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Honestly I've barely been around here lately and it makes me sad. That's what I get for accepting a position in management :< Luckily its only until May, so that leaves a lot of year left to actually start accomplishing things again!

Well, let's make a small list:

- Reconnect with my fellow musicians (I'm hoping MAGFest helps with this as well as having more free time in the summer)

- Finish ALL of my current project commitments here on OCR.

- Complete at least 1 new album, original or remix (I've had plans for a Shinobi 3 album for a while, I'd like to see it through)

- Start practicing guitar and / or piano at least once daily, starting this summer (or sooner if possible)

This is what I would like to accomplish. I'll give it my all. Best of luck to everyone else on their resolutions, and I hope to see you all around more this year. I've missed this place.


1. Post on the forums more than once a month.

2. Clean my plate of all my remaining OCR stuff so I can have a full stop for a little while (need a break for real life for a bit).

3. Get to goal weight of 165 by this time next year, no other pressure physical fitness-wise.

4. Make 2015 the most active and growing musical year for me since 2010. I have hopeful plans to make and release 3-5 albums.

5. Start a family (maybe, this might be a 2016 goal).


You might want to put that as your New Years resolution for 2021. Although my reference so far is that the publishing dirge is a bit more forgiving now than it was even a few years ago, you really need to work your way further up first.

You would do better to amend it as "1. Have solo novel manuscript accepted by indie publisher and market the hell out of it." if you'd like to stand a better (i.e. actual) chance at realizing the majors. Major publishers don't "buy" novels from authors whose biggest accomplishment yet is getting on an anthology at a failing business (unless I'm mistaken and Barnes and Noble took a huge upswing last year that I wasn't aware of).

I respect the success you've made so far in your endeavors, and it's BECAUSE I respect that that I'm telling you to focus better and get more realistic sights ahead. It kinda sounds like you're trying to be an expert at... everything... in twelve short months when you've only fully accomplished one of your seven goals from 2014. Ambition only goes so far, the real world has other plans.

Little doubt do I have you could accomplish them someday, but only if you save a bunch of those items for future resolutions. Focus first, one goal at a time, and forget the time frame. That will be how you check off that list.

Oh man, if publicly telling me I can't do this isn't a good inspiration for me to accomplish all of these, I'm not sure what is. I appreciate your cautionary advice, but I plan on hitting most of these this year, and I listed them because I have good leads on all of them.

But re: publishing. Indie publisher? Yuck. That's how to get yourself stuck in low-end publishing for the rest of your career and work your tail off to get 1/100th of the exposure a major pub house can offer you. Nobody I know in the industry started there and ended up at Tor. There's a big debate going on between traditional/indie publishing right now, but as of right now the big pendulum swing hasn't happened.

Maybe I'm nitpicking because I have ego issues, but Barnes and Noble is just a distributor. The publisher was Baen, one of the biggest fantasy/SF publishers in existence. Citing B&N was just me wanting to walk into a place and be like hey, shit, I wrote that.

But you're right in that most of the big pub houses don't buy direct from authors (Tor does, but it's rare. The others simply don't accept manuscripts from authors direct). They buy from agents. Which is lucky for me, as mine also reps Brandon Sanderson :D

Love you, Meteo. :twisted:

I guess to dream much bigger is a good resolution these days?:tomatoface:

Always, without doubt. If you try to do your best but can't reach an higher resolution, you will probably have done more than if you were trying to reach a lesser resolution. :-D


I know none of this matters much to anybody, since I'm some sort of ultra-lurker on the forums here, but I figured it's good to put these sort of things down in writing for accountability blah blah:

-Play guitar daily (I went almost a year without playing due to a shoulder injury, I just started playing again and didn't realize how not playing affected my mood)

-Completely finish a song

-Submit, at minimum, one Remix

-Buy a piano and learn how to actually play it

-Become an active member of the forums and actually respond to people's WIPs instead of listening and thinking "that's cool, I bet I could say something helpful about it"

I seriously love watching the forums, and I figure it's time to dive in. I haven't felt like I "belonged" because I was out of commission, musically speaking, for months, but this seems like a really supportive community and I'd love to be part of it.

