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SZRC - The Sonic Zone Remix Competition 2014 [TheGuitahHeroe wins - complete ZIP available!]

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Yep, Matt pretty much touched on everything already, but basically I was frantically scrambling to finish my set (as in, I wrote 3 new pieces of music and polished up 2 others in the last couple weeks). Last week was 5 10-11 hour nights of work, and I was hoping beyond hope that I'd have some time to throw something together while I was in AR, but it just didn't work out. I hate to disappoint, especially since we've already had so many drops. Sorry everyone :(

My sincerest apologies to Jamison particularly, who would have been robbed of proper competition regardless of whether or not I'd put something together - it wouldn't have been good if I had to make it that fast, and going up against a straw man opponent is no fun either. I'm really sorry man, hopefully we meet on the battlefield again!


One more week until the the SZRC Final Round tracks are due!!! Next Sunday, April 6th at 12pm Noon ET! BE THERE!!! :grin:

Similar to the 2012 SZRC competition, I'll be compiling a final zip file shortly after the compo wraps up, which will contain all the compo tracks, (most likely) a handful of bonus tracks, and any revised versions of tracks if anyone is feeling so inclined to clean up any of their compo entries! :-)

I can't wait for this week to be over, if only for the fact that I will be done doing Aqua Planet remixes. Seriously this source is such a pain. At least I got to inflict it upon 5 of you guys though. :)

Yeah honestly Aqua Planet is nuts. I had to heavily modify the melodies just to make it match the style I was going for lol... Best of luck :)


Aaand mine's submitted! I've honestly learned so much about production throughout this compo, and I think I've done some of my best work these last few months. Thanks to all the listeners for allowing me to continue on each week and to my awesome opponents each round! Can't wait to hear this week's music!

Posted (edited)

OK! Since I have both entries for the final round, I've got the music up a little early! Grab the FINAL ROUND tracks here and get to voting! Voting on the final round will remain open the normal time - until next Sunday, April 13th at 12pm (noon) ET, at which point we will crown the SZRC 2014 champion! :grin:

ladyWildfire and TheGuitahHeroe both brought their all (and some special guest appearances :wink:) this week for the final round! Congratulations to you two for making it to the finals and thank you everybody for participating in the SZRC 2014 and making it a great competition! I truly had a blast participating and hosting the compo and enjoying all the great music each week! I'll be posting some details over the next couple of days regarding my plans for a final competition zip release. Stay tuned!

Edited by SuperiorX
I like how both songs feel like a natural extension of one another. Oftentimes the songs are so different, but in this case they feel like they could really be a part 1 and part 2, they flow together quite well. Great job both of you! :-)

Out of curiosity, which one is part 1 and which is part 2?


Wow, definitely one of the better final matchups in the history of OCR compos. Nice work, you two!


Out of curiosity, which one is part 1 and which is part 2?

Well I partially just meant that figuratively to demonstrate that I was surprised with how well the two songs seemed to flow together. Your song is the first in the track list though, so I've actually only ever listened to them in that order, with yours playing first and then TGH's.


Gaaaah xD. Both songs are sooooo good :D! (Making the voting even harder lol).

Definitely a great ending to this compo.

My write ups for the match:

ladyWildfire: Pure Awesomeness.

TheGuitahHeroe:.......Epic Awesomeness.

I like how both songs feel like a natural extension of one another. Oftentimes the songs are so different, but in this case they feel like they could really be a part 1 and part 2, they flow together quite well. Great job both of you! :-)

I thought the same thing. They're in tune with one another :).

Great job you two :-D!!

Posted (edited)
Did anyone notice the Aquatic Ruin and Metropolis cameos in mine? Just wondering, cause they might've been too subtle.

At 1:14 is when I heard the Aquatic Ruins cameo begin. It's not subtle though since it's the leading melody there :).

I did miss the Metropolis cameo though.

Edit: Never mind, lol. I hear it clearly now.

Edited by Cosmic Sounds

On Topic: Both of these mixes are really cool! Loving em.

Kinda Off Topic: I appreciate the feedback I got way back in the first round, and it's really helped me in the past weeks. Been working on some mixes for other projects and compos, and things are working out and looking well!

So thanks ya'll! 8)

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