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I am a Zelda player myself and I like to think of Zelda and Sheik as one character: Zelda. When I say I play as Zelda, it means I use all of her moves, including transforming into and playing as Sheik. I change halfway between all of my fights from Zelda to Sheik, an effective method because your opponent is suddenly now facing a much faster, different foe. I also sometimes change from one or the other to return to the stage. I change to Zelda if Sheik can't make the distance, and I change to Sheik because she's better at avoiding spiking off the edge. I once attended a tournament, and the Sheik players I saw would not transform to save themselves. I say that there is 25 characters in Melee, not 26, so I have sharpened my skills with both of Zelda's aspects. Oh, and also, I like the idea of Zelda using her TP weapons.

Oh, and also, I like the idea of Zelda using her TP weapons.
You mean that sword she drops at the beginning and the Light Arrows she fires near the end? Because that's the only useful fighting things she does.

By Zelda using her TP weapons, basically you're saying you want her to have light arrows, right? That's pretty much all she got in that game. She never even tried to use that sword...

Just wondering because you guys are kinda making it sound like more than it is. (Unless I'm missing something...)

By Zelda using her TP weapons, basically you're saying you want her to have light arrows, right? That's pretty much all she got in that game. She never even tried to use that sword...

Just wondering because you guys are kinda making it sound like more than it is. (Unless I'm missing something...)

It's kind of wishful thinking, but yeah, we all like to think that Zelda can actually use the sword that she drops as a gesture of capitulation in that TP cinematic.

Well, we never saw Zelda fight in any of the previous game other than game, but they still put her in SSBM. So why can't they just make up stuff for the TP Zelda in SSBB?

Well, we never saw Zelda fight in any of the previous game other than game, but they still put her in SSBM. So why can't they just make up stuff for the TP Zelda in SSBB?

Never said they couldn't...I'm just saying that everyone's talking about them putting in Zelda's TP weapons when there was really only one that she actually used in TP. Didn't say anything about them putting weapons that weren't in TP on her. That would be kind of weird though.

I could see her using that sword, but only cinematically. I couldn't see her using it in Smash Bros. proficiently.


Since we're on the subject of Zelda, I wonder what they're gonna do about Shiek? We can assume they will be using TP Zelda rather than OoT Zelda, so it wouldn't make any sense to give her transform, since Shiek isn't in TP. Given, you could just forget about that and keep transform anyway, but I'd like to think that Shiek will be a separate character this time around.

Also, I love the idea of giving Zelda her sword. I say she should wield it not with the skills of a master swordsman, but rather she should beef it up with magic.


I could see her using that sword, but only cinematically. I couldn't see her using it in Smash Bros. proficiently.

It would be wicked sick if Zelda fought with a sword in Brawl. Chicks with swords are hot.:grin:

Also, I love the idea of giving Zelda her sword. I say she should wield it not with the skills of a master swordsman, but rather she should beef it up with magic.

I totally agree. If Zelda ends up being oriented around her sword for her move set on brawl, she should enhance it with her magic. Zelda, -it takes a little while to realize- is actually one of the more "heavy" characters in Melee, while in her Zelda form. Her attacks are slow, but powerful. She is quite an exception, because she gets knocked far for a heavy character type. Zelda's smash down is faster than her neutral ground attack, and I usually find myself relying on Nayru's Love to beat off someone close to me, because it responds the quickest. Zelda's greatest asset is her midair lightning kick, a deadly attack stronger than many characters' smash attacks. Few players realize how benefitial Farore's Wind can be in combat as well. Its reaction time is practically as fast as Fox's shine, and a person hit by it will fall over. I would like Zelda to remain a strong, slow character in Brawl, by "beefing up" her sword with magic.
That was why I mentioned Light Arrows, remember?

They're obviously going to have to add a repetoire of attacks to her, like they did with the first one. I was just pointing out that he said "all her weapons", when she only has... two, one of which she just drops to the ground.

I sense a new attack for her. Sword drop as her aerial smash down.

who mentioned Light Arrows? I think I did! yes totally on page 187. I mean, come on!

anyways. yeah, zleda/shiek idea is cool cause it was her dressing up.

I figured that it could replace her stupid crystal reversal thingy. It'll be like Links arrows except not so arching and more powerful but it would take awhile to charge up. (similar to fox and falco's diference in blasters, but with a larger difference)


if you haven't played tp you need to get off the fucking internet and head down to a game shop right now

there is NO reason to not have played it yet NONE at all

who mentioned Light Arrows? I think I did! yes totally on page 187. I mean, come on!

anyways. yeah, zleda/shiek idea is cool cause it was her dressing up.

I figured that it could replace her stupid crystal reversal thingy. It'll be like Links arrows except not so arching and more powerful but it would take awhile to charge up. (similar to fox and falco's diference in blasters, but with a larger difference)

I would rather have Zelda's transform be replaced with Light arrows, because I (even though I play as her) see Sheik as a too imbalanced character. She is currently at the top of the tiers. Also, Nayru's Love, dubbed by you, "her stupid crystal reversal thingy":lol: , is a necessity for Zelda. Not so much in use as a reflective shield, but when Zelda finds herself in close proximity with a faster responsive character, it is a great offensive attack. Zelda would be in trouble without it, not to mention it would be dumb if they removed one of the gods' magics. They should keep all three. Of course, if she changes to a sword-fighting style, she may not need to rely on the move as much.

I've noticed Nintendo's website is not showing much of Brawl, and it is difficult to find a link to the actual site from the Nintendo website. When can we expect them to start advertising it? Will it be around the time that the release date is announced? I think they may announce a release date at this coming E3, which will be July 11 – 13, 2007 at several hotels and Barker Hangar in Santa Monica, California, btw.

Yeah, I know. But my GC is broken, won't read any game discs.

And I wouldn't buy the GC version anyway.

I would, but let's not get into that.


I'm pretty sure that TP was meant to played on the wii. They probably altered gameplay so that it would work on GC because they had originally announced it to be for GC and they didn't want to disappoint anyone. Also because the wii was brand new when TP was released and not everyone had one and they were really hard to get. Had to make it more avaliable.

I'm pretty sure that TP was meant to played on the wii. They probably altered gameplay so that it would work on GC because they had originally announced it to be for GC and they didn't want to disappoint anyone. Also because the wii was brand new when TP was released and not everyone had one and they were really hard to get. Had to make it more avaliable.

Are you... kidding? The game was scheduled for release on Gamecube in November 2005, a year before it came out for Wii, but was pushed back to fine-tune and add a little more content. It wasn't announced in development for Wii until E3 2006. How are you going to say that a game that was almost completed for one system and then barely altered before it was also developed for another system belongs on the other system? Gamecube got the true-to-form version, no last-minute alterations, without a doubt (just look at friggin' Wight-handed Link on Wii). Whether that makes it more enjoyable is entirely a matter of personal choice.

I'm pretty sure that TP was meant to played on the wii. They probably altered gameplay so that it would work on GC because they had originally announced it to be for GC and they didn't want to disappoint anyone. Also because the wii was brand new when TP was released and not everyone had one and they were really hard to get. Had to make it more avaliable.

sorry you got it WAY backwards

it was meant for the GCN

they slapped a few motion controls and hailed it WII LAUNCH TITLE

I could go into it but yeah I don't feel like it so just know that you're wrong

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