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FL Studio Remix Gauntlet -- Round 8 starts now, Round 6 results

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Sorry. It's fixed now. I've been fighting an ear infection thingy and my head has just been in a haze.

No harm done! :-)

@Rex and wildfire, I'll go this round. I should choose the title of Contra. :lol: Actually no, just kidding, it's only 7 seconds, that would be rough. I might choose Cave Story, or Chrono Trigger. Not sure yet.


I've got a question for everyone: how do YOU vote? Personally, since this contest is specifically for FL Studio, I judge based upon how extensively each contestant utilizes the tools available. How creative have they gotten with effects and synths? How clean is the mix? Have they managed to really wrest a soundset into something completely different? How effectively have they really used Image-Line FL Studio 10?

I pay a very small amount of attention to source usage, insane solos, etc., since those don't really matter (in my mind) to the scope of this competition. Anyone can emphasize those things with any DAW out there. A solo is just someone using the piano roll (although clever sliding and modulation will definitely score points with me). Anyone can use source to any degree in any DAW. Screw that, I wanna see real creativity with this software and these limited sounds.

Your thoughts?

I've got a question for everyone: how do YOU vote? Personally, since this contest is specifically for FL Studio, I judge based upon how extensively each contestant utilizes the tools available. How creative have they gotten with effects and synths? How clean is the mix? Have they managed to really wrest a soundset into something completely different? How effectively have they really used Image-Line FL Studio 10?

I pay a very small amount of attention to source usage, insane solos, etc., since those don't really matter (in my mind) to the scope of this competition. Anyone can emphasize those things with any DAW out there. A solo is just someone using the piano roll (although clever sliding and modulation will definitely score points with me). Anyone can use source to any degree in any DAW. Screw that, I wanna see real creativity with this software and these limited sounds.

Your thoughts?

100% agreed. In any compo, the last thing I care about is the arrangement and such. Is it a cool, creative piece of music? If so, you get my vote. My whole angle with the compo has been to do the most creative sound design I am capable of in the hopes that 1) I will learn something (oh, have I ever) and 2) others will vote for me based upon that creativity. 2 2nd places later, I guess I can say I'm not being creative enough :P

As a side note to the One Hour Conquistadors: please stop writing cool, creative music. I would love for our team to win this compo :D


ToN's laptop asploded (thank you murphy) aso he couldn't complete a song for last round. BP's up for this one.

as for who do I vote, I do agree with flexstyle. FL stopped being my tool of choice a long time ago, but I joined this compo because I thought it'll be fun to grab that ol' 3xosc I did so many mixes with and give it a spin again. Since this compo is based around limitations I'm generally more impressed with techniques that manage to break the box of the vanilla FL sound.

100% agreed. In any compo, the last thing I care about is the arrangement and such. Is it a cool, creative piece of music? If so, you get my vote. My whole angle with the compo has been to do the most creative sound design I am capable of in the hopes that 1) I will learn something (oh, have I ever) and 2) others will vote for me based upon that creativity. 2 2nd places later, I guess I can say I'm not being creative enough :P

Can't good arrangement contribute to it being a cool, creative piece of music? I'm not going to disagree with what either of you have said, but I don't know if I'd put myself -that- far over on that end of the spectrum.

I just want to see people making really awesome music with FL. That could involve some crazy ridiculous setup with formula controllers, envelope controllers, beepmap (beepmap is awesome btw), and processing the heck out of a single sine wave to end up with something completely different. Or it could involve just plain good EQ, good mixing, tasteful arrangement, and awesome drum programming. Either one proves the point of "hey, you can make awesome music with just the demo version of FL, no need to cash in for ginormous orchestral sample libraries and hardware synths".

Is pure "FL geekiness" technical exhibition going to weigh in on my vote? You sure as hell bet it is. I don't even care if it's something as silly as making a stick figure dance via Fruity Notebook, or writing a song at 999BPM using only C_Kick (awesome fun btw), that stuff is awesome! But ultimately if you applied a bunch of FL-wizard tricks and you still end up with a "meh" sound, I'm going to vote for the guy who "just" used good mixing skills and got something that sounds more professional.

