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OCR03070 - *YES* Donkey Kong Country 3 (SNES) 'Mountain's Wind'

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I'm a french producer/Composer of music electronic.

I contact you because i would like have my last remix on OC remix.

It's a remix of Donkey Kong Country 3 (snes)

For the moment my remix is private because i wait your answer

tell me if you are interested .

Enjoy :)

Aymeric Velozzo

Ps : This is the original version

But all people (1988 minimum) know this track :)



Onto the negatives first, especially on arrangement. 3:10 sounded a lot like 1:07's section, followed by 4:18's chorus being the same as 2:21's, so there's some copy-pasta action going on that made the arrangement feel less substantial.

That said, I thought the overall treatment WAS interpretive enough, and showed creativity in deconstructing the source to certain parts and periodically focusing on each one. Even though there was that repetition (and I would have liked more dynamic contrast past the halfway point), the arrangement approach was still interpretive enough to bear the repetition and the energy of the piece was solid.

And while I'm not a fan of directly sampling the original audio, it was usually layered with other original instrumentation playing the source as well, so the sampling wasn't leaned on like a crutch to provide the connections to the source material with no interpretation. I don't know if the other Js will dig this like I did, but I definitely respect the approach taken here and think we should roll with it. Nice ideas here, Aymeric!


  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

There is definitely repetition going on here, but I'm going to forgive it because liquid DnB. I love the way you've broken down the source and used the parts. This is such a creative take on this source and it is mixed really well (yeah it's washed in reverb but I'm a fan of that).

If this doesn't pass, I'd suggest just varying some of the verses/breakdowns somewhat in writing or instrumentation. I'm gonna give this a borderline only because of the repetition, but I totally dig this.

edit 7/16/14 - There seem to be some pops in the render around the 0:50-1:01 mark, perhaps we could get a better render before posting if this passes. Some of the percussion in the track also sounds like render artifacts but I think they are intentional, it would be better without these. The kick is quite loud, but for me it's ok.

YES (borderline)

Edited by Chimpazilla
  • 1 month later...

I'm a bit on the fence here. The arrangement has some great moments, and I like the variations you provided to the original. On the same note, I feel like there are some sections that feel like they are really lacking, either through arrangement or production. The first weird part is around 0:50, where there is some strange popping noises I'm hearing in the background. They continue for a while, and they almost sound rhythmic, but they sound unintentional and should really be addressed. After that are some sections like 1:43 where the lead synth is very timid compared to the rest of the track. I'd love you to adjust your sounds around a bit to make them stronger. Similarly, the guitar lead after that is really fakey, and could really use an upgrade. The other area I'd like to mention are a lot of the transition sections that feel a bit empty. I think you could pare down some of these areas and shorten the track a little to let the good parts shine through more and have a more direct impact on the listener.

I do think it's close, and the arrangement is a pretty fun take on the original that improves a lot of parts. I think it's not quite there yet, and some adjustments in the production area and maybe a bit in the arrangement end will really make this shine. Good luck on the rest of the vote!

NO (resubmit, please)


Dat intro.

I like how you've approached both the production and the song progression/flow. I'm a big fan of DnB, so I may have some genre bias going here :)

There is definitely repetition going on here, but I'm going to forgive it because liquid DnB.

Haha, this.


Source was smartly interwoven in various sections throughout the track. As Larry mentioned, I definitely would've liked something to differentiate the copy pasta sections.

From the production side, I'd say the kick could be brought down a bit and the snare either boosted a bit or made a bit more meaty.

Love the atmosphere, though. Very cool track. You have a new fan :)



I too enjoy Liquid DnB quite a lot, so I'm looking forward to this one.

Alright, here's the thing--this is going to be a case of several small things combining to push this in the wrong direction. My main nitpicks are as follows:

- The kick drum is too damn high--in the mix, that is. Doesn't need to be QUITE that in-your-face, and it becomes a bit distracting, especially when compared to the smoothness of the rest of the track.

- The track is a little sparse in places where it really begs for a fuller sound. The intro had me thinking it'd be all atmospheric and cool when the beat dropped, but there wasn't so much as a pad to be found, just a short stab bass and some other little arpeggios. I love the processing on what's there, but I think it could use some more to it. Add a bit of drum breaks in and out, get some more synths going so that the song keeps moving well.

- Repetition. I got to about 2/3rds of the way through the song and I was like, "hey, we're done now, right?" Nope! Still going! Wiiiiith little to no variation, musically. The drums, too, are roughly the same the entire time, without so much as some fills to keep it interesting.

It's *ALMOST* there. Just needs a touch more TLC before I'm okay signing off on it. What's there is delicious, and I can see why it's gotten some love already. To get this to a passing level in my book, this shouldn't really take you more than an hour or two in your DAW to finish off. I look forward to seeing it back soon!

NO (please please PLEASE resub!)


A lot of my remixes are deconstructive, and as such, I really dig this style, especially when it's this polished. Aymeric made smart use of the original melodies, and dare I say, came up with something that is a bit more cohesive than the original source song! Really, the only complaint I have is that there is some repetition. It's not entire copy/pasted sections, but many of the elements are reused. A little more creativity and variety would have made this a 10/10 remix in my book; as it stands, it's a pass.


  • 1 month later...

Dat fakey guitar! v______v

There is a lot of good stuff in these, but the repetition and non-expansive treatment of the second half of the song left me a bit cold. There is a ton that can be done to make the arrangement more exciting!

Overall it's good, but not quite over the bar for me.

No, please resubmit

  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I think the track overall is pretty great. The source usage is in your face, and there is a lot of clarity in the mix. I am a fan of the synth choices and dig the beats. I actually dig this more than the source tune, and that can be tough when remixing.

My main concern with this mix is the arrangement side - it gets a bit repeaty for my liking to substantiate the length. The source is largely responsible as it's quite short, so there isn't a lot to work off to keep things fresh. I can also appreciate stuff in this genre can lean towards the repetitive side, however I'd love to see some more original bits to add some variation which will make the track more enjoyable. I'm a bit on my own saying this, but when listening I thought the track was basically the same thing twice and could almost go for half the duration and be enough.

All that this needs is a touch more variation throughout and I'm in. My recommendation is to play with some slight note variation and some changes in your synth modulation across the track to make the first and second half of the song feel more unique.

NO (super borderline)

Edited by Jivemaster

Chill, danceable, solid production. Nice attention to detail with the synths. The percussion has a satisfying presence. I do agree with those who said your kick is too hot, but it's not a deal-breaker to me. I like the midrange synth that follows the bassline and then dissipates into an arpeggio… sweet. Source usage is straight up dance style.

Which is my main beef. I always like to hear twists on the genre, but this is too well executed for me to not say



YES - Conditional

My initial impression was to vote for resubmit, but having re-evaluated this for a fourth and fifth time, I honestly can't find enough wrong to lean that way anymore. The arrangement is stellar; the original song is entirely transformed. Listening to the source, I wouldn’t have thought it would translate well into DnB, but this takes the delicious cake. I especially love the way you worked in some of the sounds from the original version, like the guitar-ish lead at 2:11, while still making them fit right in.

However, there are some mastering/clipping issues revolving around the drums. It’s most noticeable around the 2:21 mark during the single kick drum hits. While I don’t normally think mastering issues alone are enough to warrant a NO vote, in this case, they significantly detract from the listening experience. The clipping becomes less evident through other parts of the song, but the drums are still just overpowering as hell and could use some toning-down.

In my opinion, just make some minor tweaks to the compression, ease up on the drums a tiny bit, and this is cool by me.

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