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Edit: I got the volume and monitor levels right, check the latest post for my problem, thanks.

Alright, so I'm doing this piece, and I finish the song, listen to it a couple times...then listen to some other stuff, and find out that the track is way too quiet!

A little disclaimer here :P I've searched the forums already, but couldn't find anything that was of a lot of help, so I'm asking this here.

Now... the track itself sounds really quiet compared to other music, and yet at the same time, I'm getting pretty close to clipping... I really don't know why.


Right, so you see, it's only reaching -5 db here, and yet that monitor is showing a bit of red. I'm curious, how high/red/filled does that monitor have to be before it's considered clipping, or it interferes with the song?

I'm really confused right now. I've taken a couple other professional tracks into FL, checked things out, and while the volume gets nice and loud, that monitor stays pretty low, and the waveform is pretty tame, whereas mine... well, you can see what's going on in the picture.

So, if anyone could help me with this, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.


Look, I know this must be annoying for all of you, but I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing! My track, whether I push the master volume up to 100% or 0%... the db level stays the same. Shouldn't that go...you know. Lower? It brings that monitor way out of the red, but then the track is even quiter than before.

Is there a way, that without sending that monitor into the red and starting to clip, that I can keep the track loud? It seems the only way for me to get it down, is to turn the volume down, and it's already too quiet.

Look, like I said, I know this must be a pain for you to have to explain this, but I would really appreciate some help, rather than a search function. I checked out all the topics I could find on this matter, but I didn't really understand what they were talking about. Sorry.


To be fair, Compy, he didn't say there isn't anything written about it, just that he couldn't find anything. Subtle difference there.

Anyways, QK, this question has been answered many a time before. What you want is a compressor, or limiter. I owuld recoomend you go check out part 5 (I think, might be part 4) of Zircon's tips and tricks. Its stickeyed up at the top of the forum. That should explain what compressors and limiters do, and how they work. Then play around with them until you vaugely know what you are doing, and if that doesn't work, then come back here and talk to us. Cool?


Edit: Alright, after a while, I tweaked it so it's just right, and that monitor is staying down. Now, while that's great... I still have a question. Whenever I listen to music, I usually don't hear much of a "buzz"/scratching sound while it plays, save for a few tracks. Now... while the monitor is down, the volume is just right, I'm getting a sort of fuzz/scratch/buzzing sound going on in certain parts of the piece. On speakers, you can't even tell that that's happening, so I'm wondering it it's merely my headphones, or if I still need to do some work in my piece to get rid of those "artifacts".

Look, like I said, I know this must be a pain for you to have to explain this, but I would really appreciate some help, rather than a search function. I checked out all the topics I could find on this matter, but I didn't really understand what they were talking about. Sorry.

Then pay an engineer or keep your hands of making music. Especially with Fruity Loops. kthnx.


Guess I shouldn't have said it like that. I understand what they're talking about, it's just that I was having a bit of trouble getting things just right.

And anyways, I managed to fix the majority of the problems I was having. If anyone still has any advice about that fuzz, which I managed to reduce, it would still be appreciated. Thanks.

maybe you're running low on resouces/ram.

Major probable source of the problem. If your CPU useage gets near 40 or 50, thats when the fuz starts. It also could happen if a program like AIM is giving you those little pop-up things in the corner and the only way to fix it is top restart FL.

Compyfox: Shut the fuck up. If you don't have any helpful comments, stay out of the threads where stupid questions are asked.

QK: For future reference, use the Fruity Loops help thread stickied up top.

Compyfox: Shut the fuck up. If you don't have any helpful comments, stay out of the threads where stupid questions are asked.

No YOU STFU, nobody likes you anyway, noob!

Lazy people just piss me off! Read your books, read you manuals. Else keep your mouth shut!

I help whenever I want to, not if somebody "tells me to".


Erm. Ok, well the CPU is staying pretty low (1-5) most of the time, however it does go up around 15-16 at times. So I'm guessing that that's not my problem. When I export the song, the fuzz is still there.


Which meter is it? That vertical meter only shows the levels of whatever mixer track is selected, which could explain why the master is higher (assuming you're using multiple mixer tracks for things).


the fuzz could be some bad speakers or headphones...?

And also, check to see that something else isnt killing your soundcard too, like Chavous said... I remember I used to get buzzing when I had MSN open; MSN would make a sound while i was musicing and until I restarted my music program, there'd be a distinct buzzing.

If its neither of those, compressors/limitors are your friend. But it takes a while to learn how to use them well, so get ready for alot of patient work...


I'm guessing it's just my headphones. The stuff sounds fine when played through speakers, so I guess I won't worry about it too much. Thanks for the help though.


If you are using a front audio output for you headphones, its probably noise from your computer. I noticed that I was getting some noise whenever my hardrive was reading or writing... so now I use the back port for my headphones. Bit of a tangle if I want to change to speakers, but totally worth it for sound quality.

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