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I've had ideas for a few different compos, and I'm throwing out some feelers for which ones would garner any interest, or whether, with the size of the community, we're approaching compo saturation. Below are some outlines; feel free to suggest ways to improve them (some good names would be nice), or pitch any other ideas you might have.

Expanding Your Comfort Zone

Compo Format: Each remixer picks a source tune, game, or series. Each round, a genre is chosen, and the mixer has 1 month to produce a remix of their selection to fit that genre. The number of rounds is up for debate, but I'm thinking somewhere in the 6-12 range. A remixer does not need to participate every month, but probably a minimum of 3 entries would be required to be eligible for the final rankings.

Judging: Voters would consider several factors, such as how well the source fits the assigned genre, production, arrangement, enjoyability, and give each factor a score on a scale of 1 to 5, for a total of 20 possible points. Total points for one track is divided by the number of votes for that track. Aggregate score throughout the competition is an average of scores for all tracks.

This model allows mixers of varying skill to participate at their convenience, and, in the event of high participation, frees the voters from the stress of listening to and ordering all the entries. Better known submissions will obviously get more attention, but averaging scores will prevent this from skewing the votes exponentially in their favor.

The main goal is for remixers to familiarize themselves with a variety of genres and to gain experience in the production techniques required to pull them off.

Production Compo

Compo Format: Each round begins with a given source tune. The objective is simply to recreate the given tune as authentically as possible without live instruments. Occasionally, if the source has vocals, collaborations may include vocalists who want to attempt to match the style of the original singer.

Judging: Voters should consider primarily how closely entries match the original track. Particular considerations would include sound design/instrument tone and humanization. Still up for opinions on the best format for voting.

The main goal is for mixers to hone their production chops to recreate exactly what they're hearing in their heads. It is also an excellent opportunity for vocalists without any production experience (or interest) to show off their talent.

More Mash-Up Remix Compos!

We've done lots of Mega Man, and now the Street Fighter and Sonic series have gotten some love. It helps that so many source tunes in each of those series have a lot stylistic similarities. But there are plenty of others that could make for equally compelling competitions. Which other series would you like to see the community tackle? (Or, how do people feel about a compo in the same format where contestants can pick ANY source from ANY game?)

Consider a DAW-only compo, where only the DAW's build-in instruments and effects can be used. Some ppl think you can't make ocr-level stuff without buying expensive libraries, despite that there are mixes made entirely in GarageBand posted here.

We've had FL Studio oriented compos in the past. They were a lot of fun. I'd be willing to organize a new one if people are interested.


More Mash-Up Remix Compos!

We've done lots of Mega Man, and now the Street Fighter and Sonic series have gotten some love. It helps that so many source tunes in each of those series have a lot stylistic similarities. But there are plenty of others that could make for equally compelling competitions. Which other series would you like to see the community tackle? (Or, how do people feel about a compo in the same format where contestants can pick ANY source from ANY game?)

A mash-up remix compo idea...how about having a video game character theme remix battle. Like Tifa's theme mixed with Ridley's or one of the many Bowser themes mixed with one of the many Dr. Wily themes or against a lesser known character. I'm sure this would produce interesting results though I get the feeling having to restrict how many characters from a franchise may be necessary so it remain diverse enough.

Or how about villains vs villians remix battle. Dracula vs. the Great Mighty Poo! The possibilities are endless and perhaps even bizarre.

A mash-up remix compo idea...how about having a video game character theme remix battle. Like Tifa's theme mixed with Ridley's or one of the many Bowser themes mixed with one of the many Dr. Wily themes or against a lesser

Always thought an FF character theme mashup in the style of the Mega Man compos would be cool. You'd only be able to do it once or twice until you started running out of unused character themes though (unless you limited it to eight/side/competition).

I'd also considered suggesting (in the past) an "Environment Battle" style mashup compo, where instead of competing based on characters, you compete based on the music of the environments. For example, if you had one based on FF9, you could have matchups like Treno vs. Fossil Roo, Lindblum vs. Alexandria, Evil Forest vs. Black Mage Village. And this style would work for lots of games; most Mario titles, Final Fantasies, Zeldas, you name it, a lot of (particularly older) games have a lot of amazing environment music.

More Mash-Up Remix Compos!

We've done lots of Mega Man, and now the Street Fighter and Sonic series have gotten some love. It helps that so many source tunes in each of those series have a lot stylistic similarities. But there are plenty of others that could make for equally compelling competitions. Which other series would you like to see the community tackle? (Or, how do people feel about a compo in the same format where contestants can pick ANY source from ANY game?)

