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DSes are region-free, so yeah it'll work, although everything will still be in Japanese. As for how good it is...I've heard it's a fun standalone fighter, but I think most of the appeal is from all the characters. So it probably depends on how much you like DBZ, Yu-gi-oh, One Piece, Shaman King, Kenshin, Death Note, etc.

DSes are region-free, so yeah it'll work, although everything will still be in Japanese. As for how good it is...I've heard it's a fun standalone fighter, but I think most of the appeal is from all the characters. So it probably depends on how much you like DBZ, Yu-gi-oh, One Piece, Shaman King, Kenshin, Death Note, etc.

Alright thanks, I did enjoy Kenshin alot, but my huge, vast burning rage with DBZ might just turn me off on this one... I've lost many hours of playing video games to that show when I was little, and I'll never forgive that show, ever, especially for having their fight scenes 3 frames for each guy.


Onward to FF3!!!

Thanks to Elite Beat Agents (and the general suckiness of every other DS game I've ever played, I've come to the conclusion that Nintendo is a company that I hate.) So, after destroying my DS, I touched that screen like I really wanted to: with a screwdriver.

So Nintendo, who only made the system, is to blame for the "sucky" games, even though they are made by third party companies. And they are sucky because the guy either couldn't play them, or they didn't match with his personal tastes.

So he then decides to destroy the hardware, which he paid for (or received as a gift) and is now at a loss of the cost of the DS.

This is either a rather well-thought up attempt to generate attention, or an indication of what kind of personal this guy is.

On the other hand, even though he took a screwdriver to the screen, it's still mostly intact. Damn thing's made out of transparent Nintendium, after all.


I don't care that much for reviews. As long as it's a 2d Castlevania, the game should be good.

Anyways, we preordered it for the sweet preorder bonus.


Yep, I just recieved PoR today too. :D

I almost stepped on it as well. 8O The postman had placed it between the two outside doors; The lack of light, and my glasses fogging up from the sudden warmth almost did the package in.

Too bad I can't let really let myself enjoy the game until finals are over... :cry:


bought a ds lite last weekend with

sonic rush

metroid prime hunters and

new SMB

all fun as hell

the music in sonic rush pwns!!( right there,right there,right there)

plus its actually kinda challenging great game

metroid prime is suprisingly good,works really well with the stylus. But im looking for a thumb stylus at the moment(which are non existent :( ) cos im fed up of tying the top of the stylus to my thumb.

new smb is very good love the look

and im getting those same feelings i got when i played through smw on the snes first time around.taken mario back to his roots yet kept it fresh as a daisy.

not that you lot didnt know that already,i just felt a need to exclaim how pleased i am with this system and games. :D:D

BTW:If anybody knows where i can get a ds thumb stylus IN THE UK, it would be really helpful if you could let me know tahnks


Damn, it's pretty amazing what people will pay for things. The preorder bonuses are cool but not THAT cool. Heh, had people known I guess all the preorders would've gotten preordered up by Ebayers.

Question: What's the plastic block that comes with preorder besides a plastic block with "Castlevania 20th anniversary" written on it? Anything?

Question: What's the plastic block that comes with preorder besides a plastic block with "Castlevania 20th anniversary" written on it? Anything?

It's a game case for two DS games: you have to slide the bottom part out a bit to unlock the cover, then it'll swing open.

The only really worthless part of the preorder bonus is the extra stylus. If it had some kind of cool display around it it would be cool, but it's just a white stylus with 'Castlevania' written on it.

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