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Hello OCR, it's been too long...

I'd like to present my latest endeavor:

XING: The Land Beyond is a contemplative journey through the afterlife, incorporating puzzle design akin to the Zelda series, with emphasis on environment like Dear Esther and Myst. Players must keenly observe their surroundings and use their wits to progress through the serene world.

XING: The Land Beyond grants players the ability to manipulate their environment in a wide variety of ways. Players can summon rain, generate snowstorms and change the time of day to help them solve puzzles. These abilities not only create an immersive gameplay experience, but will also allow players to create their own solutions for puzzles. For example, the act of crossing a simple river can be suddenly transformed by freezing winds or torrential rain, making simple what once was impossible!

The story of XING is told through gameplay and poetry. There is no dialog, no subtitles, only elegant poetry and cryptic messages etched into stone monuments. The player must explore to find the answers they seek. Players will encounter sumptuous shrines, awesome abilities, sorrowful souls and puzzles within puzzles.

Players will be able to traverse mountains, deserts, forests, volcanoes and more in their journey through the land of XING. Standard first-person controls and a minimalist UI make the game accessible, while still engaging for seasoned gamers. Death is but another journey…

XING: The Land Beyond features:

• Original Score

• Weather Control

• 3-D Environmental Puzzles

• Integrated Day-Night Cycle

• Dazzling 3-D Environments

• Intuitive First-Person Controls

• Pervasive and Penetrating Poetry

• Utilizing the power of the Unreal Engine 3

We are excited to announce the beginning of our Kickstarter campaign.

• Expected Release Date: October 2013

• Price: $15

• Platform: PC

• Distribution: Steam Greenlight

A little history; I started this project partly because I've always wanted to make a game and partly because I was frustrated with the games I was composing for while freelancing. Little did I know I would fall in love with game development to complement my love of music, and here I am eight months later.

I don't always like to dwell on the past, but I'd like to give thanks to this community for fostering my need for creation and giving me amazing support on all of my projects I've ever tackled. Whenever I'm asked, I always point out OCR as a massive influence on my life and direction, and for that I'll always support the community.

Thanks again, for everything!



Wait, that game's yours? Awesomesauce. True story, I was actually going through my Greenlight queue this morning, came across Xing, and gave it a hearty thumbs up. And I've given maybe ten thumbs up, and about 80 thumbs down, so that says something.

Good luck man!


Voted on Steam 'cause that's free. Not backing the Kickstarter yet though. The two trailers certainly look and sound pretty, but the depth and challenge of gameplay looked very shallow and scripted without any true agency given to the player. Drop a ball in a bucket two feet away, bridge magically forms. The logs in the "dry" state were conveniently laid across the valley path, and in the "floating" state they don't react to wind and water motion or player weight. Pretty sure I saw the logs clipping through each other as the water rose, too.

The Kickstarter should talk more about your team's experience in making games, and also more about the design and complexity of the puzzles. Right now there's lots to suggest it will be beautiful, but not much to suggest it will be fun.

Hello OCR, it's been too long...

I'd like to present my latest endeavor:

A little history; I started this project partly because I've always wanted to make a game and partly because I was frustrated with the games I was composing for while freelancing. Little did I know I would fall in love with game development to complement my love of music, and here I am eight months later.

I don't always like to dwell on the past, but I'd like to give thanks to this community for fostering my need for creation and giving me amazing support on all of my projects I've ever tackled. Whenever I'm asked, I always point out OCR as a massive influence on my life and direction, and for that I'll always support the community.

Thanks again, for everything!


Looks awesome dude, however, only posted remixers are allowed to make threads promoting their own projects. I've merged his into the Kickstarter Central thread.

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