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I have been sorely disappointed with the lack of Final Fantasy Tactics remixes. Not only is the game great, but most of the music pieces are fantastic and among my favorite of all Final Fantasy's. Again, it's just my opinion, but I imagine (I hope) that there are a lot more people who enjoyed it as much as me! An album covering all the tracks would be awesome, but I'm hardly in a position to run a project myself...

I love mellow, ethereal-sounding stuff, but really don't have a preference of genre... I love all kinds of music. Some of my favorite songs from the original:

Night attack ~ Battle Theme #20 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jv7dx9cjsxA

Ultema, the Perfect Body! ~ Battle against Altima #2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZshPWAaA46g

Apoplexy ~ Battle Theme #9 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaHEJ6O0-rw

Decisive Battle ~ Battle Theme #5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waB8BDjXyV4

Bland logo - Title Back http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ivgHaQ32xk&fmt=18

Prologue Movie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnTzM___4NQ

Remnants ~ Battle Theme #6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_KHMvuDzP8

Run Past Through the Plains ~ Battle Theme #10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=790UL0_J4Xg (One pretty awesome remix of this one already =D)

Delita's Theme

Thank you!


Don't forget Antipyretic, which - had I been able to afford the $500 donation level on Kickstarter - was going to be the track I asked them to remix. :-P

Seriously though, this game's music needs some love. Think I even made a request thread for it once, a year or so ago. Too many good pieces in sore need of remixing.

the damned soundtrack is just as good, if not better than FFVII's

there's no shortage of classic tracks that could lend themselves well to arrangement

Definitely. I mean, to me, the two are right up there, tied with each other, just behind 6's OST, for my favorite OST.

Oh, another track, Ovelia's Worries would make a nice, somber remix, too.

Btw, went looking and found my old thread: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=28440

the damned soundtrack is just [...] better than FFVII's


I hope someday the masses will stop drooling at Uematsu for 5 minutes. Then maybe Sakimoto and Iwata will get proper recognition.

My ultimate VG-remix dream would be to make a huge Ivalice Alliance project covering the FFTs, Vagrant Story, FFXII, etc.

As the saying goes: unattainable dreams are the best kind. :grin:


I hope someday the masses will stop drooling at Uematsu for 5 minutes. Then maybe Sakimoto and Iwata will get proper recognition.

My ultimate VG-remix dream would be to make a huge Ivalice Alliance project covering the FFTs, Vagrant Story, FFXII, etc.

As the saying goes: unattainable dreams are the best kind. :grin:

That would be an AMAZING project - get Vagrant Story AND FFT's music in the same place on the same album, and I will be a happy little listener for MONTHS.

I honestly don't think that's an unattainable dream though - it'd definitely make an interesting and somewhat unique project germ to grow one out of.

I honestly don't think that's an unattainable dream though - it'd definitely make an interesting and somewhat unique project germ to grow one out of.

Well, start sending out feelers. I'm certain, get the right people on side on here, and you'll be able to start to bring in the big names on this one.


Depends on the style of remix. I really loved this game the first time on the psx and again on the psp.

Speaking just for myself, I really don't want to hear a dance or dubstep version of Trisection. :< I'm pretty sure it would ruin the entire piece for me.

Now epic/symphonic death metal on the other hand.... would probably ruin the soundtrack for someone else. :) Quite a pickle we find ourselves in.

Antipyretic? Hands off. Now. Not part of this discussion. :???:

I would boycott any remix of Antipyretic, even my own. :)

In all seriousness though good luck on the ivalice alliance album. That would be my most anticipated album of the year. Whatever year it ends up being in.

I honestly don't think that's an unattainable dream though.
I'm certain, get the right people on side on here, and you'll be able to start to bring in the big names on this one.

You two might be confusing FFT with FFVI. No Ivalice game has the same kind of drive that a main entry Final Fantasy has.

Do you even realize the amount of work and commitment that is involved into creating just a 1-disc album here?

Pulling off a multi-disc requires mad arranging skills, a fair amount of credibility and the support of both the staff and the community.

Think about it: if any prominent remixer had ever been interested in these games, there would have been a lot more remixes posted.

Directing a project isn't as easy as sending a couple invites and waiting for people to come in droves, as people seem to think. :wink:

I would boycott any remix of Antipyretic, even my own. :)

In all seriousness though good luck on the ivalice alliance album. That would be my most anticipated album of the year. Whatever year it ends up being in.

I get what you're saying, since Sakimoto is my fav composer, I also fear any arrangement could potentially ruin the feel of the source.

That said, seeing some support for this concept is nice, so thanks everyone for the encouragements.

I'll definitely look into doing something Ivalice-related once the GH project comes to fruition.

Proly not before late 2013, early 2014 at best ...provided the world hasn't been destroyed by Altima yet. ;D

Btw, surely I'm not the only one here who knows about The Diaries of Olan, right?

get out

right now

You should back up your statements with points. Any reason? Or just trolling as they say.

It was 2am when I made that post but I still stand by it. "I" would not be interested in a dance/dubstep/electronica version of FFT's music.

