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I really must make an apology. I come into this discussion and I do nothing but ask for help. Whenever someone else needs some discussion on something, I just stay quiet because I know that everyone else can answer it better than I can.

Well I really appreciate all the help I've gotten since this group started. You have done nothing but encourage and teach me and it's been helpful the whole way through. So thank you.

But I must ask another one...... what are leg lifts tracked as on fitocracy? This kind is you lay on your back, raise your legs about 3 inches, slowly spread them out laterally and bring them back to the center, lower them to the ground.

It's cool :smile:; speaking for myself, I enjoy helping others out with fitness, and I suspect others in here feel the same way. The exercise you're describing sounds like a variant of a flat leg raise, but it may not be in the database on Fitocracy. You may want to just track it as a flat straight or flat bent leg raise, then make a note in your tracking of exactly what you're doing.


I told my trainer about my hip pain and he suggested a different stance. Before my legs were a little wide, so I pulled them in more. That made a pretty big difference. I still had a little bit of pain on my final set, but 8x 3 plates is some heavy weight, so I figure that's to be expected.

ow. just got back from basketball and I am astounded at my endurance. However, my knees are hurting more and more. This isn't something I expected at my age.

They should be getting stronger in the long run, but you may have accumulated some inflammation through increased recent activity. You may want to try staying off of them (exercise-wise) for a week or so, or better yet, talk to a physical therapist. Typically though, a week off with some ibuprofen fixes problems like this for me.

Best yet, the employee pharmacy allows me to buy a whole bottle (100 tablets) ibuprofen for $1.50. Working in a hospital has it's advantages.


Have to tell you guys, I recently was privy to a training/eating schedule distributed by a "personal trainer" who apparently has helped many people get into competition shape. The plan was called "16-day shred," and the amount of crap and broscience on it was staggering. These included, but were not limited to:

  • Making sure to eat every 2-3 hours to increase metabolism
  • Rep ranges that never go below 12 (I'm guessing to achieve "tone")
  • Squats on the Smith Machine (actually specified, for no reason, and I know for a fact the client has no injury requiring Smith Squats)
  • Carb-heavy breakfasts, no identifiable reason (also gives no relation to time of training sessions, which is IMO the only viable reason to have a meal above 40-50% carb)

The best part? This "PT" charges people $180 for this plan.

I think it's time to change careers.


6 months out and my rotator cuff injury is definitely improving. But still not completely fixed. After much nonsense with my primary care doc I'm going to a physical therapy center. I have integrated some dumbell bench presses and curls into my routine, with no ill effect. Overhead reaching is noticeably less painful in the "sticking spot", but I'm not foolish enough to start doing any kind of overhead exercises.

I could see this easily taking a year to heal sufficiently, whatever it is, but it's trending in a positive direction.


After years of an extremely stressful schedule of life problems and damn near cursed projects that I could not afford to turn down, I am finally at a comfortable point in my schedule of daily affairs where I can get back to rebuilding my body and physical energy, particularly as I have finally found a martial arts school nearby that teaches what I want to learn. I squee'd like a schoolgirl.

As I had whole years of continuous stress and little opportunity for real exercise, I have gotten considerably out of shape. I'm not fat, but I lost a lot of my physical flexibility, agility, and my immune system (which was one of the few high strengths the good Lord done give me at birth) in the last several years, and I feel I need to get myself back into a decent shape before I even begin more serious and specific physical work going.

So I was wondering if any of the fitness people who might know anything on martial arts can give me some ideas of how to begin a preliminary workout routine to just get my body in a generally decent position for starting work at the school or a gym. I don't have a gym membership yet and I'm going to get one, but I feel like I need a top-to-bottom restructuring back to a generally decent shape before I begin anything more specific than that. I don't want to begin weight training or martial art training in the state I'm in now.

And yes, I did Google and Youtube and look up articles and such, but couldn't really find anything useful for this specification. I was hoping to find lists including things like running/jogging, basic stretches, jump rope, push-ups, squats, etc. that kinda shit, but I wasn't able to find anything and I know that stuff exists.

Just thought I'd try here next. Thanks. :)

I don't want to begin weight training or martial art training in the state I'm in now.

I'm not a personal trainer, but while I wouldn't jump into intense martial arts right away, there is nothing preventing you from getting started with weight training. You just start with lighter weights and figure out what you can handle, then settle into a routine where you increase the weights regularly. Nothing requires you to be particularly limber. I'm overweight and infelxible, and I've been getting great benefits from lifting.

Speaking of being overweight, I've decided to take my nutrition as seriously as possible: I purchased a kitchen scale, started a spreadsheet, and began tracking every last thing I eat right down to the calorie. It's actually not THAT laborious, but it IS extremely illuminating. It's really, really easy to eat "healthy" foods in quantities that are way too big. For example, on day 1 I had a 3-egg omelet and 4 strips of bacon, with some ketchup. That was over 600 calories! On the other hand, yesterday I ate a very optimized lunch consisting of deli chicken, homemade tomato sauce, and some part-skim mozzerella cheese - a "chicken pizza" which was highly filling and not even 400 calories.