I know none of this matters much to anybody, since I'm some sort of ultra-lurker on the forums here, but I figured it's good to put these sort of things down in writing for accountability blah blah:


I seriously love watching the forums, and I figure it's time to dive in. I haven't felt like I "belonged" because I was out of commission, musically speaking, for months, but this seems like a really supportive community and I'd love to be part of it.

Get on in here, yo! Welcome aboard! :-D


I seriously love watching the forums, and I figure it's time to dive in. I haven't felt like I "belonged" because I was out of commission, musically speaking, for months, but this seems like a really supportive community and I'd love to be part of it.


Seriously though don't be afraid to chime in and hang around even if you don't have a musical bone in your body. People who listen to music always belong with people who make it. Unless they're jerks. Then they don't belong with anyone.


Seriously though don't be afraid to chime in and hang around even if you don't have a musical bone in your body. People who listen to music always belong with people who make it. Unless they're jerks. Then they don't belong with anyone.

I do have a few musical bones in my body, I just don't quite know how to use them yet.

...Okay, that sounds weird, but point being, I'm really hoping to be a part of the community and develop my own skills while helping others sharpen theirs.

I'll make a whole slew of new friends and then alienate them with partisan, iron-clad views on subjects
I almost lost my BEST FRIEND simply because she couldn't handle disagreeing with me on a certain something. Upon reflection, I realized there is literally nothing someone could say to me to make me want to unbefriend them. So you've at least got me for life yo. I don't think you're personality is as bad as you think it is, but maybe I'm naive. Haha.
to live Gotye's somebody that i used to know
I had to google Gotye. FINALLY, your sentence makes sense to me. Hopefully the lyrics aren't anything like a Gwar song.
but who said resolutions had to be a sure thing? ;-)
Well, technically, the definition of the word resolution says that it's a sure thing. ^_~ But yeah, it's totally good to go for high goals even if they seem beyond our reach.

OK. I finally feel like resolving to do some things.

I resolve to sleep a lot less and use the time to work on projects that could further my dream of being a YouTuber/musician

I resolve to work like working is nothing to me

I resolve to quit my day job. Preferably sooner rather than later.

I resolve to translate some more stuff for OCR in celebration of quitting my job. (I haven't done that in years.)

I resolve to keep searching for opportunities and not fear rejection

I resolve to create a program for beginning guitarists that want to play in VGM bands.

I resolved, so that means I'm going to look pretty bad if I don't come through.


I didn't post my New Years Resolutions last year, but here they were (and how I did):

-Finish that book. Done!

-Graduate without any unforeseen problems. That also was a success.

-Get a REAL job. It took 3 months of grueling job searching, unemployment and a low-paying (great) internship, but I got one!

-Reach below 180 pounds. This did get accomplished, but has since climbed back up, though now its going back down again. Stability helps.

-Compose at least one full piece. This I failed at, but I wasn't really able to given the things I was doing.

Here's the resolutions for 2015.

-Compose a choral piece for the WMGSO.

-Improve physical wellness and stamina (no more target weight bullshit).

-Keep working on the Sonic 25th Anniversary album.

-Post more on OCRemix and hang with more cool people.

-Get a raise (maybe!)

-Keep studying Japanese and take/apply for the N5 JLPT.

-Save enough money to buy something for myself.

-Watch some good anime (or at least get a Crunchyroll account!)

I'm really hoping to be a part of the community and develop my own skills while helping others sharpen theirs.

I'm on the same boat, I'll try the same this year, It was part of one of my resolutions (Make new friends) :smile:


Huh, I could've sworn I already posted my resolutions here.

Anyway... I already have more official objectives/goals in my professional life, and that's crazy boring to put here, so I'll stick to the more enjoyable things. So, here are my resolutions for 2015:

(1) Eliminate the rest of my gaming backlog, not counting anything new I pick up this year. (This is down to <10 games now.)

(2) Find new venue to improve speaking/writing abilities in Japanese. (Reading/listening are less of an issue right now. I may have to seek help from the Japanese Embassy and see if they have any programs.)

(3) Post regularly on message boards -- both OCR and LunarNET. (Failed at this last year... let's try this one again...)

(4) Revise non-game sections of LunarNET. (Also failed this one last year...)

(5) Tackle the unanswered emails in my inbox... all of them.

(6) Find a way to work less. ...this one is a long-shot

As the year goes on, I might add some different goals. Especially if I can actually accomplish #6. KF

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