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The World Ends With You - Sequel Teased in Solo Remix?

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I know there's TWEWY fans here, so this is interesting. Countdown is linked to time zone. If you keep changing your computer's clock a day ahead, you'll hear various versions of music from the original game's OST. The music stops Friday, and by next Monday (when the countdown ends) there's not even a working countdown clock. This leads me to believe they don't have anything set up for the actual reveal.

Here's the song for 3 days left

Here's other versions.




So any thoughts on this?


Love the mash-up for day 3.

Squeenix, for all they've done wrong in the past decade, really did an excellent job on letting Jupiter studios have free reign on TWEWY. If they simply give them free reign once again I could see the next iteration being quite awesome.

Not sure if it's possible to best the TWEWY, though - that game is truly a masterpiece - but here's hopin'!

Given Square Enix' track record I won't be surprised if it's a remake/port.

...for what system? making a 3ds version of the same game would make zero sense. it's a 2d sprite game, adding 3d does nothing. and you can already play twewy on your 3ds anyways. i'm not so much defending square as i am saying 'where or how or why would they do that that makes even the beginnings of sense?'


I am excite. TWEWY is pretty much my favorite game ever. It's the only JRPG I know of where you can grind and grind for items (and the fun as shit battle system) and not over level yourself to the point where the game is a total fucking joke difficulty-wise. And, of course, the awesome music, art design, story, and characters.

I am excite. TWEWY is pretty much my favorite game ever. It's the only JRPG I know of where you can grind and grind for items (and the fun as shit battle system) and not over level yourself to the point where the game is a total fucking joke difficulty-wise. And, of course, the awesome music, art design, story, and characters.

Well there's also that fact that you CAN overlevel but then just reset it down to a lower one to challenge yourself at any time and even increase the drop rate while you're at it. It's a very risk/reward system, and i love it.


Apparently this leaked from the Square Enix e-STORE and was quickly removed.

This subaseka sound is powering up its arrival again. The World Ends with You was released for the Nintendo DS in 2007. It was praised for its quality of the game, quality soundtrack, and it has received a very high rating. An iOS version of the game will be released in North America and Europe in 2012.

This product, in addition to new music for the iOS, music that was arranged for Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance] has also been included. Please enjoy this music again, for the memories of the hot summer spent with Neku.

However, there's always the chance something else will be revealed on Sunday when the countdown ends. I am suspicious of the site's metadata that translates roughly to "It's a Beautiful World 2..."


Apparently this leaked from the Square Enix e-STORE and was quickly removed.

However, there's always the chance something else will be revealed on Sunday when the countdown ends. I am suspicious of the site's metadata that translates roughly to "It's a Beautiful World 2..."


What possible point could there be to hyping up a casualized version of a game like TWEwY?

In my opinion, the only people that will actually get the reference in the first place are the gamers that played or otherwise heard of the original and will therefore be a lot less inclined to get a dumbed-down phone version of it.

They'd better bring something good to the table with this, as I'll otherwise be extremely disappointed.

Well there's also that fact that you CAN overlevel but then just reset it down to a lower one to challenge yourself at any time and even increase the drop rate while you're at it. It's a very risk/reward system, and i love it.

Yeah, that's what I meant. I think every RPG should take a nod from TWEWY and have an adjustable difficulty level.

What possible point could there be to hyping up a casualized version of a game like TWEwY?

iOs does not necessarily equal casualized. When you think about it, TWEWY is like the ultimate hardcore/casual game already. You can make it pathetically easy, have the PC control your sidekick if you want, and ignore all the pin grinding. Or, play for keeps, make your level really low, and go for all the pins.

Yeah, that's what I meant. I think every RPG should take a nod from TWEWY and have an adjustable difficulty level.

iOs does not necessarily equal casualized. When you think about it, TWEWY is like the ultimate hardcore/casual game already. You can make it pathetically easy, have the PC control your sidekick if you want, and ignore all the pin grinding. Or, play for keeps, make your level really low, and go for all the pins.

Oh I don't mean difficulty-wise; I'm just referring to the (in my opinion) inevitable dumbing down of the game's mechanics. I have yet to see a game on my iPhone with precise-enough controls to pull off what TWEwY did with just about all of the DS's capabilities (and on two screens at once to boot). I can't see how they're going to match that in a way that will even remotely compare to the original, I guess.

For the record, though, it was very refreshing to start Pin-collecting on Hard/Ultimate and then have to backtrack on Easy/Normal to complete the drop list. :P


I really liked this game, and with it's inclusion in the new kingdom hearts game, I'm hoping that means they recognize it's got a big enough fan base that a well thought out (one can hope) sequel would be enjoyed. I'd be fairly disappointed myself if this is just a port to single screen devices. Too much hype for something so trivial.

Is there any way to get the day two song (and potentially the day one song if it's different?) I'm kind of interested in the progression they've been doing with each day's background music.

I think there's a little system coming out this year called "Wii U" or something.

yes, but WHY would that be a joke? the Wii U could use a heavy-hitter in it's corner, and I think it might be kind of interesting to see what they would do with this.

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