Now i'm not saying a remix album of the OST couldn't be done. Avaris' Winds of Inishmore came to mind as I was thinking about what a remix album like this could sound like and if this album does come to be, then I would hope Avaris would be a major player in the creation of it. I think an album full of similar quality remixes would be the greatest album on the site yet.

http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01719/ -Winds of Inishmore

I really don't have a preference of genre... I love all kinds of music.

^This is the answer to Gar.

Any OCR album(except few) has the same problem... Direction mess. This makes most of OCR albums not interesting TO ME as a listener.

Actually ilp0's megaman is the only album I like at this moment.

You two might be confusing FFT with FFVI. No Ivalice game has the same kind of drive that a main entry Final Fantasy has.

Do you even realize the amount of work and commitment that is involved into creating just a 1-disc album here?

Pulling off a multi-disc requires mad arranging skills, a fair amount of credibility and the support of both the staff and the community.

Think about it: if any prominent remixer had ever been interested in these games, there would have been a lot more remixes posted.

Directing a project isn't as easy as sending a couple invites and waiting for people to come in droves, as people seem to think. :wink:

Oh, trust me, I know how hard it is to get anyone to participate in any kind of album project; I tried to help run an unofficial album from site a few years ago, and we got, maybe, six remixers? Who as far as I know, only completed 2-ish tracks before the project petered out and died. So yes, I'm well aware of how hard it is to get anyone to make an album of something that doesn't have the captcha of a main-entry Final Fantasy, or a Legend of Zelda, or Mario, or some other name-recognition game has.

What I was responding to was the unattainable part of what you said. Do I think that the three-disc, full-on awesome treatment that the music of Vagrant Story, Final Fantasy XII, and Final Fantasy Tactics deserves would happen? No. Do I think that a one-disc, 12-15 track album highlighting some of the best from each is unattainable? No.

Do I think it would require a HUGE amount of work, HUGE time drain, and probably take three to four years, minimum? Yeah. It'd probably also end up with only a handful of remixers doing the majority of tracks. But it's not unattainable.

As to what someone said earlier about me getting the project going, I would honestly consider trying it, but I don't really have the kind of free time any more to do something like that - the only reason I have as much as I have had lately is because I'm job hunting. And I'm still kind of turned off from the last time I tried to help a project get off the ground, tbh.

EDIT: Plus, I have nil communal pull, which wouldn't help either, lol. :-P

Do I think that a one-disc, 12-15 track album highlighting some of the best from each is unattainable? No.
I get your point, though condensing 5~6 discs into just one would be sacrilege considering all the memorable tunes left out.

I'd advise dividing that endeavor into three 1-disc volumes, each being created after the previous has been released.

That should make things more feasible overall, but organizing it would still require credentials that neither of us possess.

I get your point, though condensing 5~6 discs into just one would be sacrilege considering all the memorable tunes left out.

Oh, no disagreement on my part at all - I'm nowhere near as familiar with XII's soundtrack as that of Vagrant Story or Tactics, but I can think of at least a dozen tracks off of both of those that deserve recognition without even having to think hard. :-)

I'd advise dividing that endeavor into three 1-disc volumes, each being created after the previous has been released.

That could work - it would help keep project artists focused and do each OST justice without having to wait on some mega-album being finished.

That should make things more feasible overall, but organizing it would still require credentials that neither of us possess.

And there's the rub of it, unfortunately. :-(

You should back up your statements with points. Any reason? Or just trolling as they say.

'Trolling' is a word that has completely lost any meaning whatsoever as it has been constantly applied to the entire gamut of posting styles ranging from simple disagreement to outright antagonism. If you never use the word again, you will have made the world a better place.

I just get tired of people saying that you shouldn't remix this or that into a given genre. You can't know that nobody would be able to pull it off. Perhaps it's not my place to say this since I don't have the killer studio chops necessary to make even the most basic mix, but someone whose musical abilities are a complete unknown to me coming into the thread and holding certain tunes as sacred/untouchable just because they say so comes off as extremely grating and close-minded.

I just get tired of people saying that you shouldn't remix this or that into a given genre. You can't know that nobody would be able to pull it off. Perhaps it's not my place to say this since I don't have the killer studio chops necessary to make even the most basic mix, but someone whose musical abilities are a complete unknown to me coming into the thread and holding certain tunes as sacred/untouchable just because they say so comes off as extremely grating and close-minded.

And saying get out of a thread doesn't come off as close minded? You shouldn't take personal offense to people's opinions. Yes, I love the FFT OST, Yes, I friggin' LOVVE Antipyretic. I did a transcription of it when I was in college and i thought about taking it to the both the head of the Orchestra and the Wind Ensemble to see about getting it played. It's the one thing i regret most not doing.

This is one of the many cases where the listener's love of the original will do nothing but interefere with their ability to enjoy another interpretation. It's hardly a foreign concept, every one who has made or listened to a mix on this site has had to deal with it. I know many people who avoid sites like OCR precisely because of that reason. They enjoy the original, that's enough for them. Tell you what I won't even get into how many people told me that they hated the Bach cello suites being played on a Contrabass. It doesn't matter who was playing them, their love of the bach cello suites, and their interpretation of them. The fact that the cello suites were being played on a bass turned many listeners off to it.

