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Pokémon X/Y and OmegaRuby/AlphaSapphire (Gen6) (3DS)

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So I dunno, I kinda like the story progression a lot as a fun little kid story.

Finally got through the 3rd gym and showed Korrina what's what. My team currently consists of Golett, Greninja, Meowstic, Venusaur, Croagunk, and Marowak, all in the lvl.33 - 40 range. I'm thinking I'll probably switch out my Venusaur for an electric type, maybe the Jolteon I just evolved, and my Marowak for my combustiken. I'm still figuring out how best to mix and max abilities. And is it just me, or did they get a little Kid Icarus: Uprising into my Super Training? I love it.


Hey so when I said that it's really easy to get through the game while switching people out? It's true until Victory Road.

Then people one shot you for fun and you're all like 'not cool dude'

Also the GTS is the dumbest. Every pokemon you search for everyone wants an articuno or one of the new legendaries. Then you wonder trade a couple of times and get like an eevee or a froakie for a pokemon you didn't want in the first place.

Posted (edited)
Hey so when I said that it's really easy to get through the game while switching people out? It's true until Victory Road.

Then people one shot you for fun and you're all like 'not cool dude'

Also the GTS is the dumbest. Every pokemon you search for everyone wants an articuno or one of the new legendaries. Then you wonder trade a couple of times and get like an eevee or a froakie for a pokemon you didn't want in the first place.

I actually got some good deals off the GTS, it has been useful to me so far although I've failed to find good trades for a few pokemons (elektrike for example). Even then people were asking for pokemons I had but the level requirement was a bit too high for what I had.

Also wonder trade is supposed to be random, heh. DOn't expect to get good trades there but I can say I've got several pokemon I didn't have yet this way, and it's also very useful if you need a pokemon from a certain egg type and from a different region to increase the chance of shiny. Just put one pokemon in wonder trade and keep trading what you get until you get something compatible.

Edited by Sir_NutS
Hey so when I said that it's really easy to get through the game while switching people out? It's true until Victory Road.

Then people one shot you for fun and you're all like 'not cool dude'

Also the GTS is the dumbest. Every pokemon you search for everyone wants an articuno or one of the new legendaries. Then you wonder trade a couple of times and get like an eevee or a froakie for a pokemon you didn't want in the first place.

You can hit a little button in the bottom-left (I think) of the GTS's main "seeking" screen and it will bring up the option to filter out "Special Pokémon" requests. This doesn't help with the Articuno from what I've seen, but it gets rid of everyone asking for Xerneas and Yveltal. It's quite helpful.

Not sure if the patch is required for this to work.


The patch doesn't change any GTS functionality. The GTS bug it fixes is when you use the filter to search for only Pokemon you have (or ones from other regions). Without the patch, the whole game would crash while trying to trade with the filter on; the patch fixes that.


Been trying to breed a perfect IV Goomy (Modest nature) and haven't been very lucky by getting many 4's and about 20+ 5's even though the 2 Goomy (goomies?) have perfect 5's and I'm using the Everstone/Destiny Knot still.

If anyone wants some, hit me up! I'll take any of your 4's or 5's off your hands or non-Kalos indigenous pokemon.

I gotta say, trying to breed a 5 or 6 IV Florges is very frustrating, since they're 100% female :<

If you aren't too far along I can trade you a floette caught in the friend safari if you want, that'll make it a little easier to generate eggs to start out at least.


Anyone getting an unusual number of Froakie from wonder trade? He's everywhere, and oftentimes will have an ability that makes it so he's always the same type as the move he uses.

Also I fear I've almost entirely dumped the plot in favour of running back and forth on route 8 breeding what-the-hell-ever just for pokedex entries. Someone was kind enough to give me a ditto. It will be my undoing.

Anyone getting an unusual number of Froakie from wonder trade? He's everywhere, and oftentimes will have an ability that makes it so he's always the same type as the move he uses.

Also I fear I've almost entirely dumped the plot in favour of running back and forth on route 8 breeding what-the-hell-ever just for pokedex entries. Someone was kind enough to give me a ditto. It will be my undoing.

Yep, not like plot is really important or interesting in pokemon games, it's all about DEM POKEMANS. I'm 50 hours in now and only got 3 badges, and I'm just breeding, trading and catching pokemon. 180 pokemons in my pokedex atm, and I have around 95% of those.


Been getting a lot of Froakies yes, barely any Fennekins, whole bunch of Fletchinders by people who just want OP pokechus or something form trading, many Eevees and I've gotten a lot of Ralts lately.

Seems like a lot of people are just trading their poor-breed pokemon instead of releasing them. I've been doing the same, but I've been trading rejects that have 3-4 perfect IV's, not just 1.

BTW, anyone wants a blue 4 Flabébé or 4-5 Goomy (both Modest nature)? :3

Been getting a lot of Froakies yes, barely any Fennekins, whole bunch of Fletchinders by people who just want OP pokechus or something form trading, many Eevees and I've gotten a lot of Ralts lately.

Seems like a lot of people are just trading their poor-breed pokemon instead of releasing them. I've been doing the same, but I've been trading rejects that have 3-4 perfect IV's, not just 1.

BTW, anyone wants a blue 4 Flabébé or 4-5 Goomy (both Modest nature)? :3

Yeah I haven't been breeding for good IVs yet, I'm just breeding for trading and completing the pokedex. I do try to breed with pokemons from diffferent regions for that extra shiny chance.

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