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Get FREEDOM WINGS, bitches!

If you need a flight game for DS, get it. And by get it I mean buy it. It's a combination of flight sim and action rpg and the controls are excellent. Only $20, too.

Tell your parents, "Buy me Freedom Wings or go to Hell!"

That is all. :D

Get FREEDOM WINGS, bitches!

If you need a flight game for DS, get it. And by get it I mean buy it. It's a combination of flight sim and action rpg and the controls are excellent. Only $20, too.

Tell your parents, "Buy me Freedom Wings or go to Hell!"

That is all. :D

Could you elaborate? I was kind of interested in it, but it's not getting very good review scores, and I'd like a hands-on impression from someone.


Ugh, the little plasic surrounding area on my DS Lite is coming off. The little area above the GBA slot. I'm wondering if I should just send it into NOA or replace it with my replacement plan at Best Buy.

Ugh, the little plasic surrounding area on my DS Lite is coming off. The little area above the GBA slot. I'm wondering if I should just send it into NOA or replace it with my replacement plan at Best Buy.

I'm kinda curious how the replacement plan works. A friend bought his DS at Best Buy with the plan so when the black DS lites come out he can just replace it straight across. Is it something you can only do once?

If you can replace multiple times through the plan, I'd say just do it that way (since you'll receive your replacement immediately instead of waiting a few days for it). Either way, though, maybe NOA should be notified so they're aware of the problem (so they know what percentage has that defect so they can fix it for future waves).

Get FREEDOM WINGS, bitches!

If you need a flight game for DS, get it. And by get it I mean buy it. It's a combination of flight sim and action rpg and the controls are excellent. Only $20, too.

Tell your parents, "Buy me Freedom Wings or go to Hell!"

That is all. :D

Could you elaborate? I was kind of interested in it, but it's not getting very good review scores, and I'd like a hands-on impression from someone.

I just got the game yesterday, and I was pleasantly surprised. I've played for about two hours, mostly just flying around busting up random enemies.

You have two options for controlling your plane: "AI mode" and manual mode; you can switch at any time. In AI mode you basically let your plane do the fighting and flying while you tell it where to go/who to kill using the touch screen. You also control the general altitude and speed using sliders on either side of the touch screen. AI mode is nice to use against weaker enemies because the targeting is accurate but your plane doesn't seem to want to turn very fast, so you should take an active role. The other option is manual mode. Manual mode is regular flight-sim style controls; d-pad works like a joystick, L and R buttons the are rudder, and you still use the touch screen for throttle. The buttons are for guns, radar, and targeting. Landing at a runway is simple and forgiving as long as you have even the slightest idea of how a plane lands :D . Manual mode is generally best, as it is more fun and necessary to beat stronger opponents.

You have a buch of choices for upgrading your plane's stats (speed, weight, maneuvering, armor, power) as you level up. You level up in a fashon similar to (exactly like) rpgs. Kill enemies, get experience based on their levels, and get money, too. You buy better weapons and armor with your money.

When you take off and start flying around, air pirates will randomly show up and you'll want to kill them. Once, a short time after taking off there was a cargo plane that was under attack; I saved it, and when I landed and went to the cafe (you go to the cafe to get information from various dirty-looking people). He rewarded me with some money. I talked to another even dirtier-looking guy and he gave me information about a pirate airfield. I decided to head for the airfield and I also decided to use AI mode. Along the way my plane made short work of bad guys at lower levels, but when I got to the target, the AI had a long dogfight with a high level enemy and then got shot down by the heavy fire from the enemy zeppelin. I'll try manual mode next time.

You can fly wherever you want, but you'll want to stay away from areas with high level enemies. Flying from one area to another can take awhile; the game area seems huge. The graphics in the game are excellent for the planes, with spinning propellers and visible pilots. The terrain looks good from the air but some of the textures (mostly the ones for cities) can be pretty bad up close. The music is not spectacular, but it fits the game perfectly.

There is only one save file, and you lose half of your money that you gained when you are shot down. I haven't played multiplayer.

Umm... that's it so far. I haven't really gotten into the story yet, but I don't care if there is much of one because I am enjoying the gameplay so far.


I don't want to rub off and sound like a jerk, but I actually like SFC's artwork. I know that it was given a more "realistically-situated" look, but that shouldn't be the reason on why people seem to keep hating on it. It's just art, people.

Ugh, the little plasic surrounding area on my DS Lite is coming off. The little area above the GBA slot. I'm wondering if I should just send it into NOA or replace it with my replacement plan at Best Buy.

That's exactly what happened to me. I sent it in to Nintendo, and they sent me a brand new system within five days.

Just be sure to keep the little thing that plugs into the GBA slot when you do.

Ugh, the little plasic surrounding area on my DS Lite is coming off. The little area above the GBA slot. I'm wondering if I should just send it into NOA or replace it with my replacement plan at Best Buy.

I'm kinda curious how the replacement plan works. A friend bought his DS at Best Buy with the plan so when the black DS lites come out he can just replace it straight across. Is it something you can only do once?

If you can replace multiple times through the plan, I'd say just do it that way (since you'll receive your replacement immediately instead of waiting a few days for it). Either way, though, maybe NOA should be notified so they're aware of the problem (so they know what percentage has that defect so they can fix it for future waves).

I believe as long as you can prove there is something wrong with it, you can exchange it as many times as you want the 1st year.

Ugh, the little plasic surrounding area on my DS Lite is coming off. The little area above the GBA slot. I'm wondering if I should just send it into NOA or replace it with my replacement plan at Best Buy.

That's exactly what happened to me. I sent it in to Nintendo, and they sent me a brand new system within five days.

Just be sure to keep the little thing that plugs into the GBA slot when you do.

Wait, you're saying keep the GBA slot piece when sending it in? Why?

Wait, you're saying keep the GBA slot piece when sending it in? Why?

Because they don't send you a replacement piece. At least they didn't for me.

Did they send you just a DS Lite? Or one new in the box?

If it wasn't new in the box, how do you know it wasn't just yours but fixed? :P


Nintendo doesn't send in repaired stuff, just look at the serial number of the DS and you can tell easily.

Also, I saw a bunch of copies of Deep Labyrinth at Fry's today, I think I'm gonna go try and get it this weekend.

Wait, you're saying keep the GBA slot piece when sending it in? Why?

Because they don't send you a replacement piece. At least they didn't for me.

Did they send you just a DS Lite? Or one new in the box?

If it wasn't new in the box, how do you know it wasn't just yours but fixed? :P

They just sent the system. The invoice listed it as a new system, the serial number was different, and all the system settings were erased.


Did a search that said that a nearby blockbuster had some leftover copies of Phoenix Wright. I really hope they have some left as this thread has gotten me very interested in this game.

Wut? How big is the XBL userbase? Then again it is paid. I'd actually prefer a service like theirs to what it has now :?

They broke 2 million back in 2005. The DS userbase is growing at more than 3x the rate of Xbox Live (2 million in ~32 months vs 2 million in 9 months), so I think they'll surpass XL before the end of the year. :P


If I get a DS soon, I plan to get these games (if funds would come through):

New Super Mario Bros.

Sonic Rush

Mario Kart (obviously)

Metroid Prime: Hunters

Castlevania games (maybe)

and probably a shitload of others...DS has a lot of fucking GREAT games!! I don't know what to get!!

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