According to an average of some TDEE calculators, I'm probably burning about 2600 calories a day. I'd guess a little more than that just because I've put on muscle mass, and I also play badminton 2-3x a week, but I wanted to be conservative. My goal is to eat no more than 2100 calories a day (500kcal deficit) and so far I've been hitting that goal. I think as long as I continue to do weight training 3 days a week I should be able to lose some of this extra weight while putting on muscle.

If someone's overweight isn't weight training a bad idea. You want to turn that weight into muscle but that's why thinner dudes bulk up, being a larger dude and doing is probably a crazy idea

Or am I wrong here?

Well, you can't turn existing weight into muscle. But the presence of more muscle helps your body to burn more calories while at rest, so putting muscle on actually can be a good thing for guys who are looking to slim down. I guarantee that if you address your diet and lift heavy weights, the overall effect (at least at first) will be a slimming one, especially for guys who were not that active beforehand.

@zircon: Muchos respect for your effort; many people give up quickly when they first start doing that. But as you said, it can be really enlightening to see just how much you are actually eating in a day. You'll be seeing some serious changes!

I'm not a personal trainer, but while I wouldn't jump into intense martial arts right away, there is nothing preventing you from getting started with weight training. You just start with lighter weights and figure out what you can handle, then settle into a routine where you increase the weights regularly. Nothing requires you to be particularly limber. I'm overweight and infelxible, and I've been getting great benefits from lifting.

I knew I needed to do some light weight lifting to start with, I don't know, I just felt like this time I needed to do some pre-training to get ready for real training. I tried weight lifting when I was in this shape before and results were mixed at best. I figured this time I need to find cardio exercises that work on much of the body first to get back to a level where I can move further up so I didn't have that problem again.

boy howdy am I sore from that sprint a few days ago. that's the kind of exercise I'm looking for, something that works a lot of different muscles at once. too bad I feel really weird running like a bat out of hell.

Sprint workouts are great. Mark Sisson has one that I really like because it's not just running. Let me see if I can find it...

here it is! I never knew how much hopping could make you want to die.

Workout #4: Sprint Drills

4 x 50m strides at 75% effort. Ten second rest between efforts. One minute rest before next exercise.

2 x 50m skipping. Drive knee as high as you can (try to hit your chest), taking off and landing on opposite leg. Then launch off, and land, with opposite leg, driving other knee high into chest – like an exaggerated skip. Strive for maximum height instead of length. Fifteen second rest between efforts. One minute rest before next exercise.

2 x 50m bounding. Take as long a stride as possible, focusing on keeping your balance rather than speed. Thirty second rest between efforts. One minute rest before next exercise.

2 x 50m hopping. Take off on both legs and jump up and forward. Focus on achieving a good balance between height and length. Swing arms to assist effort and ensure a balanced landing. One minute rest between efforts (you’ll need it, trust me). Two minute rest before next exercise.

4 x 50m full speed sprint. One minute rest between efforts.

boy howdy am I sore from that sprint a few days ago. that's the kind of exercise I'm looking for, something that works a lot of different muscles at once. too bad I feel really weird running like a bat out of hell.

Jealous. I strained something in the arch of my left foot several months ago during a sprint and it has yet to go away, despite me taking it easy on leg exercises that place stress on it. There's really nothing to replace all out sprints for all the muscles they hit.

And it is sometimes funny to see the alarmed looks on people's faces as you blur down the road, especially if you live in a subdivision...:lol:


I think that the most exciting thing about my workout results right now is that I'm seeing a slow but steady gain in endurance and/or my mind is believing that my limits are getting higher. This is pretty awesome for me because endurance was always something that I lacked.

I think that the most exciting thing about my workout results right now is that I'm seeing a slow but steady gain in endurance and/or my mind is believing that my limits are getting higher. This is pretty awesome for me because endurance was always something that I lacked.

That's awesome, man. Working out sucks until you can really feel/see the improvements. After that, it's like heroin :P Glad you're making progress!


I don't know.... After my brother's wedding I plan on stopping alltogether and just watching my diet. (Thanks to everyone here for dieting instructions). Let's see if I continue afterward or not.

I feel like I have improved greatly since I started a month ago.


I'm actually going to need a little advice. My workout is focused solely on my torso. I have machine ab crunches for upper abdominals, pallof press for obliques, crunches for general abdominals, and leg lifts for lower abdominals. But there is a problem with leg lifts. My legs are way too heavy and muscular that doing them is actually hurting my back. Can anyone suggest a different lower body abdominal workout that I can do?

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