These are always good. I intend to do these for every mid-season special of RMWtS, in an "A vs. B" format (e.g. Mega Man vs. Mega Man X, Mario vs. Sonic, etc.). Of course, these are 1-shots rather than tournaments.

I wouldn't be too excited about a compo where the point is to replicate an existing tune as closely as possible. It's a good challenge and good practice, but a lousy spectator sport.

A mash-up remix compo idea...how about having a video game character theme remix battle. Like Tifa's theme mixed with Ridley's or one of the many Bowser themes mixed with one of the many Dr. Wily themes or against a lesser known character. I'm sure this would produce interesting results though I get the feeling having to restrict how many characters from a franchise may be necessary so it remain diverse enough.

Or how about villains vs villians remix battle. Dracula vs. the Great Mighty Poo! The possibilities are endless and perhaps even bizarre.

I actually like this idea a LOT. Since there are a huge number of possibilities, it may be a bit difficult to compile a list of acceptable characters/themes... If no one is willing to put together such an expansive list, remixers could pick their top 3 or 5 picks with source links to their chosen character's theme, and provide reasons WHY each source can be considered a theme for the character (especially since some characters like Samus will have multiple themes).

We've had FL Studio oriented compos in the past. They were a lot of fun. I'd be willing to organize a new one if people are interested.

I'm interested in this, sounds fun.


Yeah flp sharing is awesome. Sad I'm out for now.

I'd really like to see something lighthearted, like a vocal edition of DoD with the option of whistling, humming, beatboxing, freeeestylin', scatting, talking gibberish. Or opera if you insist, who cares. Mouth and throat based sounds.

Once people become comfortable with a format like that, you could do duet or ensemble editions where people draw numbers and come up with unlikely match ups.

But yeah, all in a fun spirit. Like a marriage of overclocked and overlooked acapella.


I've been thinking for a while about a compo based on Super Smash Bros. except not limited to Nintendo characters.

Each week a stage theme would be chosen and everyone would be given an opponent to try to deal damage to. They would have to mix their song, their opponents song and that week's stage theme together into one mix.

Voting would determine how much damage each character is awarded and those with the highest cumulative damage would eventually get kicked out.

Could also potentially add items and powerups to add even more chaos :P.

I've been hesitant to start this because of the large number of competitions already in place though.


Flp sharing creates many possibilities. What about an Fl Studio gauntlet, like the Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet? We'd have teams of 3 with 1 primary remixer each week, while the other 2 could still provide help with the flp. I think it would provide a lot of opportunity for growth and collaboration, as well as allowing people with little fl experience (or those with a different primary DAW) to participate. How does that sound?

Flp sharing creates many possibilities. What about an Fl Studio gauntlet, like the Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet? We'd have teams of 3 with 1 primary remixer each week, while the other 2 could still provide help with the flp. I think it would provide a lot of opportunity for growth and collaboration, as well as allowing people with little fl experience (or those with a different primary DAW) to participate. How does that sound?

I prefer solo compos, but that idea sounds neat. I'd be willing to give it a shot, if you can generate enough interest.

Flp sharing creates many possibilities. What about an Fl Studio gauntlet, like the Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet? We'd have teams of 3 with 1 primary remixer each week, while the other 2 could still provide help with the flp. I think it would provide a lot of opportunity for growth and collaboration, as well as allowing people with little fl experience (or those with a different primary DAW) to participate. How does that sound?

I love the assistant remixer idea.


Sounds like an FL Gauntlet concept is a winner for the overall compo format. We still need an idea for content, though. If it's going to be a mashup thing, I think the idea of a judge-chosen "location" (or "event") is a good one. For the other source, either each participant could choose a character, to do it just like the WCGRC, or we could do something new. For more flexibility, each participant could choose a whole game. I'm personally not crazy about having to incorporate 3 or more sources--doing two is hard enough, and trying to use even more doesn't often go well.

Consider a DAW-only compo, where only the DAW's build-in instruments and effects can be used. Some ppl think you can't make ocr-level stuff without buying expensive libraries, despite that there are mixes made entirely in GarageBand posted here.

All of my stuff is made entirely using free samples and plugins.

Sounds like an FL Gauntlet concept is a winner for the overall compo format. We still need an idea for content, though. If it's going to be a mashup thing, I think the idea of a judge-chosen "location" (or "event") is a good one. For the other source, either each participant could choose a character, to do it just like the WCGRC, or we could do something new. For more flexibility, each participant could choose a whole game. I'm personally not crazy about having to incorporate 3 or more sources--doing two is hard enough, and trying to use even more doesn't often go well.

