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I know I need to mix it up a little bit - and there seems to be a point where things need to come 'up front' a little more - there's no real focused lead instrument.

This is my first song in reason 3 though, so I think I'm doing pretty good so far. Also, I need to work on those scratches a little bit - I'd like to have a little scratch breakdown session in there somewhere, but I figure that'll take some real time before I can nail that.


this is pretty freaking sweet, dude! I didn't mind the music in spinball, though it wasn't my favorite game by any means. And since I never made it past the first level most of the time, anyway, this song immidiately caught my attention. Nice job, although I can't really give you any suggestions as to what to do next on it, other than keep working on it. Nice production quality, although the arrangement is a little too close to the original. But this is a great start. Keep working on it, you'll get something eventually.


I am really liking that funky style you've got for this! My only complaint, really, is that the main bass is too "sub"-ish, and can't be heard as well. Other than that it's sounding great.


Definitely a good base for a song. I think the lead is there, you should just emphasize it more. That dirty synth could sound a little prominent. What it needs more of though, imo, is something that fills the spectrum more. Some mid-to-high legato strings or pads, might fit nicely. The song sounds too barebones right now.

The drums sound a little dry to me, at least the hats, but I might have a habit of putting too much reverb on the percussion. And you might throw in a crisper snare, or maybe a rim or clap, in addition to the current one. Could just be personal preference though, so I'll leave that one up to you.

Anyways this songs got lots of potential, I'll tell you that, but it hasn't lived up to it yet. Keep at it. Increase the MOOD.


Sonic Spinball is one of those games I wishe they would make a remix project for. You have really done this song justace, kept all the parts I have always liked, but made it sound smooth... Awesome job there... though I think it does need to be longer and have a little sorta solo thing there in the middle maybe, but that's good!


it's cool, but still too much similar to the original one... someone maybe could even mistake it for the original, or an official remake for a spinball ost disc

I don't know what to say to help you... custom melody parts, new song style (even the actual one being nice)... I dunno! I'm just a listener! The way it is now, I don't believe the judges would accept!

be creative and go ahead! ;)

it's cool, but still too much similar to the original one [...] The way it is now, I don't believe the judges would accept!

be creative and go ahead! ;)

Yeah, that's where I normally get stuck. I get in the habit of improvising too much, and it doesn't sound like a remix anymore...

I'll keep working on it though - still looking to get some decent scratch programming in there somewhere...


Though it didn't change much, I liked the first one better--the bass was better before, and so was the first synth that comes in.

Yeah, that's where I normally get stuck. I get in the habit of improvising too much, and it doesn't sound like a remix anymore...

Go with the flow! improv is what makes a good mix! if the mix is original and varied to the source it works well. I have heard remixes what only use one riff of a melody and still work well. it just needs to be reconisable that its that game, as it is its cool. but if you added some improv sections it would be awesome.

This style of music has alot of scope. go with the flow! :)


Really enjoying the lead you have in there. The scratches give me flashbacks of Toejam and Earl... Bad flashbacks. The organ synth isn't bad, but isn't good enough to stand on it's own. Not sure what to say to make it sound better. I really like the lead-in you have at :43 and :44. One of the games I used to play for countless hours just to pass the time years ago, and this remix brings back some fond memories. Good job, keep up the good work, and I'll check for updates periodically


Dang. You're pretty good at this remixing thing.

Everything sounds decent as is. Not sure what to suggest..

I'd seriously like to see some crazy soloing.

Maybe, if they fit together, you could have a section towards the end of the final version where various instruments would each play a separate part of the tune all at once.

Or you could cut the bass for an eight-count or two.

Or both.

Maybe you've already done so and I haven't noticed. I don't really remember the original arrangement so it's possible.

Where this current WIP ended, I seriously was expecting things to pick up again at the top of the next measure. You should think about doing something like that: cut everything out, rest for a beat or so, come back with something like measure 5 on a new measure.

Finish this.


Very nice stylistically. I can definitely groove to this.

A bit repetitive. The main theme repeats a lot with various overlays; try to mix it up a little in the later parts.

Dunno about the rap, I could see it but personally I'd prefer it if this just got a little more varied.

Nice work.


defiantly something to groove too, it's like late 80's earl 90's rap. the hi hats r a lil high, just a lil though not much. I'd say either actually have some vocals, or go with some crazy solo somewhere, maybe mess around with the melody and see if u can't come up with some kind of solo, def a good mix

  • 2 weeks later...

Updated again.

Looking for someone to collaborate with on this one. It's done entirely in Reason 3, I don't think I used any extra refills or samples.

I figure maybe someone else can take it in that new direction - either that, or I can let it sit for a while until I get inspired again, I guess...

Any takers?

  • 2 weeks later...

it's really better than the last ones...

however, it's still quite repetitive... I think you should do some composition. and a simple detail: isn't the tune that shows up at 0:27 too faded away?

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