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Anyone at OCR playing this? I've gotta admit, I'm enjoying the game so far, particularly its lampooning of gaming. It's got a pretty good, unique sense of humor, and I like that they're drawing heavily on the SP mythos in ways other than just "Hey, remember this? Hahaha, right?" They're actually expanding upon it.

Plus, it's a well-put-together game, from what I've seen.


I definitely recommend this game for any South Park fan. The attention to detail is really astounding and you keep finding references from practically every season of South Park. Like the Mongolian side quest, collecting Chinpokomon, and apparently Tom Cruise is still in Stan's closet.

Plus the battle system is really easy to pick up though I'm not sure about how the leveling works so far as I had just battle a crazed hobo that was difficult to defeat. (This was from the first few hours exploring the game.)

Also the description of the Sword of a Thousand Truths is spot on.

My wife's been watching a Lets Play of it despite not being a South Park fan. I've also been watching it in small doses.

Does anyone else feel like this is the South Park version of Paper Mario? :P

They've said specific influences for making them game were Earthbound, Paper Mario, and Zelda. I feel like that's pretty accurate.


I finished this one due to the being snowed in today. The game is amazing.

+ Fantastic Paper Mario style combat.

+ Authentic look and feel of the series, It's essentially like watching one giant episode of south park that stars you as the central character.

+ It is extremely funny. I haven't laughed this hard at a game in a very long time. I promise you - the comedy will not disappoint you one bit.

+ Canada. Oh my god. Canada.

Now for the bad...

- Much like Paper Mario, I feel the combat can get a bit repetitive and suffers from being a bit simple; the overall balance is good.

- There are a few overpowered items that show up every once in awhile, you get a helmet sorta early on that allows you to take a free turn after killing a single enemy. This can be chained infinitely, I played the mage and was able to just.. not give enemies a turn at all, though this strategy fails at boss fights, still - very exploitable in some ways.

- The difficulty of the game in general is pretty low. I think I died maybe once while playing through the game, If your looking for challenge - you'll find a bit, but for the most part, its pretty darn easy.

- It's pretty short. I took my sweet time and finished up most of the side quest work (but not all!) I ended up finishing at about 13 hours or so? for $60, I wish it was longer.


+ Fantastic Paper Mario style combat.

+ Authentic look and feel of the series, It's essentially like watching one giant episode of south park that stars you as the central character.

+ It is extremely funny. I haven't laughed this hard at a game in a very long time. I promise you - the comedy will not disappoint you one bit.

+ Canada. Oh my god. Canada.

- Much like Paper Mario, I feel the combat can get a bit repetitive and suffers from being a bit simple; the overall balance is good.

- It's pretty short. I took my sweet time and finished up most of the side quest work (but not all!) I ended up finishing at about 13 hours or so? for $60, I wish it was longer.

That's about the gist of my thoughts. I think the shortness of the game bothered me pretty deeply, as I'm a staunch proponent of pricing games based on length - if I'm paying $60 for a game, I expect 25+ hours on my first playthrough, and replayability.

Gotta say, though, the low difficulty level and OP items didn't bother me that much. I didn't truly expect it to be that hard, so maybe my low expectations helped in that regard; and while there were definitely some items that were OP, I didn't mind much because I spent most of my time using suboptimal items just for the amusement factor of their special abilities, particularly weapons.

And the humor... I'm not the world's largest South Park fan - I only find the occasional episode good - but I still found the game hilarious, particularly the Canada segment and the game trope jokes. There was one fight scene in particular that I'm not going to call by name for fear of spoilers, that I literally had to stop playing for several minutes because I couldn't stop laughing.

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