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Hm, choices choices. I like the idea of a full OCRA album, but not so much opening it up to all ps1 games. That IMHO will lead to the typical games you see in OCR's top listings (FF, Chrono Cross, Megaman, you know the drill), which is cool but not for this album I think. 


What I found interesting about this album is that you limited it to the less remixed games, games with only 1-2 remixes. How about a compromise between the two? Make it an OCRA album, but don't target it to the 20th anniversary per se. Name it something like 'PS1 Lost Gems' or 'Forgotten Treasures' or something. That would keep the pressure off you to do the release properly (as the album deserves) while still sticking with the album concept. To OCRA or OCRI doesn't really matter to me, but with OCRA you maybe get a bit more exposure, which is always cool.




I like the OCRA album idea of Jorito but I also don't want my song to sit there for like 2 years haha. I think releasing it as soon as you have the current tracklist done is good and maybe you could do a part 2 next year or something if you want to cover more lost gems.


I like the OCRA album idea of Jorito but I also don't want my song to sit there for like 2 years haha. 

I echo that sentiment as well. I've been on an album that I was excited to see its release, but a last minute change held it back for months. (no, I'm not talking about Super Dodge Ball, if this is what you guys were thinking...  :razz:)

That said, while I did say it's all up to you in how to direct this Ivan, it appears that you've got some valid options from some of the other artists. By allowing for both more popularly-covered games AND a time extension that has no real historic significance, I have a feeling this would kill what seemed to be your initial goal for this project. In fact, I'm with jnWake in thinking that adding more popular games would also hinder the general feel behind the project full stop.

As for OCRA vs OCRI, do remember that while we are going for a very niche audience, the amount of love we give to the games in question is what truly matters. Whether it gets released this year or next, the album will still do its job in wowing a generation that grew up with the PS1.

Other than that, there's not much to add that hadn't been added already.


Well, I do have something to add :) If Ivan feels it's helpful, I'm happy to help out with whatever needs doing to get this album released. I'm pretty experienced at managing and making sure stuff gets done. But if you'd rather finish it up yourself that's also fine with me :)

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Sorry to keep you guys waiting! I've been extra busy, but here's a short summary of where this album is headed next. I'll be updating the first post later today.


Short summary:

Top 6 games listed here can't be claimed: http://ocremix.org/system/ps1/games/?&offset=0&sort=mixcountdesc

Multiple remixers can claim a single game. However, the sources AND styles must be different!

There is no longer a restriction on ports, but at my discretion, I may turn your claim down. For example, even though Chrono Trigger was on the PS1, I wouldn't allow it.


I've got 11 wavs so far, and they're all good to go. If anyone wants to change anything, feel free to do so.


Approx. deadline: Q2 2016. I'll figure out the exact date when I update the first post.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Sorry for the lack of news, but I'm afraid the news I have are bad.

After missing the first milestone  (that is, the actual PS1 20th anniversary) I kinda lost the enthusiasm for this. Combining that with my complete lack of time, I think it's best to kill this project off so the songs that have already been accepted by the judges can be posted on the site. If the judges need mastered versions for any of the songs that are already accepted... well, it's better to contact the artist, because the wavs I have are all unmastered.

Once again, sorry this album didn't work out :(


  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

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