StreetFlare Posted October 8, 2012 Posted October 8, 2012 ...As my title hints....I'm in Australia, and it comes out Thursday. I'm a semi-competitive battler, but I more often breed random junk. If anyone wants anything bred, I'll give it a shot. Quote
Brushfire Posted October 8, 2012 Posted October 8, 2012 IM DRUNK AND I FOUGHT DIAPER CHICKEN IN A MOVIE. Bleck can go screw. I fought the DIAPER CHICKEN BITCH! Quote
ObliviousOne Posted October 8, 2012 Posted October 8, 2012 HA! In the Game Freak building where the game developers live there is a comment "work work work...please work". Quote
The Damned Posted October 9, 2012 Author Posted October 9, 2012 Don't forget! IF you go online with your game, you can get a free Genesect. Why would you want one? Aside from the fact it's super-fucking rare, it's also an prehistoric-alien bug with a giant energy cannon on its back, genetically altered by Team Plasma as the ultimate weapon. Plus... Aliens. Quote
Mirby Posted October 9, 2012 Posted October 9, 2012 it's actually just a Kabutops iirc. but modified by Team Plasma. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted October 9, 2012 Posted October 9, 2012 Wow... So last night was the first time I was able to spend more than 2 hours on a single game in one stretch. This game is that good. Quote
Sansato Posted October 10, 2012 Posted October 10, 2012 I'm only 2 gym badges into White 2 and I've pretty much decided on my team for the rest of the game. I have an odd habit of mostly picking from pokemon that are found fairly early in the game, so most, if not all, of my team is already on hand. This may not be the best way to build a team, but it's worked for me so far. I may put more consideration into what pokemon go into my team and what moves they learn when I do another run of a different game, but I'll stick to what I know for now. Quote
ocre Posted October 10, 2012 Posted October 10, 2012 I am currently 3 badges in with my team of Leavanny, Azumarill, Flaaffy, Lucario, Swablu and Dewott. Kind of a weird bunch. Quote
The Damned Posted October 11, 2012 Author Posted October 11, 2012 Genesect and Volcarona: godly dual Bug-type team of DESTINY! Yeah, yeah, I know... using legendaries... but Volcarona isn't actually a legendary, and Genesect was a freebie. Besides, for the first two gyms, he barely did what I wanted him to do (due to traded+higher level), and he really helped with some of the tougher earlier battles where I had no other type advantages. Also, alien bug monsters are cool. Quote
Subz1987 Posted October 11, 2012 Posted October 11, 2012 rofl, in Humilau City a lady will let you walk around with her Meinfoo ala HG/SS style, but only in that house and only with that Meinfoo. Nice trolling, GameFreak Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted October 12, 2012 Posted October 12, 2012 Just gave Elesa the business, and my team consists of my Dewott captain, Lucario, Gothorita, Magmar, Magnemite, and Yamask. I also just experienced my first rotating battle. This is very different, but I can see how it can have some intense strategy. Quote
Overflow Posted October 12, 2012 Posted October 12, 2012 Hmmmmmmmm........ I begin to feel pokemon fatigue... but why am I still craving more? Only 5 hours in, I have yet to reach an opinion on White 2... Quote
The Damned Posted October 12, 2012 Author Posted October 12, 2012 I'm finding the first three or so gyms and everything that happens up to that point to be kind of... unguided. Sort of. I know it's pretty much a linear path throughout the game, but at some points, I honestly had no idea where I was supposed to go and do. I didn't recall anyone saying anything about a place or a person I was supposed to go to. I just kind of wondered around until I found the next point along the path. Once I got to the mainland and started going around the old routes, I found them to be really uninteresting because one, they aren't that different, aside from some pokémon appearing that weren't there in BW1. But I do think the plot won't be what I play this for. I think the access to move tutors, special in-game events and some useful post-game items like the thing that makes shinys appear more often are what I'm really going for. Being able to breed, train and customize your team in BW2 seems to be easier and with more more options than in any other game to this point. Quote
Mirby Posted October 12, 2012 Posted October 12, 2012 Beat the Champion last night; final blow was dealt right after the dealer went into critical health, something that happened many times (including two gym leader battles) on my journey. The story really picks up at the end, I have to say. But yeah, having fun with post-game stuff. Quote
StreetFlare Posted October 13, 2012 Posted October 13, 2012 Up to Elesa, with two things that shouldn't be in the game yet on there - a Dream World Barboach I downloaded, and a Combusken I traded from White as a lvl 1 Torchic after beating Cheren. Man, Combusken and Magnemite own pretty much everything I face... Friend code: 2752 8974 6529 Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted October 16, 2012 Posted October 16, 2012 I want a Ghastly, you guys. Someone give me a Ghastly. And a Misdreavus. Quote
ocre Posted October 16, 2012 Posted October 16, 2012 That's right! I am now the Champion of Unova! Come at me! Quote
The Damned Posted October 16, 2012 Author Posted October 16, 2012 Ha. Millions of Japanese players say "私は今までやった" at you. Any inaccuracies in that Japanese text is entirely the fault of Google Translate. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted October 16, 2012 Posted October 16, 2012 "Until now, I've always done it?" What? Quote
Overflow Posted October 17, 2012 Posted October 17, 2012 I want a Ghastly, you guys.Someone give me a Ghastly. And a Misdreavus. Can B+W2 trade with Pearl? Quote
Mirby Posted October 17, 2012 Posted October 17, 2012 Can B+W2 trade with Pearl? PokéTransfer with Pearl. Then you can trade. Quote
Overflow Posted October 17, 2012 Posted October 17, 2012 :U holy CRAP YOU CAN CATCH N'S OLD POKEMON IN THE WILD!!!!!! Quote
ocre Posted October 17, 2012 Posted October 17, 2012 Hah, yeah, when I first encountered that I was like "Whoa, is that a new shiny animation?" Also, it would be easier to trade a Pokemon to BW2 from Black/White if you have already imported Pokemon from the Gen 4 games since you wouldn't have to catch them again. And you don't have to beat the game to trade between BW2 and BW like you do to use the PokeTransfer. Quote
The Damned Posted October 17, 2012 Author Posted October 17, 2012 :Uholy CRAP YOU CAN CATCH N'S OLD POKEMON IN THE WILD!!!!!! I haven't confirmed it myself yet, but apparently, all of N's pokémon have IVs of 30 across the board. That means you have high stat pokémon without having to breed for them. If you want to, you can use them to breed you own, and those high IVs will carry over to yours. Combine that with the various other post-game catching, breeding and training stuff they added, and it's looking like this is the game for serious training. Quote
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