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Yeha thats what i kinda figured. but you would not be able to say. "this area on the touch screen is the same as the X button" and so on. Or would that not work?

Considering the buttons for GBA games are already there on the console itself, you're looking at some nice redundancy.

Maybe you could sell it to DS owners with defective buttons but a functional touchscreen though :P.



When asked about Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin's wireless features, Iga explained that the game will offer a two-player cooperative mode that can be played either locally or online. Cooperative games will be played on special stages which, although the translation wasn't entirely clear, we're assuming refers to levels different to those found in the single-player game, and the monsters contained therein will vary according to whether the game is online or local because of technical limitations. Also supported locally and online will be a shop mode, where you can buy, sell, and trade items with other players.



Well, I didn't really want to clog the DS thread with my own personal crap that is only mildly related to any topics discussed therein, but I guess that mods like clogged threads. That being said:

I've decided to do a 2-part mod to my DS. I have already taken it apart and put it back together, so I know what I'm getting into (pretty much).

The first part will be easy: I'm painting it. I think I'm going to go with a dark green, and put a Triforce on the cover (doesn't that just spell nerd?). I'll be using automotive trim paint, so I shouldn't have any problems with adherence or the like.

The second part is going to be more difficult. I'm going to try to extend the wireless range somehow. I have noticed that the wireless on the DS is not very good, especially when you're stealing it, Oops, probably shouldn't have said that... so I want to try to improve on this.

The reason for this post is to ask for a little help with the project. First, should the Triforce be a pale yellow (that was all I could find), or should it be gold? My main fear is that gold will look tacky. I'll also take other color/theme suggestions. Also, does anyone here know enough about wireless internet to help figure out how to extend the range? Basically, the wireless antenna in the DS is two leads on a circuit board in the top. Does it improve reception to have the leads further apart? Does it improve reception if the leads have a larger surface area? These are the things I don't know. I've also considered adding a custom connector on the back so that I can attach an after-market wireless antenna.

Does any of this sound at all rational, or should I just scrap the idea? I'm also willing to take others' ideas, so if there's something you always wanted to see done to a DS I'll consider it (nothing destructive, though).



If this is old, I apologize.

Nintendo DS headset revealed

It's about fucking time. Although, only MPH and, in the future, Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam are games that I know of that have/will have VoIP support which will put this accessory to good use. For other games that use the mic, it'll mean less spittle on the screens. At $9 US (or more if you plan to import one), it's not a very risky investment. I have a splitter, so if it has just the one earphone shown in the image instead of two, I'll likely get one.


Pretty lame, I had just started getting into WiFi play again, and now my adapter is all screwed up.

Edit: Great Deku, I would use enamel paint, probably. Best check to make sure that that won't hurt the DS, but most enamels are glossy. A flat green DS might look odd.


If this is old, I apologize.

Nintendo DS headset revealed

It's about fucking time. Although, only MPH and, in the future, Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam are games that I know of that have/will have VoIP support which will put this accessory to good use. For other games that use the mic, it'll mean less spittle on the screens. At $9 US (or more if you plan to import one), it's not a very risky investment. I have a splitter, so if it has just the one earphone shown in the image instead of two, I'll likely get one.

Pokemon Diamond/Pearl will also have chat features.

When asked about Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin's wireless features, Iga explained that the game will offer a two-player cooperative mode that can be played either locally or online. Cooperative games will be played on special stages which, although the translation wasn't entirely clear, we're assuming refers to levels different to those found in the single-player game, and the monsters contained therein will vary according to whether the game is online or local because of technical limitations. Also supported locally and online will be a shop mode, where you can buy, sell, and trade items with other players.


That was kinda old... I think it was said right after E3... Still good stuff though, I'm looking forward to it.


I have something to add to this. I went to comic con and saw that Nintendo had a booth. I saw the voice of Mario and the whole bit and they had a bunch of games including Starfox DS and Mario 3 on 3 hoops.

Needless to say, both were amazing. Starfox, you do pretty much everything with the stylus, except the barrel roll :D

Mario 3 on 3 was good too. the controls were easy and it will be a lot morefun playing with people that are real, not computers.

Thats about all I have to add, and I am looking forward to the new pokemon.


If anyone hasn't said it, there's this new Capcom RPG coming out called Contact. Looks very interesting, kind of reminds me of Earthbound for some reason...

Can't wait for Star Fox, but they better let me have different control methods, I don't think I can do without my barrel roll.



I hate waiting for games that aren't even announced yet. When am I going to finally get my F-Zero love on the DS? Or Fire Emblem?

Not that I have money to buy games as it is. :(

Yeah, Contact looked somewhat interesting, but not enough for me to buy it. I'm still waiting for this RPG. I think it was plugged in this thread before, but worth mentioning again.

I have something to add to this. I went to comic con and saw that Nintendo had a booth. I saw the voice of Mario and the whole bit and they had a bunch of games including Starfox DS and Mario 3 on 3 hoops.

Needless to say, both were amazing. Starfox, you do pretty much everything with the stylus, except the barrel roll :D

Mario 3 on 3 was good too. the controls were easy and it will be a lot morefun playing with people that are real, not computers.

You have to be a serious knob to think the controls were remotely good on either of these games.

If anyone hasn't said it, there's this new Capcom RPG coming out called Contact. Looks very interesting, kind of reminds me of Earthbound for some reason...

IT'S NOT CAPCOM, RUBE. The game is being developed by Grasshopper, the same people who did Killer 7, and published in the States by Atlus.

I have something to add to this. I went to comic con and saw that Nintendo had a booth. I saw the voice of Mario and the whole bit and they had a bunch of games including Starfox DS and Mario 3 on 3 hoops.

Needless to say, both were amazing. Starfox, you do pretty much everything with the stylus, except the barrel roll :D

Mario 3 on 3 was good too. the controls were easy and it will be a lot morefun playing with people that are real, not computers.

You have to be a serious knob to think the controls were remotely good on either of these games.

Sure starfox was tricky, but it was easy after a little bit. As for mario, move with the d-pad and dribble/shoot with the stylus. Not that difficult or bad.

Phthisis works at atlus? They made Traume Center! :nicework:

He tests games.

Fixed. I test games. There's no "or something" about it. It's awesome.

That's a sick job.

Phthisis works at atlus? They made Traume Center! :nicework:

He tests games.

Fixed. I test games. There's no "or something" about it. It's awesome.

That's a sick job.

It is. The downside is that I'm not getting as much exercise as I would like, and I can't talk to anybody about what goes on in the office, and I really really want to.

Phthisis works at atlus? They made Traume Center! :nicework:

He tests games.

Fixed. I test games. There's no "or something" about it. It's awesome.

My bad. Didn't mean to offend.

BUT IT'S A QUIRKY JAPANESE GAME. We need more of those here. I don't care how fruity tingle is, as long as the game is fun and intersting.

I agree. I said that they should make the game but not include Tingle in Twilight Princess in any way. By the way Phthisis I'd never be able to keep my mouth shut if I had your job. Your resiliance is admirable.

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