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Posted (edited)
just thought i'd ask. Will the remixers for this album be getting a forum sig? Maybe one with their zone on it? I only ask because i have no talent for that kind of thing. :)

That'd be a whooooole lotta sigs. If they do happen, it'll likely be just one sig for all; it's an album after all, not a compo ;)

EDIT: And they already did happen and I'm a dummy

Edited by Phonetic Hero
EDIT: just thought i'd ask. Will the remixers for this album be getting a forum sig? Maybe one with their zone on it? I only ask because i have no talent for that kind of thing. :)

Nah, like others have said we have the project sig, which I'd rather people use to create a consistent image/message. I'll probably create a nicer one here though soon once we have a solid album title.

Don't we already have a sig and aren't I using it?

For some reason this morning when I first read this, it really made me laugh :lmassoff:

Posted (edited)
Don't we already have a sig and aren't I using it?

Uh.... nope, witchcraft

Starting mine right now, I'll have something substantial by the end of my working period, whenever that happens to be. Evolve Mutations... omg. Just, holy shit. Greatest investment I've ever made.

EDIT: Also, one of my progression interps just turned into one of the X-Men: First Class progressions. Any problems?

Edited by Phonetic Hero
Letting you know I may be a few days late with the WIP due to various other projects that dropped within the week, but I can assure you it will be with you by Monday at the latest. :)

Same. I had four versions of Collision Chaos I was working on for the past few weeks and not feeling any of them. Went to bed depressed out of my mind last night then promptly woke up at 2AM knowing what i wanted it to sound like. About time right? 8)

I'm on Ver. 5 now and i'm trying to bust my ass to get as much of it together as i can before tommarow. I may end up being just past the deadline but not more than a day or two.

Congrats on a great remix posting btw Rexy.

Letting you know I may be a few days late with the WIP due to various other projects that dropped within the week, but I can assure you it will be with you by Monday at the latest. :smile:

My WIP is nice, but not even done with the track. Could I just send you what I *do* have tomorrow? I have about 1 and a half or 2 minutes or something. I really don't know.

My WIP is nice, but not even done with the track. Could I just send you what I *do* have tomorrow? I have about 1 and a half or 2 minutes or something. I really don't know.

Again, the date tomorrow is a WIP check in; you don't need a finished track, so long as the direction is clear and the basics are shaped out

Again, the date tomorrow is a WIP check in; you don't need a finished track, so long as the direction is clear and the basics are shaped out

Yeah what I meant was that the song hadn't even recorded the whole way through. Not about the mix, I just haven't even recorded the whole thing.

But I'm guessing that's what you thought I was saying, so ok. ^_^

Posted (edited)

I've been getting some awesome WIPs, keep em' coming! Just a few notes... if you can, and if your song includes multiple sources, could you include a source breakdown with your WIP please? It will help with providing feedback. Also regarding feedback, I'm a bit swamped with real-life fun stuff at the moment too, so if your WIP is far enough along to require some detailed feedback (i.e., more than just "oh hey nice direction - keep at it"), I'll try to get that back to you within the next week or so. Thanks!

Yeah what I meant was that the song hadn't even recorded the whole way through. Not about the mix, I just haven't even recorded the whole thing.

But I'm guessing that's what you thought I was saying, so ok. ^_^

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying either. Recorded would imply that you are physically recording every part for the song. I assumed you meant you weren't finished arranging or writing the whole song yet. Which is fine, like we said, this is just an initial WIP to kind of get an idea of what you have in mind for the song. A minute or so is just fine.

Wouldn't it be funny if I turned in a finished track, vocals and everything, in the next couple of days?

That would be awesome 8)

Every time I see this I keep thinking "Past, Present, and Future".

Seriously though, might make for interesting bonus tracks. "[superiorX's Mix Title] (Past Version)"

Haha, that would be a good idea if every version of my song was good. Right now it's more like "SuperiorX's Mix - Crappy Working Version", "SuperiorX's Mix - Crappy Working Version 2", and then "SuperiorX's Mix - Working Version that Might Actually Be Going Somewhere". :razz:

Edited by SuperiorX

Haha, that would be a good idea if every version of my song was good. Right now it's more like "SuperiorX's Mix - Crappy Working Version", "SuperiorX's Mix - Crappy Working Version 2", and then "SuperiorX's Mix - Working Version that Might Actually Be Going Somewhere". :razz:

So..."Palmtree Panic (Crappy Future)"?


Alright, WIP sent in!

Congrats on a great remix posting btw Rexy.

I'm late here, but thank you Gar :) Not sure if having a mixpost prior to the release of a huge album is a good or bad thing, but the reception was still epic nevertheless :D

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