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Do you just troll this board waiting for argitoth to post so you can roast him? I've read many of your responses to him, and I can't quite understand why you simply just don't post in his threads instead of making it your seeming mission in life to put him down every step of the way.

He does do that. It's kinda... bitchy. So to speak.


Then why not go with Stylus RMX or Basement Arts ReFlex? Loop Player, Beatconstructor and drumkits... all in one. Stylus is 250USD, ReFlex if I'm not mistaken 100-120USD.


Who're you? Never saw you contributing anything in this section of the boards? And where was there flaming invoved? I only asked Argitoth questions, gave him hints and enhanced his knowledge base.

"OMG COMPYFOx IS POSTING AT OCR = FLAME!" - You guys sure are paranoid...


It's very true that you do seem to go out of your way to reply to Argitoth in ANY of his threads, and often you keep replying to him constantly despite the fact that you say he "wastes our time" etc. You don't have to respond if you don't want to.

So far, nothing he has really said here merits any kind of moderation. He's basically saying that Podium looks cool, and has a good amount of features.

BFD is an acoustical drumkit machine. I need a sampler/loop builder/rhythm builder/drum machine, whatever you want to call Guru, that's what it is I need; that, or Battery.

I like Battery.

As with the main issue, I agree with compy that cubase can do pretty much everything you need. One thing I have learned over my limited musical experience is that you can always do more with the equipment you already have then you think you can. Argi, you have been only working with SL for 2 months. Give it some time, and I think you will be pleased.

It's very true that you do seem to go out of your way to reply to Argitoth in ANY of his threads, and often you keep replying to him constantly despite the fact that you say he "wastes our time" etc. You don't have to respond if you don't want to.

Oh look who's in here again, our board sheriff.

You know what? Find your own resources, do your own researches from now on... maybe somebody else will help you... but you don't have to expect it from me anymore.

I asked him a couple of questions, you imply that I flame him. Okay... fine. Go ahead you friggin paranoids, maybe I'm on the way for world domination and you conspiracy theoreticians can do whatever the hell you want!

Now THIS was an insult and a flame. Go run off, complain to DJP as you always do. This was another flame too, btw.

Sorry that I hijacked your thread for this, Argi. I hope I could at least gve you a little bit of informative material. In the end it's up to you what you do. But personally I don't see a reason in Podium if Cubase can give me what I need (and is already full fledged).

Congrats to all others.

It's very true that you do seem to go out of your way to reply to Argitoth in ANY of his threads, and often you keep replying to him constantly despite the fact that you say he "wastes our time" etc. You don't have to respond if you don't want to.

Oh look who's in here again, our board sheriff.

You know what? Find your own resources, do your own researches from now on... maybe somebody else will help you... but you don't have to expect it from me anymore.

No one asked for your help. We don't need it. Don't expect anyone to beg you not to leave.

In regards to the comment "board sheriff", well gee, I am a moderator after all. It's my job to police these forums - this one in particular - and keep it as a helpful resource for both inexperienced and experienced ReMixers alike.

I asked him a couple of questions, you imply that I flame him. Okay... fine. Go ahead you friggin paranoids, maybe I'm on the way for world domination and you conspiracy theoreticians can do whatever the hell you want!

Everyone who has followed this forum for the last few months KNOWS that you post in literally every single thread Argitoth makes. You stalk the guy. It's not a conspiracy theory, it's easily verifiable with a forum search.

Now THIS was an insult and a flame. Go run off, complain to DJP as you always do. This was another flame too, btw.

I don't write complaints. You do.

As always, future off-topic posts will be deleted.

Give it some time, and I think you will be pleased.

Yeah. I haven't had a computer for about a month now, but my new computer has already been ordered. Funny thing is my studio now LOOKS like a studio, just like yours, except a lot less expensive. I got a new computer, got new speakers, I planned on getting a new keyboard, but it's a waste of money. I need Kontakt more than anything. Hopefully I can find a deal on Kontakt.

Anyway, Stylus RMX and Basement Arts ReFlex are both loop machines. Battery and Guru are not, except that Guru can work with loops. And when I say loops I mean loop wav files, not as in creating loops out of individual wavs, which Guru and Battery are meant to do.

I have a question about ReFlex. The most important feature in a loop machine that I find is the ability to change the parameters of each individual slice. Concrete FX Dicer can do that, and I believe it is a very powerful loop machine for the price (haven't had a computer to try the demo), but it can't import Rex2 which is a problem. It can import Rex1 and wav.

Can ReFlex change individual slice's properties?

Zircon and Compyfox, please stop your quote war! Just chill. 8)


It's true that Stylus RMX can't take individual hits and create loops out of them, but the massive core library and the fact that it can import loops makes it the most powerful drum machine around.

Also, Battery is NOT like Guru. Battery is purely a drum machine - it loads a variety of drum samples and plays them back one at a time. It is not a loop machine.

It's very true that you do seem to go out of your way to reply to Argitoth in ANY of his threads, and often you keep replying to him constantly despite the fact that you say he "wastes our time" etc. You don't have to respond if you don't want to.

^^^ what he said.

It's not a conspiracy theory at all... I wouldn't remotely call myself a reg here, and it's plain as day to me.

Also, Battery is NOT like Guru. Battery is purely a drum machine - it loads a variety of drum samples and plays them back one at a time. It is not a loop machine.

At this point I'm still trying to weigh the benefits between Guru and Battery. Guru is a very strong loop constructor, but in terms of sound tweaking, Battery has a lot more power. Battery is meant to be used with a sequencer which I believe can provide better flexability. But Guru has a lot of features in its internal sequencer that makes it easy to construct loops. I'll have to download the Guru demo.

It's true that Stylus RMX can't take individual hits and create loops out of them, but the massive core library and the fact that it can import loops makes it the most powerful drum machine around.

It can't? I make my own loops out of singles hits in RMX all the time. Maybe I just don't understand what you're saying or I'm just a super RMX haxxor.

It's true that Stylus RMX can't take individual hits and create loops out of them, but the massive core library and the fact that it can import loops makes it the most powerful drum machine around.

It can't? I make my own loops out of singles hits in RMX all the time. Maybe I just don't understand what you're saying or I'm just a super RMX haxxor.

You can take single hits and sequence them in YOUR sequencer, but RMX itself doesn't have a sequencer.


Everyone is obsessed with channel limitations, effects limitations and all this other bullshit that just makes music production needlessly complicated and exhausting.

If you learn the basics of digital music creation, and learn them well, you wont ever need more than 2-4 effects per channel.

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