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I to have a squire strat, and I can get some great tones out of it. No offense to you taucer, but I think your problem is your amp. I used to play my squire through the shitty amp it came with(value pack) but then I switched to a Vox Valvetronix 30W. I can get some surprisly good tones with such a crappy guitar. I used to have the problem with the trem bar, until I losend up the screws on the bridge a bit. It still goes out of tune a bit, but its no where as bad as it used to be.

the neck snapped in half when I left it on the floor, and accidentally stepped on it.


Saying that to a thread full of guitarists is like saying "yeah, she kicked me right in the nuts and I think something burst" to any random male. :)

As mentioned in the other gear thread, I have an Ibanez RG560 (signed by the guitarists from Carcass), ART SGX2000 effects processor, custom jumbo acoustic, Shure SM57 mic, some Crate amp, and Guitar Rig 2.


the neck snapped in half when I left it on the floor, and accidentally stepped on it.


Saying that to a thread full of guitarists is like saying "yeah, she kicked me right in the nuts and I think something burst" to any random male. :)

I know. I literally cringed in pain when I read that.


the neck snapped in half when I left it on the floor, and accidentally stepped on it.


Saying that to a thread full of guitarists is like saying "yeah, she kicked me right in the nuts and I think something burst" to any random male. :)

I know. I literally cringed in pain when I read that.


Yeah I know, I know... I had set it down to listen to something I had just recorded with it. Not making that mistake again. But now that I've embarrassed myself that much, I might as well tell you that I cried after I did it :oops:. It felt like I had just had an abortion.

Fortunately, it was only a $250 guitar. I miss being able to play it though. :cry:

As mentioned in the other gear thread, I have an Ibanez RG560 (signed by the guitarists from Carcass)

I actually almost bought something from the Ibanez RG series instead of the Les Paul. Besides being a lot less expensive, I loved the clean sound, as I do on most Ibanezes (is that how you spell it in the plural?). The Les Paul won out on over all versatility in sound though, so I went with that. Next time I run across $200, I'm probably going back for it.

guitar is for sissies

Ah, the obligatory "you all suck" post...

I knew something was missing...

Hahaha, have you ever listened to any of PriZm's remixes? :P

As for my gear, I have a Silvertone Revolver, which is basically just a cheap Strat knockoff, played through an RP-1 effects pedal and a Silvertone Smart IIIs. Still have the standard pickups and everything, mostly because I just don't play guitar enough to warrant the purchase of humbuckers or other upgrades. The amp is fairly decent, but I know there's better out there. If I played guitar enough, I'd save up for an Ibanez or a custom-built Carvin or something.

I also have a cheap acoustic that's in pretty bad shape, but still playable. :lol:

Next time I run across $200, I'm probably going back for it.

Is that what Ibanez RG series go for these days? Shit, mine was $850 back in the day (on sale for $450). Then again, I've noticed MSRP on guitar stuff is always much higher than the actual price...probably so music stores can have perpetual "sales"...


guitar is for sissies

Ah, the obligatory "you all suck" post...

I knew something was missing...

Hahaha, have you ever listened to any of PriZm's remixes? :P

I never said that he was stupid or anything...I just suddenly noticed that nobody had insulted everybody in here yet. And you have to admit, it happens in pretty much every topic at some point or another.


Time for some real gear :D:

My main guitar is a 1998 Orville (Gibson) LP Custom Black Beauty. I have two EMG 85s in it.

I use two other guitars quite often: an ESP LTD EC-400 with two EMG 81s, and a custom Strat that I put together from two other guitars. I took a good Squier II neck and a good Fernandes body and put them together. I still have the stock pickups on it, but that'll change to an EMG 89/SA/SA.

My acoustic is a Yamaha FG-04 LTD.

Other instruments I own are a 1963 Teisco ET-200, a BC Rich Kerry King V, and an Ibanez GSR200 bass. I plan on buying an Orville Flying V and Orville SG as soon as I see them for sale.

My amp is a 1979 100w Marshall JMP. I play it through a Marshall 1960A cab.

I just recently changed my rig up. It's pretty simple, and mostly rack based. My guitar runs into a Line 6 Pod Pro, into a Korg DTR-1000 tuner, into a BBE 482i Sonic Maximizer, then into the Marshall. The Line 6 is the preamp and I use the Marshall head as a power amp (no effects loop), giving me the tube crunch on top of the Line 6.

Though you can just check out all my gear here: http://majingeo.no-ip.com/gear/. Then again, I'm not a remixer, so who cares? ;)


I use alot of different stuff for live/recording. This is my current equipment list.


Fender American Standard Strat fitted with Vintage Noisless pickups (my first electric guitar)

Fender American Deluxe Ash Strat

Ibanez Prestige RG1620DX with DiMarzio Evolutions and a Piezo pickup

Ibanez JEM (white)

Ibanez Universe (7 string)

Epiphone Les Paul Ultra fitted with Seymour Duncans (weighs about 4 lbs!)

Gibson SG Standard

PRS SE Custom fitted with Seymour Duncans


Mesa Triple Rectifier head (trading for a RoadKing head in a few days)

Carvin Legacy head (selling to a friend)

Marshall DSL50 head (selling to another friend)

Line6 PODxt

Johnson J-Station

TC Electronics G System

Marshall 4x12" cab with Celestion Greenbacks

Marshall 4x12" cab with Celesttion V30s

Mesa 4x12" cab with Celestion V30s

Mesa 2x12" cab with Eminence speakers

Selling other amps because the Road King head has 4 completely independant channels than can use different tubes and speaker cabinets.


Shure SM57 (3)

Sennheiser e609

Sennheiser MD427

Rhode NT1

For now I'd usually record guitar using the PODxt or the Simulanalog Guitar Suite VST software since I don't really have a decent micing room in this house. I am in the process of building a giant isolation box to house a 4x12 cabinet and some microphones. Hopefully I can have it done by the time I'm actually able to play guitar again. :cool:

guitar is for sissies

Ah, the obligatory "you all suck" post...

I knew something was missing...

Hahaha, have you ever listened to any of PriZm's remixes? :P

I never said that he was stupid or anything...I just suddenly noticed that nobody had insulted everybody in here yet. And you have to admit, it happens in pretty much every topic at some point or another.

He's a guitarist. He was being funny. Geez.

guitar is for sissies

Ah, the obligatory "you all suck" post...

I knew something was missing...

Hahaha, have you ever listened to any of PriZm's remixes? :P

I never said that he was stupid or anything...I just suddenly noticed that nobody had insulted everybody in here yet. And you have to admit, it happens in pretty much every topic at some point or another.

He's a guitarist. He was being funny. Geez.

I'm not exactly sure how I turned into the over-sensitive asshole bad guy who takes things literally all the time and attempts to villify people over it...but since that's the case, I guess I'll apologize to everybody and God. And the universe, since I was responsible for the Big bang...yeah, that was my fault.

Oh, and I was the one who screwed up the wine and made it Champagne. My bad.

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