PRC's model seems appropriate. The winner of the previous week's compo picks the source(s) for the next weeks compo. Very flexible.

Sounds like an FL Gauntlet concept is a winner for the overall compo format. We still need an idea for content, though. If it's going to be a mashup thing, I think the idea of a judge-chosen "location" (or "event") is a good one. For the other source, either each participant could choose a character, to do it just like the WCGRC, or we could do something new. For more flexibility, each participant could choose a whole game. I'm personally not crazy about having to incorporate 3 or more sources--doing two is hard enough, and trying to use even more doesn't often go well.

I've been wracking my brain on how to best choose source material and I think the best approach is to keep the theme simple. The compo will be about FL Studio and teamwork, rather than any particular game or mashup concept. I think those should be saved for other compos. Each week will have different sources, and most if not all will have multiple sources to choose from to give the remixers flexibility and choice. And if you don't like one week's choices, a team mate can go instead.

PRC's model seems appropriate. The winner of the previous week's compo picks the source(s) for the next weeks compo. Very flexible.

PRC's model is great for weekly compos, but I don't think it'd work well for a Gauntlet, since winning teams could exploit it to give their side a head start on the following week's source.

Oh, and signups start now! http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=42262

Always thought an FF character theme mashup in the style of the Mega Man compos would be cool. You'd only be able to do it once or twice until you started running out of unused character themes though (unless you limited it to eight/side/competition).

I'd also considered suggesting (in the past) an "Environment Battle" style mashup compo, where instead of competing based on characters, you compete based on the music of the environments. For example, if you had one based on FF9, you could have matchups like Treno vs. Fossil Roo, Lindblum vs. Alexandria, Evil Forest vs. Black Mage Village. And this style would work for lots of games; most Mario titles, Final Fantasies, Zeldas, you name it, a lot of (particularly older) games have a lot of amazing environment music.

A Final Fantasy character theme compo would be interesting, however I think their are a lot of characters that don't have themes for one reason or another and may have to deliberate on what constitutes as a character theme. The NES/Famicom FF's don't really have character themes and may become left out as well as the MMO one's.

The Environment Battle sounds really great as it could potentially create interesting results though I think some people might become somewhat overwhelmed by which environment to choose from as there are tons more environment themes in one game than character themes. If there is going be an environment based remix battle, have it centered through one franchise would be best route to take like the Sonic one earlier this year. RPG's would probably benefit the most in this style, especially Pokemon.

Man, a Pokemon remix battle... I don't know what it would be about but it sounds awesome in my head... Perhaps just gym leader vs gym leader or town vs town (shrugs)

A Final Fantasy character theme compo would be interesting, however I think their are a lot of characters that don't have themes for one reason or another and may have to deliberate on what constitutes as a character theme. The NES/Famicom FF's don't really have character themes and may become left out as well as the MMO one's.

Undoubtedly; as I said, there's really only enough character themes to allow for maybe two compos of that, for that very reason. Although I suppose you could open it up to tracks that remixers can make convincing arguments are associated strongly enough with the characters being used as their theme (similar to how Mirby's allowing tracks strongly associated with the Cid of each game in the Cid project, even if there's not necessarily an explicit theme for every Cid).

I like the idea of a Pokemon challenge too (heck, anything main series Pokemon music-wise is pretty okay with me), and had thought of suggesting it... but the only thing I could come up with that might work for it would be for each remixer to choose a gym leader for a "Gym Leader Tourney" and then to use the music for their town as their theme. (I.E. Whoever chose Misty would be using one of the four variations of Cerulean City's music, and if they went up against "Brock" would remix with one of the four versions of Pewter City's music, similar to the Grand Master compo.)

EDIT: Had a stray thought for another compo format, one that would deviate from the "A v B" format. You could have a compo run in "Episodes," (similar to the way MindWanderer is running RWTS) and at the beginning of each episode the participating remixers would be given three sources, and asked to choose two of them to remix into one cohesive, fully working track. You'd still get plenty of variety - one round with sources A, B, and C might end up with submissions of CA, CA, AB, AC, BA, BC, and CB, for instance - and if you wanted to get really challenging, you might give the the participants a style, mood, or sound restriction that's different each episode. For instance, you could give the participants a fanfare source, a quirky happy source, and an ambient source, and ask that the finalized remix be done to achieve the mood of "gloomy," or contain at least two sections with a flute. Of course, you could just provide the sources and let the participants do with them as they pleased, and see what comes of it. But it'd be an interesting way to see how sources from various OSTs could work together, or not - you could provide a source from Halo 3, a source from Super Mario Brothers 2, and a source from Final Fantasy Tactics, and see what people can make out of them.

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