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Posted (edited)


Who has got Destiny on PS4?

We need some OCR Fireteams going

JOIN the OverClocked ReMix CLAN!!


We need 3 people to join before we get our clan tag and benefits. Please do so! (hit "Set as PlayStation Clan" or whichever platform you use)

Make sure you set your clan and not just join the group! :-D

Other useful links!

http://destinypublicevents.com/ -- Public events timer to get your daily gold tier events

http://www.isxurinthetower.com/ - Is Xur in the tower?! Find the dark snake-faced merchant (follow twitter too)

Edited by Brandon Strader
Posted (edited)

I'm a bit worried about the lifespan of this game, it isn't quite the mmo giant it was marketed as. Or at least the mmo element was severely overhyped. I feel like playing a co-op campaign of halo, but with a loot system. A friend of mine has been playing this day and night, and feels that there isn't much to achieve anymore... Sounds bad. Game's been out for about a week. Do more people feel that way?

Edited by RiverSound

I haven't played it that long yet. Around level 7 and just now visited the moon. :-P Taking my sweet time. They're releasing the first expansions in December, so... apparently their plan is to pump 10 years worth of content into the game over the next 10 years or something. Sounds crazy to me.

I think to some extent it's similar to the Diablo 3 Blues where you spend all your time looking for better gear and items and then at some point you just realize "Why am I doing this?" and quit.

Posted (edited)

JOIN the OverClocked ReMix CLAN!!


We need 3 people to join before we get our clan tag and benefits. Please do so! (hit "Set as PlayStation Clan" or whichever platform you use)

I don't know if this will make it easier to get a fireteam going but I'm open to trying

edit: I think I fixed it so you can join regardless of what platform you're on (PS3 / PS4 / Xbox360 / Xbone) so go ahead and join up!

Edited by Brandon Strader
Posted (edited)

Ok so this is a little awkward, but you guys didn't actually join the clan yet, you just joined the clan group. It's too confusing and I hope they fix this in the future.

When you click on "PlayStation Clan"

Clanmates are members to choose to set this group as their clan.

Members are number of people who joined the group.

*shrug shrug*

Also, post your characters. Here's mine. Nothing special at all, still low level, need more time.

Edited by Brandon Strader
I joined the PS4 clan the other night and have been representing OCR pretty well in the Crucible! Anyone wanna play some Skirmish sometime?

Sweet!! I still have yet to add people who posted their PSN IDs here... really bad about that kind of thing, but I'll get to it. What's yours, ebuch?

I just hit level 20 and I still have Mars left to finish, just started it and only did 2 missions on it so far. I'm not particularly useful in Crucible because of the other people being so high leveled.. but I leveled up myself from 14 to 17 in the Crucible, even without doing too well you still get like 1800 XP per match and I was on a winning team once. :-P

My character is looking cooler too :-)

So now the whole thing is collecting armor with a Light stat to get stronger, eh? That should be interesting. I'm not sure how "Destiny became a completely different game at level 20", it's kinda like Paragon levels in Diablo 3.. doesn't really change the game entirely.. but I'm excited for finding some good legendaries.

Sweet!! I still have yet to add people who posted their PSN IDs here... really bad about that kind of thing, but I'll get to it. What's yours, ebuch?

I just hit level 20 and I still have Mars left to finish, just started it and only did 2 missions on it so far. I'm not particularly useful in Crucible because of the other people being so high leveled.. but I leveled up myself from 14 to 17 in the Crucible, even without doing too well you still get like 1800 XP per match and I was on a winning team once. :-P

My character is looking cooler too :-)

So now the whole thing is collecting armor with a Light stat to get stronger, eh? That should be interesting. I'm not sure how "Destiny became a completely different game at level 20", it's kinda like Paragon levels in Diablo 3.. doesn't really change the game entirely.. but I'm excited for finding some good legendaries.

Went ahead and sent you both friend requests! I'm a warlock, which balances nicely with your titan and hunter characters. :D

I'm pretty much stuck at level 27 until I can gather enough Ascendant Shards to fully upgrade my purple gear.

Well, in the Crucible, your levels don't matter, its just your skills / weapon ability.

Right.. the people who are level 20+ were wrecking me in 1 hit because they had light levels, more powerful weapons, and more powerful skills... so while level advantages were disabled, ... they totally are not disabled. XD If you get what I mean.

Right.. the people who are level 20+ were wrecking me in 1 hit because they had light levels, more powerful weapons, and more powerful skills... so while level advantages were disabled, ... they totally are not disabled. XD If you get what I mean.

I noticed that monsters can still kill you when they're 15 levels below you, if you aren't careful enough heh.

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