As a side note to the One Hour Conquistadors: please stop writing cool, creative music. I would love for our team to win this compo :D


Posted (edited)

Learning how to manipulate the piano roll can play a huge part in sequencing with better sound libraries later on, and FL has an INSANELY powerful piano roll, and I for one like to take full advantage of it. I personally pay a lot of attention to arrangement/structure (not so much source usage for sources that I'm unfamiliar with). I think there's tons to be said about going more in depth with the program, even if it's just with the piano roll, since working with more basic sounds forces you to write more interesting stuff. That's one of the main reasons I got into chiptunes like I did a while back; the limitations forced me to write more with more complexity, and it has worked wonders for my melodic writing and structuring. It also helps loads with humanization of organic instrumentation.

I'm not saying production isn't important, but there's definitely still something to be said about arrangement and the actual writing too. It's not like it just suddenly doesn't apply because of the limitations. At the end of the day, in my opinion at least, it's about making great music with ALL of the available tools, which relies heavily on production AND arrangement... Seems odd to me that people are looking at it as one or the other

EDIT: That being said, I'd have liked to have gone more in-depth with my track with the humanizing and processing and mixing, but as I mentioned before I unfortunately only had about 3 hours to get it done and had to cut my work short

Edited by Phonetic Hero
Learning how to manipulate the piano roll can play a huge part in sequencing with better sound libraries later on, and FL has an INSANELY powerful piano roll, and I for one like to take full advantage of it. I personally pay a lot of attention to arrangement/structure (not so much source usage for sources that I'm unfamiliar with). I think there's tons to be said about going more in depth with the program, even if it's just with the piano roll, since working with more basic sounds forces you to write more interesting stuff. That's one of the main reasons I got into chiptunes like I did a while back; the limitations forced me to write more with more complexity, and it has worked wonders for my melodic writing and structuring. It also helps loads with humanization of organic instrumentation.

I'm not saying production isn't important, but there's definitely still something to be said about arrangement and the actual writing too. It's not like it just suddenly doesn't apply because of the limitations. At the end of the day, in my opinion at least, it's about making great music with ALL of the available tools, which relies heavily on production AND arrangement... Seems odd to me that people are looking at it as one or the other

EDIT: That being said, I'd have liked to have gone more in-depth with my track with the humanizing and processing and mixing, but as I mentioned before I unfortunately only had about 3 hours to get it done and had to cut my work short

I really don't see whats special about fl's piano roll. In fact, I'll go as far as say that there are many DAWs with better piano rolls. But back to the main point, there's not much you can do with a piano roll that can't be done in any other DAW that will be interesting. You can however manipulate FL's synths, effects and chains in new, interesting ways that you probably wouldn't be able to manage in other DAWs, since FL has some unique synths and effects that you won't find elsewhere.

At the end of the day I will just vote for the song I liked the most in general, but doing interesting and new stuff that I haven't seen before or seeing stuff done in a different way is more valuable in the context of this particular competition.

Posted (edited)

who cares

this compo is about helping beginners learn

they're going to learn how to use FLstudio, and it's okay if they learn about writing music too. if anything it highlights the versatility of both the participants and the program itself, since so many different approaches are proving to produce competitive results.

the playing field is level. so... we're supposed to have fun, right? right?

Edited by Benjamin Briggs
Posted (edited)
Can't good arrangement contribute to it being a cool, creative piece of music?

Certainly, but I've just never much cared about whether or not the source is used heavily or creatively, probably because I'm not a very strong arranger myself. I guess I just appreciate composition more than arrangement since that's what I focus on myself.

... funny that I gravitated towards a site about arrangement, but I guess you guys cool or sumthin.

Edited by ectogemia
Kirby, wtf... your music is too good. Like, it makes me sick to my stomach how jealous I am of your tunesmithing. Amazing track last round.

Tell me about it.


However you vote, make sure you do.

I'm going to be extending the deadline one day since I'm fairly sick still and I don't think I'll be up for doing the stuff I do tonight. So rather than just let the entries sit in my inbox when they could be getting a little extra work, I think it better to give a little more time. Besides, it was a tough theme this past week anyways.

So, entries are due 2/18/13 at 10pm ET.


Are we allowed to use automation clips? The feature where you right click on a knob and select "create automation clip"? It's my understanding that anything below the Producer edition does not have the automation clip feature.

Are we allowed to use automation clips? The feature where you right click on a knob and select "create automation clip"? It's my understanding that anything below the Producer edition does not have the automation clip feature.

I use the shit out of them, but you could use edit events, I suppose, to accomplish the same thing.

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