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OCR Twitch Streamers


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I never really noticed this thread, but I've been streaming at least once a week recently (usually on Thursdays). Not playing games or music, but I've been writing code on my stream :)

So if anybody wants to watch some programming, check out my live coding stream once a week:

http://www.twitch.tv/sagnewshreds (I guess you'd put "programming" in the category parentheses for listing this one)

It's been a ton of fun and there's a surprisingly healthy audience for it that's been growing. I'll be streaming again this upcoming Thursday and I'll either be writing some JavaScript or working on some iOS stuff.

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On 2/9/2016 at 0:31 AM, Sagnewshreds said:

I never really noticed this thread, but I've been streaming at least once a week recently (usually on Thursdays). Not playing games or music, but I've been writing code on my stream :)

So if anybody wants to watch some programming, check out my live coding stream once a week:

http://www.twitch.tv/sagnewshreds (I guess you'd put "programming" in the category parentheses for listing this one)

It's been a ton of fun and there's a surprisingly healthy audience for it that's been growing. I'll be streaming again this upcoming Thursday and I'll either be writing some JavaScript or working on some iOS stuff.

Added.  Also, very cool.  I didn't know livestreaming coding was a thing until now :)

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Hi everyone, I'm new to these forums and twitch streaming as well. I played games all my life so I'm fairly competent. I don't really have a schedule but I have been currently streaming Final Fantasy IX on PC and sometimes casual Starcraft II with various ocremix tracks. I don't talk on my mic when I stream eveningish PST usually. My channel involves gaming/game music mostly/I talk sometimes. 


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If I may spam this thread: I'm looking for testers for a soon-to-be-released indie game, particularly testers who can record video - It occurred to me that this thread might be a great place to find someone!  Finding testers who can record video has been surprisingly difficult.  I need video recordings in order to improve the difficulty/balance, to ensure each part is neither too hard nor too easy.  I can't test the easier difficulty levels myself because I've had WAAAAAY too much practice.  As Extra Credits said: "*You* are the worst tester of your game."  Umm, "you" as in "me", not you.  *You* are the perfect tester ;p


But, although this is a streaming thread - I must ask testers to *NOT* stream or publicly release the gameplay videos.  I'd much much *much* rather people PLAY the game first before watching, and so, I don't feel comfortable having video of the game available while the game is not yet available to play.  (Watching a video before playing it would be like reading all the spoilers for a movie/book/show before watching it - It would ruin all the surprises!)  ...And on top of that, you'll be playing an alpha build that may need some improvement on the difficulty side of things.  But if anyone records a video and *really really* wants to release it, I'll consider letting you release it *after* I've released the public beta :) The timing of the public beta release will depend solely on the testing - these tests are the final piece of the puzzle I need in order to release the game.


Anyway, here's my thread, where you'll find a brief description of the game, and some screenshots:


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  • 1 month later...


I've recently started streaming, and it's been an "interesting experiment."

Since so many games have passed me by, I think a theme will be me experiencing classics for the first time. I'm currently on Disc 3 of Final Fantasy  IX, to be followed by Earthbound, Metal Gear Solid, maybe Grim Fandango Remastered?

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On 6/27/2016 at 6:26 PM, q-pa said:


I've recently started streaming, and it's been an "interesting experiment."

Since so many games have passed me by, I think a theme will be me experiencing classics for the first time. I'm currently on Disc 3 of Final Fantasy  IX, to be followed by Earthbound, Metal Gear Solid, maybe Grim Fandango Remastered?

Added to the first post.  Keep 'em coming, guys :)

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