Before calling someone else out, on a thread you didn't create, you should make sure you have everything straight.

Perhaps it's not my place to say this since I don't have the killer studio chops necessary to make even the most basic mix, but someone whose musical abilities are a complete unknown to me...

This just baffled the crap out of me. You call other people close minded?

I think you should spend more time examining what you are saying bud. Keep your Metal Man impersonations to a minimum.

Apologies to the OP, there's always something to iron out when working on a new idea. :< FFT should be represented better on OCR but in a way that accentuates the original soundtrack.

This is an extreme case but I think you see what I mean.


You know what, just ignore me.

Getting into arguments on the internet isn't good for my blood pressure and certainly isn't worth your time. I have a tendency to shoot my mouth off where it doesn't belong.

Carry on, folks; sorry for the interruption. I'll go be pissy somewhere else.

You know what, just ignore me.

Getting into arguments on the internet isn't good for my blood pressure and I have a tendency to shoot my mouth off where it doesn't belong.

Carry on, folks; sorry for the interruption. I'll go be pissy somewhere else.

These types of discussions are important. While it's impossible to form a solid conclusion that everyone agrees with it is relevant to the often times very complicated relationship between musician and listener. Plus, a little friction helps everything move. I was about to go to bed, but maybe i'll work a little longer on my stuff, and maybe start a WIP for this OST.

I have got to stop posting in the middle of the night :<

I have got to stop posting in the middle of the night :<

Why everyone use this as an excuse for "whatever" words?

I'm posting when I'm drunk. So?

Damn, ppl! Be honest and say: "I dunno why I said so".

Opened mind, closed mind.. Haters gonna hate.

As for the FFT.. Masaharu "REZON" Iwata? Was he one of the composers? Anyway, as I can see, its a common thing for OCR to make something FF. But how about make a "real" album? Where every other track fit to another, not killing your soul and brain jumping from metal to chiptune then to orchestra, then dubstep etc.

How about make three disks like:

1- Heavy/beautiful

2- Electronic/aggressive

3- orchestra/mellow

place words whatever you feel like.

I'd join such project, at least for two disks, maybe tree.

Opened mind, closed mind.. Haters gonna hate.[...]

Any OCR album has the same problem... Direction mess. This makes most of OCR albums not interesting TO ME as a listener.[...]

how about make a "real" album [...] not killing your soul and brain jumping from metal to chiptune then to orchestra, then dubstep etc.

So your idea of being open-minded is to take a dump on most OCR albums and disrespect all the artists who contributed to them?

Well, congratulations! You've just made yourself a bunch of new friends on this site/community. :whatevaa:

Also, your definition of a 'real album' is highly subjective and close-minded, because many people do enjoy diversity.

Bottom line: you're not gonna get anyone on your side by dismissing every perspective but your own.

I'm posting when I'm drunk. So?

Less drinking, more thinking please. :wink:

Btw, did anyone check the Diaries of Olan fan-album that I linked earlier? Any thoughts?


I didn't said I'm open-minded. Still, I can't say I'm closed.

Album FOR ME is one single piece. Anything else is just digest.

Each single remix has its own personality. Listening the one single track is not the same as listening album. Album consist a theme, direction, which leads you using SOUND as a guide.

As I said before, It's my opinion about ALBUMs. NOT single tracks. If my words hurt someone, well thats to bad. I'm not gonna search an excuse for my opinion.

I just offered my thoughts.

Anyway, long ago this discussion moved to the individual. It's not the off-topic forum.

p.s. I've noticed your hyperactivity anywhere I post.. Are you alright man?:-D

edit: forgot to say. SFME

If my words hurt someone, well thats to bad. I'm not gonna search an excuse for my opinion. [...] It's not the off-topic forum.

p.s. I've noticed your hyperactivity anywhere I post.. Are you alright man?:-D

I already had two posts in this thread (including one linked to a fanmade FFT project) before you showed up just to trash-talk OCR albums.

Don't try to cover up your mistakes afterward by making stuff up or setting-up others to take the blame for your errors in judgement.

Instead of talking about FFT (i.e. the topic), you decided to share your personal views on a completely off-topic subject:

Any OCR album has the same problem... Direction mess. This makes most of OCR albums not interesting TO ME as a listener.[...]

how about make a "real" album [...]

Now be a man and assume your words instead of jokingly trying to ridicule someone else to make yourself look good.


Moving on, moar FFT remixes plox! :)


People are polarizing quick. This album needs to happen!

Mak is alright. He's Russian. :)

I don't want to start an OCR flaming here but as much as I love the individual tracks here, there aren't many albums that i'm as excited over on OCR. I know it's a huge task for the mixers involved as well as the director but just as the indivdual track needs to capture the spirit of the original in some way, so does the entire album.

Yea this thread got off topic and i'm partially to blame for that but how many request threads get this much attention?


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