've worked on. This'll be the first time EVER that I've 'played' music live. Wish me luck. :)

Just about packed and ready to go. I fly out at 5:50AM! See you fine folks there!

Also, if you're curious: I'm thinking about signing up for the chiptune open mic thing that's happening and playing some of the NES tracks I've worked on. This'll be the first time EVER that I've 'played' music live. Wish me luck. :)

I demand video/audio/pix.

Hey, I was just wondering if anyone on here had extra space in their room just for tomorrow? I will have no problem paying for the time im using it. Please respond or message if you do. Thanks

Possibly, use the spreadsheet to contact me. I'm arriving at around 4PM tomorrow.



Me and my pals are on our way - we're planning on getting there early and going the mall to check out some monuments - if anyone wants to join, text me (I'm on the google doc).

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