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Happy Groundhog Day!!

Brandon Strader

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Groundhog Day is a huge Holiday at the Strader households! I would like to wish you all a great Groundhog Day, later we can discuss the outcome of the Groundhog's forecast and in the coming weeks, see how accurate it was. The news is already forecasting more snow for this area, so I can see the Groundhog potentially going in that area as well. We'll see!


Yup, I realize I missed it -- just barely. But Groundhog Day is not just a mere day; it is a way of life for a week or two.

2013: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=42817

2014: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=46207

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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Gotta be honest, I would be terrified that groundhog would bite my face.

May I inquire as to why is carries such significance?


Groundhog day explained:

Excerpt: "If you think that Groundhog Day is a dumb pointless holiday, there are 2 things you should consider: (1) you have no sense of fun, and (2) you better be careful on Groundhog Day because in addition to their weather predicting day jobs, these groundhogs also have the magic power to trap you in an infinite time loop until you learn to be less of a jerk."

Happy Groundhog Day!

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The only reason why I know about Groundhog Day is the movie. Which was badly translated in French as we don't have that special day here: "A Day Without End" :lol:

I've never heard of that, it is hilarious and amazing!

The hog say'd:

6 More weeks of winter... not unexpected. It's been a rough one so far, and it's going to be rough for a while yet.

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So it appears that Punxsutawney Phil has an accuracy of only about 39%. Now, I'm all for asking woodland creatures for meteorological advice, but perhaps it's time we expand the pool beyond groundhogs and start including raccoons, squirrels, beavers and possums ( except chipmunks ) and see if perhaps we can actually find a rodent that can make consistent predictions...if I had only 39% accuracy I would be out of the job. So I guess what I'm trying to say is let's open up the field for a more diverse collection of vermin we can trust with weather forecasting. Any thoughts on the matter

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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Gotta be honest, I would be terrified that groundhog would bite my face.


BOOM! Haahahaha!! I'd bite someone in the face too if they pulled me out of my bed at 6am to ask if I see my shadow.

As for Groundhog being 39% accurate.... those are pretty good odds. Think of it like baseball, 39% is a pretty good batting average.. not like legend status.. but not bad.

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BOOM! Haahahaha!! I'd bite someone in the face too if they pulled me out of my bed at 6am to ask if I see my shadow.

As for Groundhog being 39% accurate.... those are pretty good odds. Think of it like baseball, 39% is a pretty good batting average.. not like legend status.. but not bad.

BwaHahAhaHaHahaHa!!!! please refer to this video for my reaction (I have never had a piece of cinema so accurately describe my emotions, when I saw your post)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mV1LWhNpTJU&spfreload=10 I saw your post while at working 6 hours ago, and it still makes me laugh. I had not Idea this happened, but I have never felt more validated in my fear. Bede-Bede-Bede-Bede..... Thaaaaats Rabies For Ya!

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