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Cheetahmen II - The Lost Levels: Greatest Kickstarter Ever?

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Possibly the most amazing project I've seen. Here we have a guy that now owns the rights to Cheetahmen and wants to work with the original programmer to create new, fully-functional NES cartridges of Cheetahmen II. Say that out loud. It's awesome. The video trailer alone is worth visiting the KS page, featuring cameos from various internet celebrities like the Angry Video Game Nerd and Pat the NES Punk.

If this Kickstarter gets funded, people will be able to get a fresh printing of the game ("Cheetahman II: The Lost Levels") featuring all of the content from the original, but without the game breaking bug(s) that made it impossible to beat. I just still can't wrap my mind around the fact that this exists. Also, like the Giana fundraiser, considerable funds have already been put toward making this happen, which is a vote of confidence for the final result.

Check it out!


As a grizzled veteran of the original Cheetahmen game, I have to second just about everything zircon said. Seriously, I would recommend playing it if only to read the *awesome* intro sequence storyline. It's twelve kinds of mindfuck and another 13 of non sequitur. It almost beats out Monster Party for most shit-brained intro sequence.

I may actually have to put some money into this...


I would rant but i'm not going to, you all have your guilty pleasures.

Will i promote this kickstarter and donate to it?


Infact i was considering starting up a kickstarter that will stop all kickstarters, all i need is enough money to buy the kickstarter company itself to close it down.

That'd cost about a couple million.

who wants to donate?

Dont take this too seriously i was kidding, but lets face it here, kickstarters are everywhere nowadays aren't they?

I would rant but i'm not going to, you all have your guilty pleasures.

Will i promote this kickstarter and donate to it?


Infact i was considering starting up a kickstarter that will stop all kickstarters, all i need is enough money to buy the kickstarter company itself to close it down.

That'd cost about a couple million.

who wants to donate?

If I had a picture of Jim from The Office giving his :I face I'd post it.


I can't say I'm very impressed with this project. If it was Cheetahmen II redone or reimagined like the Giana Project that'd be amazing, imo. As is... ehn. 60 dollars is a lot of money to put down for a game that isn't good and is buggy and practically unplayable. And those lost levels can be accessed through game genie I think? It's been done somehow as the levels have been played on YT. So I guess an ending would be new?

I would hope at least they tweek the game to not suck as bad and not be as unplayable, but I doubt that since I imagine that'd be a selling point. Could be wrong though.

But even not supporting the project myself, I don't wish it to fail or anything. If it works out for these people and investors are happy, then hey, that's great for everyone involved.

As is... ehn. 60 dollars is a lot of money to put down for a game that isn't good and is buggy and practically unplayable.

Well, that's basically what the project seeks to address - the bugginess and unplayability. I think this is really exciting for people who are retro game collectors, and that's something that has really exploded lately. I find it especially interesting because with many Kickstarters and ports/remakes, it's all about taking an old game and freshening it up for a new platform. But this is literally producing a physical cartridge (and JUST a physical cartridge) for a very old platform. It's neat.

As a grizzled veteran of the original Cheetahmen game, I have to second just about everything zircon said. Seriously, I would recommend playing it if only to read the *awesome* intro sequence storyline. It's twelve kinds of mindfuck and another 13 of non sequitur. It almost beats out Monster Party for most shit-brained intro sequence.

I may actually have to put some money into this...


I respect the Gianna project a lot more than this one. I know it's appealing to retro collectors, but it's a bad game. What's the appeal of owning a bad game? I just don't get it. If they packed in a reimagined cheetamen, I definitely would've praised them. But as it stands, they're just cashing in on the so bad it's good mentality.


So anyone know much about the AVGN drama/backlash going on? o.O I'm seeing bits and pieces of things and .. yeah. And also drama about the project itself and costs not adding up and how this Pabich guy is going to be pocketing a lot of extra money.

I dunno about that since I haven't done any sort of major research, but it's clear that A) People need to be careful about who and what they endorse with their name (AVGN), and be prepared to accept the consequences (good or bad) that come with it and B) People need to be careful about what they endorse with their money so they don't end up with "buyer's remorse"!


Any drama about it is just ridiculously overblown. Greg broke down the costs at about $45-46 per unit, so asking $60 per copy is reasonable ($15 profit margin isn't huge on a $60 product). He's also got a track record in that he's ALREADY self-funded and produced an NES cart (Cheetahmen: The Lost Levels). So, why anyone would think he's not legit is way, way beyond me.

My impression is that the people complaining are people who just think Cheetahmen II sucks, and it's pointless to spend money on it when you could just play the ROM. I think they're missing the point. Especially with all the recent interest in retro gaming, systems that play NES games, chiptunes, etc., there are way more people buying/trading old game carts. Should we go to every MAGfest vendor and tell them they're idiots or scammers for selling SNES/NES carts when you could just play ROMs? No, of course not, so I really don't know why there's been any drama at all here. It's objectively unfounded.


I think it's pretty hilarious all the faux outrage, myself.

I've been saying from the beginning: A fool and his money are soon parted.

People who donate have no one to blame for their disappointment aside from themselves. People getting mad at James Rolfe or hell, even Pavich have no real reason to. Pavich made it clear what he was trying to do, and people are funding that (whether I think it's worth it or not is besides the point). James' cameo probably got a few more people to donate, and he might feel liable, but it's not really worth getting worked up about.



Very good followup from the Game Chasers (who created the Kickstarter video) - they apologized for not making the details of the Kickstarter clear, but confirmed that this is not a scam at all. I actually loved the video and got the idea immediately but I guess some people didn't.

Also, Greg himself wrote an update here:


Of particular note, they're apparently working on a brand-new Cheetahmen game for iPhone and OUYA. That's awesome.

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